
高頻動詞take的基本意義包括拿走、攜帶、引領、運送、乘坐、採取、接收、食用、花費等,還可以跟in, on, off, over, out, up等小詞搭配。具體用法看如下例句:


The more frequent a word is, the more time it is worth spending in learning it.

I accidentally took your jacket instead of mine. 我不小心了你的夾克。

This bus takes you downtown. 這趟巴士會運送你到市區。

He'll have the fish and I'll take the chicken. 他吃魚而我雞肉。

I take full responsibility for what happened. 對於所發生的事,我承擔全部責任。

The school takes just 20 students a year. 這所學校每年只招收20名學生。

What size do you take? 你穿什麼碼?

They arrested him and took his fingerprints. 他們將他拘捕並採集了指紋。

He took my name and number and said he would call me back. 他記下我的姓名與電話號碼,說會打給我

We took the highway into the city. 我們高速進入這個城市。

I’m taking a course on American literature. 我正在美國文學課。

I was surprised by how well he took the news. 對於這一消息他應對得很好,我很驚訝。

He takes me for Superman. 他把我當做超人。

Investors took fright at the news and pulled their money. 投資者對這一消息感到恐慌,隨即將資金取出。(take fright at對於...感到恐慌)

He took several punches to the head. 他頭部遭受了幾次重擊。

The latest band taking the country by storm is a UK group. 讓整個國家大吃一驚的當紅樂隊來自英國。(take...by storm使...大吃一驚,採用ing形式作後置定語修飾band)

None of us was completely taken with the idea of staying there for an entire month. 我們中沒有人喜歡在那裡待上一整個月。

They took home the championship for the third year in a row. 他們三年連奪三冠。(take home帶...回家;in a row連續,等於consecutively)

They took a 35-20 lead in the third quarter. 比賽第三節,他們以35:20領先。

If it rains, we can take shelter in the house. 如果下雨,我們可以在這房子裡躲雨。(take shelter躲避,後面可接from,take shelfter from the storm躲避暴風雨)

Transitive verbs take an object while intransitive verbs do not. 及物動詞後面


(To be continued!)

