肩袖損傷(Rotator Cuff Tears)解剖-雙語學習

​A rotator cuff tear is a common cause of pain and disability among adults. Each year, almost 2 million people in the United States visit their doctors because of a rotator cuff problem.

A torn rotator cuff will weaken your shoulder. This means that many daily activities, like combing your hair or getting dressed, may become painful and difficult to do.




Your shoulder is made up of three bones: your upper arm bone (humerus), your shoulder blade (scapula), and your collarbone (clavicle). The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint: the ball, or head, of your upper arm bone fits into a shallow socket in your shoulder blade.


肩由三塊骨構成: 肱骨、肩胛骨和鎖骨。肩是一個球窩關節: 由肱骨頭和肩胛骨的淺窩構成。

肩袖損傷(Rotator Cuff Tears)解剖-雙語學習

This illustration of the shoulder highlights the major components of the joint.


Your arm is kept in your shoulder socket by your rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that come together as tendons to form a covering around the head of the humerus. The rotator cuff attaches the humerus to the shoulder blade and helps to lift and rotate your arm.


肩袖損傷(Rotator Cuff Tears)解剖-雙語學習

The rotator cuff tendons cover the head of the humerus (upper arm bone), helping you to raise and rotate your arm.


There is a lubricating sac called a bursa between the rotator cuff and the bone on top of your shoulder (acromion). The bursa allows the rotator cuff tendons to glide freely when you move your arm. When the rotator cuff tendons are injured or damaged, this bursa can also become inflamed and painful.


