
Thanks everyone for today! I’m so happy to see you again before taking off for my 2-year ride!!!

I had a really good time here in Shanghai in the past 2 years, and it’s not because Shanghai is any kind of special, but all because of you guys! You helped me so much! Without you guys I don’t think I can even survive in Shanghai! No mention this great days in my life!!!

I can’t believe I’m now on the road cycling around the world now! After 6 years of helping people with their bikes and rides, it’s now my time to RIDE!

Lots of friends suggested me to change my plan a bit because of this virus, I know! Thanks for the care! And sorry that I didn’t follow these good advices. Just because out there, we’ve got so many dangerous things even more scary than the corona virus! If I change it because of the virus, I could probably change it again and again because of some other problems. It’s so easy to give up you know, it took me too much effort to finally make it to the start, I can’t hold back now.[皺眉]

Beside that, Mowgli is always somewhere there, if you have any problems with your bikes or anything else you think Mowgli might be able to help, just give me a call or send me messages! I’ll try my best to support even though I may not be around[擁抱]










