

First of all being in the country was lovely as the locals were very friendly and made me feel welcome. I loved working in the school, the staff at the school made us feel very welcome and were very hospitable. It was a great experience to know that the children were also learning English we taught them well. This was equally the same at the elephant village, I felt I was part of a community and one of the locals. We were pretty much doing most of the things they were doing. In the elephant village, we were very proactive in helping the elephants and getting food for them. Despite all the hard work we spent during the day it felt very rewarding when feeding the elephants and looking after them. The interaction we had when giving the elephants their food was worthwhile. They were actually wriggling their trunks asking for more food! All in all the experience in itself made me feel appreciated that this volunteering was worth the trip.


About the accommodations and meals


Week 1 – Teaching, The accommodation was practical it did the job. I liked the fact that it was basic so we could get a feel of living with basic amenity conditions. I liked the fact that our windows were protected by mosquito nets and that we had a couple fans in our room.There were few restaurants nearby which were relatively cheap, had wi-fi and had good food. The location of where we stayed was good as they had a big shopping mall which had a bank there.



Week 2 – Elephant village, I loved the accommodation in the elephant village and enjoyed the experience of living in a rural area. The hammocks outside was my favorite chair to sit on. Everyone wanted to sit in there whenever it was free! The house we lived in for our home stay was spacious and included mosquito nets in the bedrooms. I also loved the fact that the elephants lived close to us because we could help out most of the time. Especially during our free time. The meals were great! I really enjoyed the meals which the host prepared. We were given a variety of local dishes and had at least 2 options on what to eat. I was also able to help the host with the cooking and they gave me tips on how to make the local food myself.



There are so many good experiences I had, hard to mention at one! I would say the overall volunteering experience in itself. I loved the fact that I could spend each week doing two different projects, it was the best of both worlds! The overall experience was amazing, being in the more rural parts and meeting locals. The school we were teaching in was absolutely lovely the children were so welcoming and friendly and the principle was so respectful and friendly. I absolutely loved spending time with the elephants in the elephant village. We took them to bath, gave them food, we could see how they interacted. It was such a remarkable experience to be so close to such an animal.



Join the CBE volunteering project and experience yourself.


张蓓(Lisa Zhang),至美读书会创始人,至美前程教育集团副总裁,教育心理学专家,全球职业规划师,留学规划师,留学行业十大创新人物。 武汉大学法学院毕业。毕业后赴法国留学,考察了欧美数十个国家上百所大学的发展现状,以教育方式的独特视角为切入点,系统研究分析欧美文化的承接性和差异性。 拥有十余年教育和咨询领域的专业经验,作为CBE中国的秘书长曾组织和策划过多项具有非凡影响力的文教类活动。研究领域包括:东西方文化与教育、国际教育咨询行业的发展、全球人才智库建设、中国海归人员生存现状与变革等领域。 作为美国国际教育家协会NAFSA成员,曾参与多项社科基金研究课题,更以其远见和洞察力将北美能力本位教育(Competency Based Education)体系引入中国,并以此创立了优秀的培训品牌——至美学院,率领团队研发出大量拥有自主知识产权的教材和课程,包括:名校申请课程、留学规划课程、职场精英课程、留学妈妈课程等,受益人数达百万。每年都受邀在全国重点高校进行数百场学习及职业规划的公益演讲,帮助学生找到人生理想和目标,找到正确的学习方式,全方位提高能力。 作为美国博士全奖项目申请研究专家,她创立“DIY博士辅导”课程,是近年来中国留学界在专业型研究方面重大的突破之一。近几年来,辅导数千名学生成功赴各国名校就读,帮助学生获得奖学金累计超过30亿元人民币。



