
中华民国开国纪念币是1911年12月29 日经辛亥革命后,光复的17省代表在南京推选孙中山为中华民国临时大总统,民国成立时鼓铸的纪念币。

The commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China is a commemorative coin which was coined on December 29, 1911, after the revolution of 1911, Sun Yat-sen was elected as the temporary president of the Republic of China by the representatives of 17 recovered provinces in Nanjing.




The design adopts the portrait of Sun Yat-sen, the great president, and later the general silver coin changes the pattern. Sun Yat-sen ordered the Ministry of finance to write, agreed to drum cast commemorative coins, and ordered the rest of the general silver coins to have new patterns, "in the middle, a model of five grains should be drawn, taking the meaning of the rich, the old and the people, and following the rules of urging the farmers to do business", ordered the Ministry of finance to quickly make new patterns, and ordered the mints of all provinces to drum cast according to the patterns. Soon after, the Ministry of Finance issued a new model to Jiangnan (Nanjing), Hubei, Guangdong and other mints, which was the origin of "the founding commemorative coins of Sun Yat Sen of the Republic of China".


中华民国孙像开国纪念币银元,正面中央为孙中山侧面肖像,边缘内上镌中文隶书体“中华民国”4字、下镌“开国纪念币”5字、左右长枝花饰。背面中央为中文隶书体“壹圆”或“伍圆”及嘉禾,边缘英文“中华民国”、“壹圆”,左右分列五角星(后改为六角星)。边齿为橄榄齿,壹圆币重26克左右,伍圆币重36克左右。成色96%-96.9%,俗称“小头”。该币壹圆币作为中华民国国币发行,流通甚广,数量较多;伍圆币英文“ONE DOLLAR”错版,数量稀少。


In the center of the obverse is the side portrait of sun Yat-sen. inside the margin is engraved with four characters of Chinese clerical>




The silver dollar, the commemorative coin of the founding of Sun Xiang in the Republic of China, was not all minted in the first year of the Republic of China. In the 16th and 17th years of the Republic of China, the mints of Nanjing and Tianjin were all minted, but all of them adopted the "commemorative coins of the founding of the Republic of China". The silver dollar, the commemorative coin of the founding of Sun Xiang in the Republic of China, is not very good at English because of different foundries, different casting times, and the Engravers' English level. Except for the main patterns on the front and back, there are variations in the details of flower decorations and English letters, especially the errors in English letters. This resulted in a variety of types of the coin. There are two kinds of widely handed down: one is pentagram, the other is hexagon.



On the layout of hexagons



In the 14th year of the Republic of China, the national government was established in Guangzhou, moved to Wuhan in the 15th year of the Republic of China, and established its capital in Nanjing in the 16th year of the Republic of China (1927 A.D.). In order to commemorate the great achievements of Sun Yat-sen, the central government used the image of the father of the country. In the 16th and 17th years of the Republic of China, Nanjing and Tianjin mints made a large number of new coins to commemorate the founding of the Republic of China. The front and back of the silver dollar are basically the same as the former, while the top left and right are hexagons. It weighs about 27 grams. As the obverse and reverse of the coin are relatively regular, there is no error in Chinese and English, and there is also a hexagon star set, so it is called the hexagon star version, which is abbreviated as "six stars on the founding commemorative coin", which has a high collection value and investment value compared with a few versions.

