





The machine has stopped running.【一般性动作】机器已停止转动。

She doesn't like criticizing people behind their backs.她不喜欢背后批评别人。

He took a great delight in helping others.他以助人为乐。

The fuel began burning and the temperature began going up.【同时发生】燃料开始燃烧,温度便开始上升。

  • 在一些多半是表示“希望”、“意愿”等内心活动的动词(短语)如intend, insist on, count on, rely on等之后,动名词的一般式所表示的动作可能发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之后。例如:

We all insisted on taking no rest until we completed the work.我们大家都坚持完成工作后再休息。

I intend doing the experiment.我打算做这个实验。

We count on your coming this afternoon.我们指望你今天下午来。

  • 在有些明确表示时间先后的动词(短语)如remember, forget, stop, cease, apologize, excuse for, thank for等和介词on, upon, after之后,用一般式动名词代替完成式动名词,表示动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。例如:

I don't recall ever saying/having said such a thing.我没有想起曾经说过这样一件事。

Jack gave the porter a shilling for carrying/having carried his luggage.杰克因搬运工帮背行李而给了他一先令。

I shall never forget meeting you for the first time.我永远不会忘记第一次遇见你的情景。

Excuse me for coming late.对不起,我来晚了。

On hearing the news, the old bailiff rode up to the house at full speed; he kissed his dying friend and wept bitter tears.听到这个消息后,老法官就骑上马全速赶到住处;他亲吻这垂死的朋友,悲痛难忍,老泪纵横。

After finishing the experiment he left the laboratory.他做完实验后就离开了实验室。



Instead, I am grateful for having at least found you.相反,我有感激之情,因为我至少找到你了。

We did not speak of having read this book.我们没有说过读完了这本书。

I had no idea of his having ever done such a thing.我不知道他曾经做过这样一件事。

The doctor was praised for having saved the life of a child.这个医生因抢救了一个小孩的生命而受到表扬。

  • 如上所述,在介词on, upon, after后可用一般式动名词代替完成式动名词;如果用完成式,则强调完成的时间。又如:

After having consulted with parents, she felt a heavy burden taken off her mind.跟父母商量后,她思想上如释重负。

