


After the frost, it’s cloudy outside, the smog surrounds us and will not disperse! But the cold weather makes vegetables taste a lot better, so I cut up some cabbage to make kimchi.Kimchi is the traditional food from Yanbian Korean, every family makes it in a different way. For me, I stewed kimchi with some dried meat. In a sour and spicy soup with the smell from the meat, it warms up my whole winter.



原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 轉載請註明出處

1,Oh my god Becky

Oh my god. I’m late but I’m so ashamed going through the comments. Ya’ll are arguing about a CABBAGE. A. CABBAGE.I’m Korean and I eat kimchi everyday but I didn’t come here to fight. Just clicked the video bc i got excited to see her work with some tasty kimchi. DAMN. People dumb as hell getting offended over a vegetable.


2,Shiroki Sasaki

my god,the sound of her pulling cabbages from soil is so satisfying,those cabbages are so fresh and crunchy


3,Tod Lenski

All these toxic insecure korean comments on here are ruining such a peaceful video. Did she ever mentioned that your precious kimchi is not of korean origin? The title mentions kimchi, so relax, we know it's of korean origin.



Tod Lenski

As you said, Korean is a minority ethnic group in China and some of them resides in this place called Yanbian. This lady makes pickled vegetables based on this ethnic Korean group in Yanbian and refers it to Yanbian Korean kimchi. Did she put Yanbian Chinese kimchi instead? You Koreans are such insecure people, your inferiority complex is showing. You seriously think you are doing your country or your precious kimchi history justice by mentioning politics on a video with no correlation to it? When I read comments like yours, my image of Koreans only drops down a scale. There are plenty of sites and youtube channels that does nothing but only bashes the Chinese government. Just go over there and make yourself at home, I am sure you will fit in perfectly.




@Carl i am totally agree with you, some people doesn't knows when to stop typing :/ I'm glad not all Korean people are like that.

@Carl 我完全同意你的話,有些人就是不知道啥時候閉嘴:/ 幸好不是所有韓國人都這個德性。


Guys kimchi is not 'Yanbian' korean food, it's just 'KOREAN' food



Wrong, it is Thai food from Thai culture.



@KenHarris Wrong, it is French food from French culture. //sarcasm

@KenHarris 錯,他是起源於法國的法國食物。//滑稽


Kimchi is korean food. no yanbian korea food. This is lie.




everbody see too much kpop and k drama



高雨松 perhaps the Chinese should make themselves known for something else than being cheap and factory workers

高雨松 也許中國人該弄點兒別的名片,而不是廉價貨和勞工。

Huang Anni

Perhaps Korean should make themselves know for something else than such common food which exist in a lot of places in the world. The more you argue the more ignorant you make yourself as.



Huang Anni lol, I’m not Korean or Asian but we all know this is Korean food! No one in the world says that this is Chinese food. I showed this to Chinese ppl in a Buffett restaurant and none of them knew what this was, they all said it looks like Korean kimchi!

Huang Anni 笑死,我又不是韓國人或亞洲人,但我們都知道這是韓國食物!這個世界上沒有任何人認為這是中國食物。我把這玩意拿給巴菲特餐廳的中國人看,他們沒一個人知道這是啥,他們都說這看著像韓國辣白菜!



Toffee Ru

Christian I read the description but I think she should have written it just Korean's food. Yanbian Koreans' roots are from Korea however, Kimchi is more of traditional original Korean food. It started from old days of Baekje and Goguryeo(Goguryeo's land was wider than current Korea's land and Goguryeo, Baekje is descendant of Gojoseon, the cultural start of Korea) and the red Kimchi started in 1800s, which is Joseon Dynasty, which they lost the land that was used to be Goguryeo's. And Kimchi soup is also a food that started to cook after this period so it's more of Korean food than Yanbian Korean food.

Christian 我讀那個了,但我覺得她應該寫明那只是韓國食物。不管怎麼說延邊朝鮮族的根源是朝鮮,辣白菜相對而言更該說是韓國傳統食物。它起源於古時候的百濟和高句麗(高句麗的土地比現在的朝韓更大,高句麗作為百濟的前身是韓國的起源),紅色辣白菜起源於19世紀,朝鮮王朝,這個朝代丟失了高句麗時期的不少領土。辣白菜也是那一時期之後出現的食物,所以相比於延邊朝族食物,它更是韓國食物。


Chill, you can’t deny it’s also the Yanbian Korean’s food.


Marco Skyvanluoise

Toffee Ru nasty for your words! Kimchi was created by ancient Chinese not the slave (Korean). And the slave stolen it from the productive people of China. Please you people be honest with the fact ,ok! F**k off

Toffee Ru 你的話真是噁心!辣白菜是古代中國人創造的,不是那些奴隸(朝鮮人)。而那些奴隸從中國生產者這裡竊取了辣白菜技術。請你們這些人誠實面對事實好麼!滾蛋吧!

7,Andrew Lee

Kimchi is a traditional food from Korea not Yanbian. Definitely not Chinese food.



kimchi??? = korean food



13,Cayla Kim

Since Koreans, Chinese, and others want to be sensitive, let me explain. The entirety of Asia has traded cultures, foods, and religions and more with each other through traveling and conquering each other. Now, fermenting vegetables are thought to originate from China, but it hasn't been clear(because, well, we're talking about hundreds of centuries ago). Kimchi itself was created in Korea, and later spread to other parts of Asia with stimulus diffusion(the spread of a feature, but part of it fails to spread with it-so basically with a change of whatever is being spread), creating kimchi with a Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc twist. Some of the dynasties at the time, however, changed much more, creating their own dish with fermenting. The YouTube here is creating the chinese version of kimchi, so it is chinese kimchi in this factor. No one is copying each other, and translations kinda messed this one up. Too many people are being sensitive, or are stereotyping.

因為韓國人、中國人、圍觀群眾都要敏感,還是我來解釋吧。通過彼此旅行和征服的方式,文化交流,食物交流,宗教交流存在於整個亞洲範圍。 現在,發酵蔬菜被認為是起源於中國,但這還未確定(因為,是的,我們正在討論幾百多年前的事呢)。辣白菜本身是創造於朝鮮的,但隨後就散播到了亞洲其他國家(其特徵得以傳播,但也有部分沒有得到傳播,所以在這個傳播過程中一般會發生變化),出現了中國版,日本版,臺灣版等各種亂七八糟的辣白菜。在其中某些時期,因為變化太大,他們創造出了他們自己的發酵菜品。這裡的youtube就創造了中國版的辣白菜,所以從這個事實來說它是中國辣白菜。沒有人在彼此抄襲,翻譯有點亂搞才引起了爭端。有很多人是敏感了,或者說思維僵化了。


