【龍騰網】中國將於今年再發射2顆北斗導航衛星以應對 GPS 挑戰


原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:天際長弓 轉載請註明出處

China to complete its answer to GPS with Beidou navigation satellite launches in March, May
中國將於今年3月和5月再發射2顆北斗導航衛星以應對 GPS 挑戰
by Andrew Jones — February 28, 2020
安德魯 · 瓊斯2020年2月28日

【龍騰網】中國將於今年再發射2顆北斗導航衛星以應對 GPS 挑戰

A Long March 3B launches a pair of Beidou navigation satellites from Xichang, Nov. 22, 2019.
China will launch Beidou navigation satellites in March and May this year, completing a constellation designed for an array of civil and military applications.
A Long March 3B rocket arrived at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center Feb. 14, according to China News Service. The Beidou satellite for the launch has also arrived at Xichang, the report states.
Both missions will launch single satellites to geosynchronous transfer orbits using enhanced hypergolic Long March 3B rockets.
Xichang spaceport has implemented measures to counter the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus, but has resumed launches following the Chinese New Year holiday. China announced plans for more than 40 launches this year ahead of the outbreak.
The completed Beidou navigation satellite system consists of 27 satellites in medium Earth orbits, five in geostationary orbits and three in inclined GEO orbits. The orbits of the latter are designed to form two figure eight loops to provide optimized coverage to China and neighboring countries in the Asia-Pacific.
Beidou navigation and positioning system (BDS) is used in sectors including public security, transportation, fishing, power, forestry, disaster reduction, the construction of smart cities, social governance and mass market applications. This system can also be used for emergency search and rescue.
北斗導航定位系統被廣泛應用於公共安全、交通、漁業、電力、林業、減災、智能城市建設、社會治理和大眾市場應用等領域。 該系統還可用於緊急搜索和災害救援。

BDS also boosts the capabilities of the People’s Liberation Army in areas including weapons targeting, guidance and other services. Notably Beidou removes previous Chinese military reliance on U.S. GPS, which would be made unavailable in a conflict.
北斗系統還增強了中國人民解放軍在武器瞄準、精確制導和其他多個領域的執行能力。 值得注意的是,北斗系統消除了中國軍方對美國全球定位系統GPS的依賴,因為GPS在衝突時期必然是不能使用的。
The Beidou system has been constructed in three phases. The construction of BDS-1 to provide services to China was completed by 2000. BDS-2, providing services to the Asia-Pacific region, was completed by 2012, while BDS-3 will be completed to provide global services in H1 2020.
北斗導航系統的建設分為三個階段。主要向中國提供服務的北斗一號系統已於2000年完成發射。 為亞太區域提供服務的北斗二號系統已於2012年完成發射,而北斗三號系統將於2020年上半年全面建成,以面向全球提供服務。
As with GPS and other navigation systems, Beidou also has requisite ground and user segments as well as the space segment.. The ground segment consists of various ground stations, including master control stations, time synchronization and uplix stations and monitoring stations.­ The user segment refers to receivers and processors that allow a system or device to make use of the signals transmitted by satellites. BDS features compatibility and interoperability with other navigation satellite systems.
與GPS和其他導航系統一樣,北斗衛星導航系統也由必要的空間段、地面段和用戶段三大部分組成, 地面段主要為各種地面站,包括主控站、時間同步/注入站和監測站等,用戶段主要是指接收器和處理器,使系統或設備能夠利用衛星發射的信號。 北斗系統具有與其他衛星導航系統兼容和互操作的特點。
The Beidou is also features in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) mega-project. The system has become operational in Pakistan following rollout of ground stations, with the military opting to switch from GPS to Beidou services.
北斗導航系統也參與了一帶一路的大型項目。 隨著地面站的建成,該系統已在巴基斯坦投入使用,巴基斯坦軍方的導航定位也開始選擇從GPS服務切換到北斗系統。
The China Satellite Navigation Office states that Beidou has a positioning accuracy better than 5 meters, the velocity for the Asia-Pacific region.
中國衛星導航辦公室表示,在亞太地區,北斗系統的定位精度可以達到5米 。

The China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) are responsible for development and manufacture of Beidou navigation satellite. The satellites use hydrogen maser clocks for precision timing and phased array antennae for navigation signals.
China announced Feb. 15 that the 41st and 49th (geosynchronous), 50th and 51st (medium Earth orbit) Beidou satellites had completed on-orbit testing and officially joined the network.
The Beidou Navigation Satellite System has been constructed primarily using the Long March 3B rocket. Launching from Xichang deep inland.
Official documents from the Beidou system office state (pdf) that China plans to establish a “ubiquitous, integrated and intelligent, comprehensive national positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) system” based on Beidou by 2035.


