



包括: after, although, because, and if 。







  • Whether you like it or not, you have to attend the afternoon lessons.
  • Unless
    you apologize, you will be punished.
  • Unless you put more effort into your studies, you will not excel.

  • 副詞從句(狀語從句)位於句子中間:

    此時會有逗號將句子中間的副詞從句分開。 因為這是一種不同尋常的表達,最先想要表達的意思被中間的副詞從句隔斷了。


  • Dogs, although they bark, they cannot scare visitors.
  • James, although he is good at mathematics, he cannot score everything.
  • Chocolate, due to
    its low melting point, can never be used to bake.

  • 副詞從句(狀語從句)位於句子結尾:



  • You need to keep on practicing the song until you get it right.
  • Give us a call when you get past Melbourne.
  • The day so was long because we were completely idle.
  • You need to remain calm even if something does not go as planned.
  • I won’t let you watch the video clip even though you are 18 years and above.
  • I never knew how good life was until I met you.

  • 副詞從句(狀語從句)的類型

    如果不確定某個從句是否為副詞從句,請檢查主語和動詞。 如果它由一個動詞和一個主語組成,並且確實回答了when, where, how的問題,那麼它就是一個副詞從句。



    • 地點狀語
    • 時間狀語
    • 原因狀語
    • 目的狀語
    • 條件狀語


    地點狀語從句表示地點、 方位, 這類從句通常由where、wherever等引導。地點狀語從句可置於句首、句中或句尾。

    • Where there is a party, there is enjoyment.
    • We went home, where we had dinner. 此句是where引導的"非限制性"定語從句,這裡"where"= at home(先行詞是home)從句還原" we had dinner at home"全句譯:我們回到家,在家裡吃了頓飯.
    • I walk into the canteen where students are eating. 此句也是where 引導的定語從句,與上句不同之處在於此句是一個"限制性"定語從句.全句譯:我走進了這個同學們都在吃飯的食堂。(限定說明了是一個什麼樣的食堂)
    • Go back where you came from.(where引導地點狀語從句)


    用表示時間的連詞連接一個句子作狀語,這樣的主從複合句就是時間狀語從句。連接時間狀語從句的連接詞有:when, before, after, while, as soon as, until, since...... 這裡要注意一點的是,如果主句是一般將來時,從句只能用一般現在時表示將來意義。

    • When the referee brews the final whistle, all the players left the pitch.
    • After the exams are done, we will all leave the school compound.
    • When you think you know nothing, then you begin to know something.當你以為自己一無所知的時候,你就是在開始知道一些事物了。
    • Our headmaster laughed as she spoke.(我們的校長邊談邊笑。)
    • While my wife was reading the newspaper, I was watching TV. (was reading是延續性的動詞,was reading和was watching同時發生) 。
    • It will be four days before they come back. 他們要過四天才能回來。
    • I have been in Beijing since you left. 自從你離開以來,我一直在北京了。


    原因狀語從句指在句中用來說明主句原因的從句。引導原因狀語從句的從屬連詞有because(因為), as(由於), since(既然), now(that)(既然), when(既然), seeing (that) (由於,鑑於), considering (that)(考慮到), given (that) (考慮到),for(為)等。

    • She won the race because she had done enough practice.
    • She was arrested because he stole the neighbor’s umbrella.
    • The woolly shrank because it was washed badly.  毛衣因為洗滌的方法不好而縮水。
    • Seeing that it’s raining, we’d better stay indoors.
    • You shouldn’t get angry just because some people speak ill of you.
    • Since you are free today,
      you had better help me with my mathematics.



    表示目的狀語的從句可以由that, so that, in order that, lest, for fear that, in case等詞引導;

    目的狀語從句的謂語常含有may, might, can, could, should, will, would等情態動詞。

    • You must speak louder so that /in order that you can be heard by all.
    • He wrote the name down for fear that(lest) he should forget it.
    • Better takes more clothes in case the weather is cold.
    • He eats a balanced diet every day to stay healthy.
    • He drinks two glasses of water after every day because the doctor has advised him to do so.
    • Say it louder (so) that everyone can hear you.
    <code>【注意】in order that與in order to的區別: 

    in order that+從句
    in order to+動詞原形 ( in order to後面加的那個不叫目的狀語從句,叫目的狀語)

    in order to 為了,後接動詞原形,做目的狀語。
    i get up early in order to catch the early bus.

    in order that 為了,後接從句,做目的狀語。
    i get up early in order that i can catch the early bus./<code>




  • You can buy a new home if you save money.
  • Unless you work hard, you will not do well in your exams.
  • If you ask him,he will help you.   如果你請他幫忙,他會幫你的。
  • If you fail in the exam,you will let him down.   如果你考試不及格,你會讓他失望的
  • You will fail to arrive there in time unless you start earlier.如果你不早點動身,你就不能及時趕到那兒。
  • Unless it rains,the game will be played.除非下雨,比賽將照常進行。
  • I can tell you the truth on condition that you promise to keep a secret.我可以告訴你真相,條件是你答應保密。
  • You can go swimming on condition (that) you don't go too far from the river bank.你只有在不遠離河岸的條件下才可以下水游泳。
  • He will sign the contract provided we offer more favorable terms.如果我們提出更優惠的條件,他就會在合同上簽字。
  • He won't be against us in the meeting provided that we ask for his advice in advance.如果我們提前徵求一下他的意見,他就不會在會上反對我們。
  • Supposing it rains,shall we continue the sports meeting?倘若下雨,我們的運動會還要繼續舉行嗎? 
  • Supposing anything should go wrong,what would you do then?假如出了什麼問題,你準備怎麼對付?
  • <code>但有些句子,雖沒有含條件關係的連詞,卻也隱含著條件關係,
    如but for,without等引出一個介詞結構來表示條件,條件應該是虛擬的,或與事實相反的假設。
    如:but for若非,要不是
    But for the rain,we should have a pleasant journey.

    But for your help,we should not have finished in time.

    If it dosen't rain tomorrow,we will go to the zoo.
    If you open the door,i will come in./<code>



