














Taoist beliefs and cross - cultural dialogue

Xingdong Feng (Sichuan ChengDu)

There is China’s biggest group of prayer wheels named Feitianzang in Mountain Doutuan, the national park in my hometown. As Buddhism and Taoism exist harmoniously in this temple, it could be regarded as the model of harmonious symbiosis. Moreover, it is an example of cultural integration of different religions, where Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are coexisting in this peaceful site based on mutual trust, compatibility and respect.

Currently, due to the development of internet and trading, there is no place being isolated in religion and culture communication. In this circumstance, it's a trend for cross-culture communications, gradually building mutual trust between different culture and religions.

Taoism is an indigenous religion of China, which regards Tao as its highest belief. Originated from Fangxianjia in the period of Spring&Autumn and Warring, Taoist is a religion form of polytheism of worshiping various gods. The main purpose of Taoist is to pursue immortality and save people who suffer from diseases, starvation and pain. Nevertheless, in order to establish meaningful and valuable communication between different beliefs, it’s important to distinguish the similarities and differences among various religions. Basically, it could be explained in 4 different perspectives.

Firstly, the birth and death. Birth and death is the fundamental proposition of life. World religions (mainly refer to Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Islamism, the same meanings mentioned below) have different cognitions and dogmata on birth and death. However, the eternal theme of religion is to find out how to transcend life and death and become eternal. And each religion has its own understaning on this topic. Typically,world religions regard birth and death as totally opposed things. Birth is a process of suffering while death is the step to liberation from the suffering. However, Taoism’s opinion on birth and death is entirely different. Taoism believes it’s a great pleasure to be alive. Death is the most terrible thing. Hence, they focus on the practice of alchemy, Qigong, Mediation and anti-aging to pursue the meaning of Taoist.

Secondly, Soul and body. The relationship between soul and body is another basic proposition of religion. World religions accept soul and body could be separated based on the concept of Dichotomy of Soul-Body and Immortality of Soul. Taoism does not support abstinence but emphasizes on abstinence and practice of soul and spirit and the rule of longevity. To prolong life is only a means to practice, not the ultimate goals. It is a part of health preservation, called ‘Ming gong’ . The lofty realm of life and the essence of Taoist practice is to realize transcendence of spirit, freedom of thoughts, disposition of practice and cultivate personality. This part is called ‘Xing gong’. ‘Ming gong’ is mainly for the behavior practice. The ‘Xing gong’ is mainly for the inner world practice. Practicing both physically and mentally would be beneficial to the metals. By abstinence, people could realize the unity of mortal and universe.

Thirdly, the god and the mortal. World religion believe there is a wide gap between god and mortal. Gods create the mortals. Hence, god could dominate mortals. Mortals should obey to the gods completely. However, Taoist believes the relative independence between mortal and god. In their opinion, gods and mortals could be the same thing to some extent. In Chinese history, loyal officers, excellent generals, noble celebrities could have the same status as gods, such as Confucius, Yue Fei and the emperor, etc..

Fourthly, the karma. World religions have beautiful hypothesis about ‘future world’. They advocate the heave, the hell, the dead and other karma concept. Therefore, believer should do good things to get positive repay. Basically, the repay is mainly for the next life. Taoist has the same karma cognition. But differently, the standard to distinguish good and evil is the Tao. Only those things according with the universe could be regarded as good. Conversely, it would be the evil. Taoist not only persuade people to improve themselves, but also remind them to do positive things to the afterworld. In addition, the merits could be inherited to posterity. Thereafter, their posterity could enjoy the achievements of their ancestors.

All religions have common identification on truth, good and beauty. For most people, truth good and beauty represent happiness. As for the essential aspect of religion, different people have various opinions. However, it still has something in common. For example, religion and belief help us to balance the inner world and outside. Basically, the inner world is the physical organs and the spiritual world. As for the outside, it is the nature, the society and environment.

Through knowing the similarity and difference between Taoist and other religions, we form our rational cognition on religions. The goal of all religions is to influence individuals to purse good things, like the Harmonious symbiosis with people and nature. Additionally, establishing Trust and forgiveness to promote cross-culture communication is anot.

