【English room


會客廳,drawing room

畫室,painting's studio


休息室,lounge(飯店,機場)staff room(公司)

化妝間,dressing room

換衣間, fitting / changing /dressing room

女士衛生間,powder room

洗手間,rest room(公共場所)


do chores,做家務活

The electricity is cut off. 斷電

The faucet[ˈfɔːsɪt] is leaking. 水龍頭漏水


不適合,Sportswear is not suitable for business women.

很合身,The clothes fits you well.

付款,I'll pay / I'll pay for it

特大碼,plus size


flood the market 湧入/供應給市場

Memories flooded back. 記憶湧現

in/ burst into floods of tears 淚如雨下

Flood someone out 洪水迫使人離開


be walking on air 非常高興

walk the walk,說到做到,言行一致

walk on eggshells蛋殼,戰戰兢兢地做事

Please don't walk over B ,強迫B按自己的想法做事

let B walk all over A ,A強迫B


wander around,閒逛,漫步

pace up and down,(緊張、焦慮)踱步

limp ,vi. 跛/一瘸一拐地走

stride into the classroom,(堅定自信/憤怒)大步走

creep into the room,(因不想被看到或聽到)悄悄地走


act like a princess/prince 公主病

make fun of your coworkers at work 吐槽同事

in disregard of their feelings 不顧別人感受

Don't knock it until you've tried it 別一開始就說不

You have nothing to lose. 反正也沒損失


the name of the game,最核心的事情

You name it ! 儘管說!

call my name,叫名字

call me names複數,罵我


Jump ship,跳槽

In the same boat,處境相同

draw the line,底線/只能做到這一步

I'm in/down. 加入/ 算我一個

Let's meet up soon,就到這兒吧

I'd love to but,想去,但有事情

I will bear it in mind,放心上,會留意


What's up? Not much just busy.瞎忙

Bye for now,先掛了

see you around,不確定何時再見面

so long,即將分別很久的再見

Safe journey ,對方去旅行時說的再見

Mind how you go. 向你的父母問好


a set of fine china.一套精美瓷器

I feel fine, 身體不錯

fine 最佳去處 dining,高檔精緻餐廳

