「讀外刊學考研詞彙」Canada's Christmas tree in a bottle(5)

Named ‘Anneda’ by the local tribes, the exact species of the tree is still a mystery, though it is thought to have been the white cedar or the balsam fir. Regardless of the species, evergreen trees in general contain surprisingly high concentrations of Vitamin C in their needles.

needle /ˈni:dl/ n.松針;針葉


Though the decoction written about in the accounts of Cartier’s voyage is more a herbal tea than the effervescent beverage Roy sells, Roy considers this to be one of the earliest forms of modern spruce beer. “That’s where it all started,” Roy said. “After that, people transformed it. They started fermenting it.”

herbal /ˈhə:bl/ adj.藥草的;香草的:

beverage /ˈbevəridʒ/ adj.(除水以外的)飲料


The fermented iteration of spruce beer enjoyed a stintof fame, rising to prominence after it was praised and popularised by famed nutritionist James Lind in hisTreatise on Scurvy published in 1753. After observing its effects on sailors afflicted with scurvy, Lind wrote: “Spruce beer, made of the black spruce, either fresh or dried, or from its essence, is an excellent medicine. This beer must be drank daily, and the parts affected with the eruption [of scurvy] bathed with it night and morning.”

stint /stint/ n.從事某項工作(或活動)的時間

rise to prominence 嶄露頭角;一夜成名

treatise /ˈtri:tis; -tiz/ n.(專題)論文

be afflicted with 患有(某種疾病)

*essence /ˈesns/ n.香精;精油;本質

著名營養學家林德(James Lind)在1753年出版的名著《壞血病專論》中讚揚和推廣經過發酵的雲杉啤酒後,這種啤酒開始為人所知。在觀察了對患有壞血病的水手療效後,林德寫道: “由黑色雲杉釀製的雲杉啤酒,無論是鮮啤酒還是熟啤酒,或從雲杉啤酒提煉的東西,都是一種極好的藥物。這種啤酒必須每天喝,患壞血病的部位早晚都要用它來清洗。”

