03.03 call someone names 是什麼意思?

call someone names 是什麼意思?

call someone names 是什麼意思?

說到名字,想必大家都知道它的英文是 name,但跟 name 有關的慣用語,像是 pet name、big name、call someone names...等等,你知道它們的意思嗎?

pen name 筆名

pen 是「筆」,所以 pen name 自然就是「筆名」!或者也可以說 pseudonym /ˈsuːdənɪm/ ,同樣可以用來表示「筆名」。例如:

Some authors prefer to write under a pen name because anonymity gives them more freedom to voice their opinion.


pet name 親暱的稱呼

大家看到 pet name,可能會聯想到「寵物名」,但除此之外,pet 其實也能作為形容詞,意思是 expressing fondness or endearment(表示喜愛和愛意),所以 pet name 合在一起,常用來指 a name that a person uses for someone to show love or affection(為了展現對某人的喜歡或愛意而使用的名字),也就是「親暱的稱呼」,像是「小名、愛稱、暱稱」等。例如:

He felt embarrassed when his mom called him by his pet name in front of his colleagues.


big name 某個領域中的名人

英文的 big name 指的是「某個領域中的名人(特別是演員、音樂家...等)」。例如:

Even without any big names in the cast, this movie took the box office by storm.


household name 家喻戶曉的人

household 是「家庭」的意思,但 household name 並不是「家庭的名字」,而是指「家喻戶曉的人」。例如:

That talented young man started off as a background actor and became a household name in just a few years.


code name 代號名

code name 指的是 A word used for secrecy or convenience instead of the usual name(為了保密或方便不使用真名而使用的字詞),也就是我們中文說的「代號、代號名」。例如:

Drug dealers usually use code names when talking about drugs to avoid being noticed.


call someone names 汙辱、謾罵某人

name 除了「名字」的意思之外,也能用來表示 a descriptive often disparaging epithet(一種通常帶有貶義的描述性稱號),那用帶有貶義的稱號去稱呼某人,就是去「汙辱、謾罵某人」的意思囉!來看個例子:

Sam wants to change schools because his classmates keep calling him names and giving him a hard time.

Sam 想轉學,因為他的同學一直辱罵他、不給他好日子過。

那要注意這個詞組中 names 是複數,且 someone 不是所有格;如果是 call someone’s name,意思就是單純的「叫某人名字」。例如:

Raise your hand when I call your name.


而類似call someone names 的用法還有 name-calling,指的是 the act of using offensive names to insult someone(用冒犯的稱呼去汙辱人),也就是「辱罵、罵人的行為」。例如:

Hey, kids. Stop it! Name-calling won’t get you anywhere.


name-dropping 提及認識的名人,藉此抬高身價

drop 有「丟下、扔下」的意思,這個詞字面上看起來像是「丟下名字」,但其實要表達的是 the act of mentioning famous people who you know or claim to know in order to impress other people(提到你認識的名人或聲稱你認識他們,藉此讓他人對他刮目相看),也就是「提及認識的名人,藉此抬高身價」的意思。你可以想象一個人不斷丟出名人名字的畫面,應該就比較好理解。

另外,這個字的動詞是 name-drop,而喜愛做這件事則稱作 name-dropper。來看個例子:

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes when I heard him name-dropping again.


in name only 只在名義上、徒具名義

He was a leader in name only, never really taking part in this project.



