
在網絡上有經典的翻譯:you did a did a me, I hua la hua la you


Speaking of this, I think you should all know the Chinese meaning of this translation. Our ancient saying is "the benefaction of dripping water is rewarded by gushing spring". It means that even if you receive a little benefaction, you should redouble it (in action) when you are in difficulty


As everyone knows, novel coronavirus pneumonia is a serious disease in Italy. We have been sharing the case of gratitude for 32 years. As we all know, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has swept across many European countries. Especially in China, the total number of new crown viruses has been confirmed as 21157 cases and 1441 cases died in March 14th. After receiving the request from Italy, the Chinese government decided to support Italy urgently, sending chartered aircraft and supplies across nine. Thousands of kilometers to Italy



As early as 1988, the Italian government provided free assistance to Sichuan and established the largest emergency center. Over the past 30 years, this emergency center has played a very good role in providing great support for medical services in Sichuan.


During the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, Italy became the first country in Europe willing to help China


At that time, Italy sent more than ten first aid experts to be stationed in the disaster area of Mianyang, Sichuan Province, and also assisted with a full set of mobile hospital equipment and 110 field tents. The Italian medical team for aid to Sichuan has been treating the wounded in the disaster area for a long time, and 900 of them have turned their lives around. They have made important contributions to Wenchuan and established deep feelings.


Sichuan people have always been grateful. This time, the three experts offered to repay the Italian people when they were in trouble. We don't have to pay for it specially. It has been 32 years since the reward came back. This is our Chinese tolerance and self-cultivation!

泱泱華夏曆史,中國人歷來知恩圖報,中國人和四川人一直抱著感恩的心, 這次援助意大利自然是投桃報李,只為回饋和還情。由於中國援助專家和物資的及時到達,意大利人民也紛紛表示出了感謝

Great Chinese history, the Chinese people have always been grateful, the Chinese and Sichuan people have always held the heart of gratitude, this assistance to Italy is naturally to repay the good for the bad, just to give back and repay the good. Thanks to the timely arrival of Chinese aid experts and materials, the people of Italy have also expressed their gratitude.


It's a spiritual pursuit for people to be grateful to others. But there are not many people who can do it completely. We Sichuan people and Chinese people have done it!


May the world's people succeed in the war and epidemic as soon as possible

