shoot the breeze什麼意思?

The old Bryce wanted to go back in time, wanted to hang with Garrett and shoot the breeze, wanted to hate Juli Baker again.


Author: Wendelin·Van·Draanen 文德琳·範·德拉安南


shoot the breeze什麼意思?

shoot the breeze什麼意思?

shoot the breeze -【Cambridge Dictionary】: to spend time talking about things that are not important,為了打發時間和別人閒侃。

We sat out on the porch, just shooting the breeze. 我們坐在外面的門廊,聊著天。


shoot oneself in the foot -【Cambridge Dictionary】: to do something without intending to which spoils a situation for yourself,做了一些事卻沒想到使自己陷入不利境地,說到這,大家有沒有想到中國常說的一句老話,沒錯,就是搬起石頭砸自己的腳。

I think you might be shooting yourself in the foot if you don't help him. 如果你不幫他,我覺得你可能會無意中壞了你的事。

shoot the breeze什麼意思?

Brexit: British exit,即“脫歐”

shoot one's mouth off - 【Cambridge Dictionary】: to talk too much in a loud and uncontrolled way,以一種聒噪誇張的方式大談特談,說白了,就是胡說八道,吹牛皮,這讓你想到了誰呢?

Don't go shooting your mouth off about how much money you earn. 不要吹牛你賺了多少錢。

shoot the breeze什麼意思?

shoot the works -【Cambridge Dictionary】: to use all your money or make the greatest effort you can,動用你所有的錢或者作出最大的努力,說人話,就是孤注一擲,破釜沉舟的意思。

I sold my only house and shot the works to study overseas with enough money. 我賣掉唯一的房子,有了足夠的錢,我鋌而走險去國外留學。

shoot the breeze什麼意思?

