
原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:chuhao123 轉載請註明出處


NEW DELHI: None of the major ‘Make in India’ projects in the defence arena, ranging from new-generation stealth submarines, minesweepers and light utility helicopters to infantry combat vehicles, transport aircraft and fighter jets, have actually taken off in the last six years. These long-pending projects, collectively worth over Rs 3.5 lakh crore, are either stuck or still meandering through different stages, without the final contracts to launch production being inked. The relatively new project to manufacture around 7,50,000 Kalashnikov AK-203 assault rifles in a joint venture with Russia at the Korwa ordnance factory in UP, in fact, is the one poised to kick off first.
TOI in October 2017 had done a stock-taking of six mega Make in India projects to find that bureaucratic bottlenecks, long-winded procedures, commercial and technical wranglings, coupled with lack of requisite political push and follow-through, continued to stymie their launch. Two years later, the story more or less remains the same for seven major projects (see graphic). India since then has scrapped the massive fifth-generation fighter aircraft project with Russia in favour of the indigenous advanced medium combat aircraft (AMCA) project, as was reported by TOI earlier.


Under the SP policy, the first project will be the Navy’s quest for 111 armed, twin-engine utility choppers at a cost of over Rs 21,000 crore. But just as four Indian firms (Tata, Adani, Mahindra Defence and Bharat Forge) and three foreign manufacturers (Airbus, Kamov and Lockheed Martin-Sikorsky) were recently shortlisted, defence PSU Hindustan Aeronautics has sounded the alarm over it not being considered for the helicopter project. Similarly, the Navy’s case for six new stealth diesel-electric submarines, which was first approved in November 2007 at a cost of over Rs 50,000 crore, is also nowhere near finalisation under the SP model.
Take another project. India and Russia had inked the inter-governmental agreement to manufacture 200 Kamov-226T light-utility helicopters for over $1 billion in December 2015. But it is stuck in the technical uation stage over the “low level of indigenisation” being offered by Russia, say sources. This much-delayed project for the twin-engine light utility helicopters is considered crucial because India’s endeavour to buy 197 such choppers from abroad has been scrapped three times over the last decade due to corruption allegations and technical deviations.

原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:chuhao123 轉載請註明出處

Defence has been in a bad state over the last 6 years. No progress on all major programs for years now. Project 75I is such an incredibly important project, but because of the slowness of the government in making a decision, we will be facing with falling submarine numbers in 2020s, since the older ones are going to retire soon.
We can''''t even manufacture proven tech like Train 18. Forget about helicopters
我們就連Train 18那種大路貨的技術都造不出來,還是忘掉直升飛機吧。
Didn''''t the Railway Ministry say that they will make around 10 new Vande Bharat Express trains next year?


Akhand Bharat
Well, if a train is purchased from outside, there would be a lot of commissions for the Railway board.
Never mind that Train 18 is a marvelous piece of engineering
Fuck commission if it’s made in India many poor people will have jobs and stable income
It is not necessary to ban 100% imports. We should have some samples of latest tech even if fully imported.
Privatise the defence industry, else we will remain the biggest importer
Yeah? Where will the private sector gets its defence technology from? It''''s going to lead to foreign companies (and countries) getting their foot in the door.
They can get the technology from HAL and then do a better job than them.


Easier said than done. Defence industry needs huge R&D budget and an highly advanced and matured tech industry. Indian private sector has neither. At least when it’s public the govt can keep pumping money.
The problem is bureaucracy. You cannot build a 21st century superpower with 19th century state apparatus. Forget about superpower, you cannot accomplish anything with this colonial bureaucracy. Political class is too clueless or self serving. Modi too has no interest in taking on them. Just buzzwords and a minute action across a whole term like 10 lateral entries at the end of five year term. I bet the next ten would be appointed in 2024. Because there is no established civil society or intellegntsia that is favourable to him or closer to his political views and he too is stubborn and insecure about the present establishment, all he has left is the rusted bureaucracy.


You got a source for that Chinese 6th generation aircrafts? I can understand USA making them but not China.
More difficult that making a 5th generation fighter is making a Jet engine for a 5th gen. Only USA has this jet engine tech. Russia and China don''''t.
China can''''t even make a decent 5th generation so lets not talk about 6th generation. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/08/chinese-theft-of-sensitive-us-military-technology-still-huge-problem.html
Look up on google why the J-20 isn''''t really considered a 5th generation (I mean how can you if you don''''t have supercruise, your back end is non-stealthy etc)
Both the Russians and Chinese are having trouble making a high thrust super cruising jet engine which is essential for a 5th gen fighter because without that you have to use afterburners to super cruise which gives away your position and makes you non-stealthy. So once they make those engines when we can talk about them developing 5th gen fighter. 6th gen is still a dream for them.
Russia''''s Su-57 has a huge problem with not being as stealthy, thats the whole reason India pulled out of the FGFA program and decided to build its own. Heck the SU-57 does''''t even have SERPENTINE inlets lol (you can see its jet engine blades in photos and they return a huge radar signal aka not stealthy), in addition to no super cruise, it doesn''''t have conformational IRST (again you can see this in the photos, as the blob in the front of the plane by the cockpit in the front of it), so where are you getting this info that its 5th generation. https://www.quora.com/Was-the-stealth-feature-of-the-Su-57-just-a-ruse
USA also accused China of stealing its stealth technology like leading edge cooling (when planes fly fast their leading edge surfaces get hot and that can be tracked by a heat shaking missile so they have to cool those edges and the Chinese stole that data). I will be impressed if the Chinese can make something by not stealing the technology first.


