Helpful Site for Expats in Dongguan

在莞來莞外籍人士如何瞭解防疫動態?TA值得一看 | Helpful Site for Expats in Dongguan


With COVID-19 spreading globally, foreign friends currently living in Dongguan, and those about to visit the city,are growing increasingly concerned and seeking meaningful information on its status across China, and more specifically in Dongguan. On 5th March, “A Letter to Foreign Friends Traveling to Dongguan” was released in Chinese, English, Japanese, and Korean. It attracted wide attention from expats, who left comments in praise of Dongguan’s effort. For expats in Dongguan seeking official epidemic situation updates and local epidemic prevention guidance in English ASAP, please visit, Dongguan’s official English portal. Here you can familiarize yourself with the city quickly and unlock the keys to a healthy, convenient life in Dongguan.

在莞來莞外籍人士如何瞭解防疫動態?TA值得一看 | Helpful Site for Expats in Dongguan

▲“今日東莞”英文網近期發佈東莞和國內疫情最新動態。(首頁截圖) recently released updates on the epidemic situation in Dongguan and the country. (Homepage screenshot)

為使在莞外籍人士及時、準確地瞭解全市疫情防控最新情況,並獲取健康服務管理信息,“今日東莞”英文網自2月起即每日發佈英文疫情通報,及時傳遞有效透明的實時疫情動態,宣傳普及疫情防控知識,幫助外籍人士參與聯防聯控。英文網還推出網絡專題《抗擊新冠肺炎疫情 東莞在行動》(Dongguan’s Battle against CONVID-19 Outbreak),設置“市內疫情”、“官方通報”、“防疫貼士”、“暖心時刻”等欄目,集納疫情防控相關報道,方便外籍網友“一站式”瞭解東莞本土的疫情形勢變化、疫情防控相關政策措施、復工復產最新進展等。

To provide expats in Dongguan with information on the latest situation of the city’s epidemic prevention and control efforts in a timely and accurate manner, and to obtain health service management information, the DongguanToday website has been providing daily epidemic situation reports since February. The website also maintains transparent real-time epidemic information, which it publishes to help disseminate knowledge on epidemic prevention and control. It is hoped that through this, expats may also participate in joint prevention and control efforts to fight the epidemic. The website has created a feature webpage named “Dongguan’s Battle against COVID-19 Outbreak”, which includes columns of information on useful topics such as “Epidemic Situation in Dongguan”, “Official Announcements”, “Prevention Tips” and “Heart-warming Moments”. This feature webpage consolidates information on changes in the epidemic situation in Dongguan, relevant policies and measures for epidemic prevention and control, and the latest progress of work and production resumption into a one-stop site.

在莞來莞外籍人士如何瞭解防疫動態?TA值得一看 | Helpful Site for Expats in Dongguan

▲英文網網絡專題(Dongguan’s Battle against CONVID-19 Outbreak),方便外籍網友“一站式”瞭解東莞本土的疫情最新動態。

The feature webpage “Dongguan’s Battle against COVID-19 Outbreak” - a one-stop consolidation of the latest local epidemic prevention and control efforts.



Aeron, an American who has been living in Dongguan for 15 years, is the owner of a furniture firm in Dalingshan Town. Through the website, he was pleasantly surprised to find the English version of a series of recent official documents issued by the government, including “Handbooks for Dongguan enterprises to resume work and production”, and “Notice requiring QR code registration & cooperation for health inspection”. “Now I finally understand what my company needs to do to resume normal operations, and why the community I live in requires us to file a healthcare QR code.”

“今日東莞”英文網是由市委宣傳部主辦、東莞陽光網承辦的廣東省地級市第一個外宣英文網站。網站共設置了 “新聞中心” “精彩東莞”“文化名城”“投資東莞”“城市指南”“生活服務”“專題報道”等7個一級欄目和29個二級欄目。“新聞中心”欄目及時、準確發佈東莞的重大新聞,近期主要發佈東莞和國內相關疫情進展等內容。在“精彩東莞”“文化名城”欄目,你可以瞭解東莞的基本情況、鎮街介紹、歷史文化,獲取城市美圖及形象宣傳片等。“投資東莞”“城市指南”“生活服務”等服務性欄目為準備或正在東莞生活、旅遊、投資興業的外籍友人,提供東莞旅遊、生活、投資等各方面的信息。“專題報道”欄目包含英語視頻欄目《Dongguan LIVE》、老外在莞、英語口語大賽及其他特別報道。

Hosted by the Publicity Department of Dongguan and run by the Dongguan Sunshine Network, is the first English language portal for prefecture-level cities in Guangdong Province. It has seven sections, including “News”, “About Dongguan”, “Culture”, “Investment”, “City Guide”, “Services” and “Specials” plus 29 sub-sections. The “News” section releases important, timely and accurate news of Dongguan. Recently, it has focused primarily on epidemic updates in Dongguan and from across the nation. In the “About Dongguan” and “Culture” sections, you can find basic information on Dongguan, including introductory information on its’ towns and districts, the city’s history and culture, and view beautiful pictures as well as promotional videos. Sections such as “Investment”, “City Guide” and “Services” are for foreign friends who are about to or are living, traveling, or investing in Dongguan. They provide information on Dongguan’s tourism, living, and investment. The “Specials” section includes the English video series “Dongguan LIVE”, expat life stories, the city’s Oral English Contest and other special reports.

在莞來莞外籍人士如何瞭解防疫動態?TA值得一看 | Helpful Site for Expats in Dongguan


A homepage screenshot of the mobile version of


For 12 years since launching, has become an important publicity platform for Dongguan city at home and abroad, especially for readers from English-speaking countries. The portal helps improve the image of the city, and strengthen foreign economic trade and cultural exchanges or cooperation.



If you have any foreign friends around,

please recommend it to them!

在莞來莞外籍人士如何瞭解防疫動態?TA值得一看 | Helpful Site for Expats in Dongguan


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在莞來莞外籍人士如何瞭解防疫動態?TA值得一看 | Helpful Site for Expats in Dongguan

在莞來莞外籍人士如何瞭解防疫動態?TA值得一看 | Helpful Site for Expats in Dongguan

