麦当劳创始人Ray Kroc的言论

上一文我介绍了麦当劳创始人Ray Kroc第一次去到麦当劳店铺展现出的强大的观察力

。此文我将分享一些Kroc有意思的言论。内容编译(很多情况下结合上下文表达意译)自Ray Kroc写于1977年的这本Grinding It Out. 作者的自传,大部分篇幅是关于他最重要的事业——麦当劳。

As long as you’re green you’re growing, as soon as you’re ripe you start to rot.


Too many salesmen, I found, would make a good presentation and convince the client, but they couldn’t recognize that critical moment when they should have stopped talking.


The first thing you have to sell is yourself. When you do that, it will be easy to sell paper cups.


I refused to worry about more than one thing at a time, and I would not let useless fretting about a problem, no matter how important, keep me from sleeping. This is easier said than done.


People have marveled at the fact that I didn’t start McDonald’s until I was fifty-two years old, and then I became a success overnight. But I was just like a lot of show business personalities who work away quietly at their craft for years, and then, suddenly, they get the right break and make it big. I was an overnight success all right, but thirty years is a long, long night.


I don’t think in that “grand design” pattern. I work from the part to the whole, and I don’t move on to the large scale ideas until I have perfected the small details. To me this is a much more flexible approach.


My attitude was that competition can try to steal my plans and copy my style. But they can’t read my mind; so I’ll leave them a mile and a half behind.


My way of fighting the competition is the positive approach. Stress your own strengths, emphasize quality, service, cleanliness, and value, and the competition will wear itself out trying to keep up.

我们不断强化我们的QSCV, 竞争算不了什么。

The thing that has made this country great is our free enterprise system. If we have to resort to this—bringing in the government—to beat our competition, then we deserve to go broke. If we can’t do it by offering a better fifteen-cent hamburger, by being better merchandisers, by providing faster service and a cleaner place, then I would rather be broke tomorrow and out of this business and start all over again in something else.


let’s get this straight, once and for all. I want nothing from you but a good product. Don’t wine me, don’t dine me, don’t buy me any Christmas presents. If there are any cost breaks, pass them on to the operators of McDonald’s stores.


But business is not like painting a picture. You can’t put a final brush stroke on it and then hang it on the wall and admire it.


After we find a promising location, I drive around it in a car, go into the corner saloon and into the neighborhood supermarket. I mingle with the people and observe their comings and goings. That tells me what I need to know about how a McDonald’s store would do there.


Happiness is not a tangible thing, it’s a byproduct of achievement.Achievement must be made against the possibility of failure, against the risk of defeat. It is no achievement to walk a tightrope laid flat on the floor. Where there is no risk, there can be no pride in achievement and, consequently, no happiness. The only way we can advance is by going forward, individually and collectively, in the spirit of the pioneer.


