為什麼“師範大學”會翻譯成“normal university”?


adj. 正常的;正規的,標準的

n. 常態;正常;標準

我們都知道normal是“正常的”的意思,normal university 不就是“正常的大學”嗎?這跟“師範”有什麼關係呢?

為什麼“師範大學”會翻譯成“normal university”?

A normal school is a school created to train high school graduates to be teachers. Its purpose is to establish teaching standards or norms, hence its name.


Most such schools are now called teachers' colleges; however, in some places the term normal school is still used.

現在,大多數這種學校被叫做“teachers' colleges”;然而,在某些地方,“normal school”這個名字仍在沿用。

Normal schools in the United States and Canada trained teachers for primary schools, while in continental Europe, the equivalent colleges educated teachers for primary, secondary and tertiary schools.

美國和加拿大的normal schools是一般是培訓小學教師的,而歐洲大陸的同等大學則為小學、中學和大學培訓教師。

為什麼“師範大學”會翻譯成“normal university”?

In 1685, St. Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, founded what is generally considered the first normal school, the École Normale, in Reims, Champagne, France.


The term normal herein refers to the goal of these institutions to instill and reinforce particular norms within students.


Norms included historical behavioral norms of the time, as well as norms that reinforced targeted societal values, ideologies and dominant narratives in the form of curriculum.


為什麼“師範大學”會翻譯成“normal university”?

Many comprehensive public or state-supported universities, such as the University of California, Los Angeles in the United States and Beijing Normal University in China, were established and operated as normal schools before expanding their faculties and organizing as research universities.


Some of these universities, particularly in Asia, retain the word Normal in their name to recognize their historical purpose. In Canada, most normal schools were eventually assimilated into a university as its faculty of education.




