一日一語Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere

一日一语Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

– Martin Luther King, Civil Rights Leader

「任何地方的不公不義,都威脅著所有地方的公平正義。」– 馬丁‧路德 (民運領袖)「rèn hé dì fāng de bú gōng bú yì ,dōu wēi xié zhe suǒ yǒu dì fāng de gōng píng zhèng yì 。」– mǎ dīng ‧lù dé (mín yùn lǐng xiù )

  • 馬丁‧路德 (1929-1968) 領導美國黑人以非暴力方式抗爭種族歧視,在 35 歲成為史上最年輕的諾貝爾和平獎得主,他在華盛頓遊行的演說 “I have a Dream” 奠定了他的演說家地位。 mǎ dīng ‧lù dé (1929-1968) lǐng dǎo měi guó hēi rén yǐ fēi bào lì fāng shì kàng zhēng zhǒng zú qí shì ,zài 35 suì chéng wéi shǐ shàng zuì nián qīng de nuò bèi ěr hé píng jiǎng dé zhǔ ,tā zài huá shèng dùn yóu háng de yǎn shuō “I have a Dream” diàn dìng le tā de yǎn shuō jiā dì wèi 。





