今天又有一个员工辞职了 Today,one colleague resigned


Hello,my friends,i get one message through compact/tight/defined path/avenuge is that one fellow/colleague/workmate/co-worker has submited his resignment report to company HR department ,and heard that his resignment has been signed/ admited/authorized/ratified/approved already in the morning ,but i do not know whey he would hand his resigement to HR/handed over his report to HR ,i can not contrive /understand/see his action/behavior,i just heard that news from onlooker/bystander/inspectator,it si said that he could not adopted the local atmosphere/climate/and working surrounding and environment ,not going well in his jobs,so he decides/determines to resign ,there i introduce/talk about/have a talk/chat on this handsome boy,sorry ,he is man as he has married already.

这个员工职业是翻译,这已经是我们公司招聘的第7个翻译了,从当初的第一个到现在辞职的已经是走了4个翻译了,他们的工资待遇还好,有点想不通他们为什么辞职,要知道他们的工作相对我们基层一线的工作是比较简单的,而且工作环境也不错,有空调办公室,很少去现场。这个帅哥今年34了,性格挺阳光,活泼,爱打篮球,平时下午下班经常到我们的宿舍来窜门,聊天,还是挺不错的一个小伙子。家是无锡市,家里有社区改造的拆迁房2套,一套120平,另一套90平;他还有个弟弟,弟弟和他一样,房子也是2 套。爸妈又一套60平的房子,没有任何的经济负担,老婆在无锡上班,两人育有一个女儿,今年已经上一年级了,有些羡慕他,不像我还有房贷。

His career/cause/enterprise/undertaking/occupation is language of english,his mayor is professional english at univercity.if we counted the number of resignment worker who employed in english ,he is seventh in sequence,it meaned he was seventh translator company employed from society,there were four translator have selected resigement from company untill now ,and get news/messages/hearing from otherworker,their wage/salary treatment is well/good compared with frontline workers.so i get puzzled by their resigen.as well their working enviroment is good with air-conditioner,the jobs were not hard but trivial affires,the working rigidity is weak and feeble,not offen go to site except special events.his is young with 34 years old but married already ,he is a sunlight/optimistic boy,like moving/playing basterball,he offen went to play basterball when he knocked off work,and had a talk/chat with us in camproom/chamber,so i think/assess/evaluate/estimate/appraise he is a good/genial/honest/sincere/genuene/kind boy.his home was located at city WUXI ,it owned two suits apartments through relocation of old house ,one set is 120 squaremeters,another one is 90 squaremeters ;his young brother is same with his condition ,plus hie parents also have own house of 60 squaremeters,so there is no any kind of economic lode on his shouders,his wife is working at city WUXI,he has one daughter studying at one grade.i admired him/jealous/envious of him as i bought a apartment using mortage/loans of bank ,i will pay stable money to bank as a installment.


Now,why do this boy resign from company,i do not want to dissect/analyse it as their private/individual/personal excuses.after all i really do not know about truth,if i analyse it wrong,somebody would blame/critisize/censure/condame/accuse/prosecute me,so i abandon it.generally, he has own reasons,but i think he should not select resign at the moment as severe domestic and overseas/international diseases of novel phneumonia at the moment.aithough domestic novel coronovirus has turned well ,and going to good direction/tendency ,if resigning now ,it is not easy to find/search/retrieve a good job from competitiveemployment market,and further,it is not optimistic to get a position at international /overseas occupation,so i said it is not benefitial to him ,it is not a good chance/oppurtunity at now,had better submit his resign report to HR after the epidemic/pandemic disease is defeated/frustrated/annihilated/aradicated/rebooted/wiped out/surrendered/captiulated.but he has submitted his resign to relervant sector,it is too late,i feel pitful/regretful for him, hope he goes well in his journey,and find his postion as soon as possible.best wishes to him/lucky dog.