原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:天際長弓 轉載請註明出處
China must be congratulating herself that she had the foresight two decades ago to develop her independent Beidou navigation system. If China had not done so, I am convinced that Trump would have no hesitation in cutting GPS from China today. All countries, including her allies like Mexico , Canada and Germany now realise that the US cannot be trusted.
中國必然非常慶幸自己在20年前的遠見,堅持發展了自己獨立的北斗衛星導航系統。 如果中國當時沒有這樣做,我相信特朗普今天會毫不猶豫地切斷在中國的 GPS信號。 包括美國的盟友墨西哥、加拿大和德國在內的所有國家現在都已經意識到,美國不可信。

Imagine if China had invented internet and US didn’t have. Chinese on this board will lecture US too.
想象一下,如果中國發明瞭互聯網,而美國沒有, 中國人也一樣會對美國說教。
In the years to come, many more technologies will be from China, just remember that the Chinese had been great inventors and discovers throughout her long history. On the contrary, young America was only a spoilt baby who have no qualm about self praising her own creativeness. Please remember that many creative talents were not born in America per se but came to America as immigrants. If the situation in these countries improved, this lifeline will slowed to a trickle. On the other hand, China will continue to produce bright and creative people in the years to come and it can only get better. American will look you on your ears and still tell you a lie. America wanted to remain no 1 forever and that why they wanted to beat down China at every opportunities. But do you personally think that it is possible? By the way, humanity owe the Chinese a debt it you bother to read the book by Robert Temple - Land of inventions and discoveries. It is a compilation of the great work of Joseph Needham. Trust your eyes more than your ears, this is my little piece of advise to you.
在未來的歲月裡,更多的技術將來自中國---- 大家只要記住,中國人是偉大的發明家,在她漫長的歷史中你經常會發現這一點。 相反,年輕的美國只是一個被寵壞的嬰兒,對自己的創造力沒有絲毫不安。 請記住,許多創造性人才並非本身出生在美國,而是作為移民來到美國的。 如果這些國家的情況有所改善,這些人將成為反哺祖國的涓涓細流。 另一方面,在未來的歲月裡,中國將繼續培養出更多聰明、有創造力的人才,而且只會越來越好。而美國人即便看著你的耳朵,也仍然會對你撒謊。 美國想永遠保持世界第一,這就是為什麼他們想抓住每一個機會擊敗中國的原因。 但是你個人認為這是可能的嗎? 順便說一句,全人類欠中國人一個人情——如果你費心去讀一下英國學者羅伯特·坦普爾的著作《中國——發明和發現的國度》, 這是對李約瑟偉大著作的彙總,裡面提到現代世界賴以建立的基本發明創造,幾乎有一半以上源於中國。 相信你的眼睛多過你的耳朵,這是我給你的小小忠告。
India is already implementing similar called NAVIC. Already 7 satellites have been launched and more to come. Pakistan doesn''''t have any space cable programme.

印度已經在實施類似的印度區域導航衛星系統NAVIC, 目前已經發射了7顆衛星,未來還會發射更多。 巴基斯坦沒有任何的導航系統項目。
From what I can tell China is planning on giving Pakistan access to Beidou, so Pakistan does have a space cable programme.
China plans to launch two more satellites this year to complete the Beidou navigation system. By the end of the year, many countries will have the option of becoming independent of the US GPS system. It should be pointed out that the Beidou system is superior to the GPS as it is more modern.
中國計劃今年再發射2顆衛星來完成北斗衛星導航系統空間段。 到今年年底,許多國家將可以選擇獨立於美國的 GPS 系統之外。 需要指出的是,北斗導航系統比 GPS 導航系統更加現代化,具有更大的優越性。
Please read about GPS III currently being rolled out. I am not an expert. But I don''''t think Americans will be that behind. It will be a cat and mouse game. EOD, we in India use GPS a lot for navigation. We do have our own.
請去了解一下目前正在推出的第3代GPS, 我不是專家, 但我不認為美國人會那麼落後, 這只是欲擒故縱的把戲。 總之,我們在印度導航時經常使用 GPS, 但我們也有我們自己的系統。

