老美最愛用的“fair enough”真的不是絕對公平!竟然是……

今天帶大家學習一個高頻口語表達:Fair enough。

大家知道fair這個單詞有公平、公正的意思,比如你可能會聽到有人這樣抱怨:That's not fair,這不公平。那麼fair enough難道是足夠公平的意思嗎?


Person 1: Why did you go to that university? It’s not prestigious.

Person 2: Because they gave me a full ride.

Person 1: Fair enough.

老美最愛用的“fair enough”真的不是絕對公平!竟然是……

在這個對話裡,第一人問第二個人你為什麼最後選擇去那個大學啊,那個大學並沒有什麼名氣啊?第二個人回答說因為他們給我提供全額獎學金。所以問話的人回答說fair enough,意思是好吧,我懂了或者我理解了。

1. So fair enough here means what you say when you initially disagreed with another's opinion or behavior, but after hearing their explanation can now see their point of view.

所以fair enough在這的意思是你最開始不同意或者不理解對方的意見或者行為,可是聽了對方的解釋之後呢豁然開朗了。

老美最愛用的“fair enough”真的不是絕對公平!竟然是……


American: Personally, I don't like the British, because the British don't like us.

British: Fair enough.

2. (That is) reasonable, understandable, or agreeable.

某件事你認為是合理的,說的通的,有道理的,可以理解的。和我們常說的ok,all right,of course有點相似,但表達的意思不完全一樣。

The managers want to cut costs, which is fair enough, but they're sacrificing their employees to do it.


老美最愛用的“fair enough”真的不是絕對公平!竟然是……

Here fair enough is used for showing that you think that something is reasonable.You say fair enough to acknowledge what someone has just said and to indicate that you understand it.當你說fair enough的時候,表示你承認對方說的話是有道理的,你完全理解。比如說:

我有個朋友她一心想著自己創業,不願意給別人打工。每次別人問起的時候,我會說:“She said she didn’t want to work for anyone else.”

聽話人這個時候就可以說:“OK, fair enough.”其實就是我們說的“好吧”。

老美最愛用的“fair enough”真的不是絕對公平!竟然是……

3. used for accepting a suggestion 用來表示接受別人的建議

I think $5000 is a reasonable price.


Fair enough. Can I pay you at the end of the week?


fair enough在這表示你接受對方的提議或者建議。


Dad, can I play computer games after I finished the homework?

他爸爸可能會說:All right,fair enough,意思是好吧,這個要求是可以接受的。

老美最愛用的“fair enough”真的不是絕對公平!竟然是……

4. fair enough有時還可以暗示某種爭議或分歧,used for saying that something seems reasonable but you do not agree with it completely.


If you want to waste your time, fair enough, but don’t waste mine.


有時候fair enough表達的含義還比較空洞,大致相當於漢語裡的“哦,嗯,好吧”。

比如說你很想跟你的男神/女神hang out,邀請了ta很多次,可是ta每次都會以各種各樣的藉口拒絕你,這一次你邀請ta的時候,ta說:

“I don’t feel like going out tonight - I’ve got a bit of a headache.”


“Fair enough.”


fair enough在這呢,語氣很無奈,跟“哦”差不多的意思。當然這只是為了方便大家理解我舉的一個例子,如果是真的,我真要勸勸這個人放棄吧。

老美最愛用的“fair enough”真的不是絕對公平!竟然是……


