
[Shiller] Durant: 'I'm never gonna get a look' at winning Defensive Player of the Year


Kevin Durant on why he isn't in consideration for DPOY: "It's just pure hate for me obviously and no appreciation for my real skill for the game." — Kevin Durant's DRPM last season was -0.65, 357th out of 521 players in the NBA and 59th out of small forwards



Full Quote:

You know they're not gonna give me anything. Even if it's on the fence, I have to be clear-cut better than everybody for me to even get a look. It's just pure hate for me obviously and no appreciation for my real skill for the game. But I get it. I understand where we coming from. I understand what we have here in this building that scares everybody.



But for me, I was just proud of the growth that I had in that area. I just wanted to be able to be relied on to guard anybody -- whether it was helping guys at the rim, switching out onto point guards -- so I just tried to do everything. I feel like I grew so much on the defensive side of the ball last year.


I feel like my whole game is unlocked now, when I was able to see the things I can do on that side of the basketball ... I'm never gonna get a look when it comes to that, especially playing here for the Warriors.”


Kevin Durant ranked 357th of all players in DRPM last season and 59th of small forwards. Source. http://www.espn.com/nba/statistics/rpm/_/page/9/sort/DRPM




DRPM is one of the best publicly available stats for tracking defense, although it isn't perfect. Much like other +/- based stats, it can be heavily context dependent. The right system, the ability to implement it, lineups, and surrounding personnel can make all the difference for guys who aren't plug and play rim protectors like Gobert.


Context however does not help Kevin Durant's case seeing as he plays next to several very capable defenders in Draymond Green, Klay Thompson, and Andre Iguodala on a team that has ranked top 5 in DRtg 4 of the last 5 seasons. KD's DRPM was virtually identical to LeBron's last season at -0.68, who played most of his minutes next to Kevin Love, JR Smith, and Jeff Green.


[–]ryano46 267 指標 4小時前

KD is the only player where the full quotes consistently make him look worse


[–]Ubrab 372 指標 14小時前

Every time you feel like Durant has not found a way to damage his image recently he comes up with something new. He could be DPOY but he's not playing as such save for the playoffs. Crying about it won't help.


[–][WAS] Gilbert Arenasthebreakfastbuffet 101 指標 11小時前

It's just pure hate for him, obviously.


[–][PHI] Eric Snowgustriandos 445 指標 4小時前

Well yeah you have to be one of the best defenders in the league


[–]AaronBrownell 150 指標 4小時前

That doesn't seem fair


[–]PacersTheColtOfPersonality 101 指標 3小時前

I dunno I’ve seen him get pretty defensive on Twitter


[–]SunsHabloMemes 218 指標 4小時前

He should get credit for defending OKC from getting to the finals


[–][GSW] Adonal Foylespasmystic 1216 指標 12小時前

KD is definitely the most defensive player in the league. Aren't these voters considering his burner accounts?


[–]sanpompon 206 指標 11小時前

GSW fan willing to call out KDs insecurity. Good on you.


[–][SAS] Tim DuncanAdReNaLiNe9_ 156 指標 10小時前

Idk man, this could be KDs alt account playing 3D chess.


[–][LAL] Brandon Ingramfriskydongo 219 指標 5小時前

Probably cause you don't put in consistent effort for the whole year.


[–][BKN] Vince CarterLiaM_CS 121 指標 4小時前

And he’s just not good enough


[–]RaptorsWasV3 87 指標 4小時前

You're not even the best defender on your team, let alone the league


[–]kemar7856 80 指標 1小時前

Ever since he got to Golden State all he's done is whine and complain


[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookRamzaa_ 78 指標 2小時前

KD shouldn't even be in the conversation for potential 10th place DPOY running. Hes a good defender but theres a lot of guys better than him.


[–][DEN] Nikola JokicRedSoxEatPoop 115 指標 4小時前

He's not even the best defender on his own team lol


[–]Takyon8A7 110 指標 2小時前

In all seriousness, is Durant even the best defender on his team?


[–]LakersNarstyHobbitses 259 指標 2小時前

It's Draymond by a mile compared to KD


[–]SpursMethodMango 81 指標 4小時前

Not even the second best.


[–]CelticsTreyAdell 709 指標 2小時前

DRPM isn't great but KD's defense was very overrated and I laughed every time I heard people talking about DPOY for him last year. Improved as a shot blocker, but he's not even the 2nd best defender on his own team(Dray and Iggy)


[–]LogenMNE 553 指標 2小時前

Klay is way better also. Klay is elite actually


[–]NBAnyuphir 232 指標 1小時前

Klay is also better looking, has a better beard, the list goes on



[–]Warriorsby_yes_i_mean_no 228 指標 2小時前

KD is not DPOY-worthy, point blank.

But also, theoretically, RPM adjusts for teammates. It can't adjust for the role you play with those teammates, but your "context however..." paragraph makes it sound like you are confused on that point.



[–][TOR] Jose Calderondeadskin[S] 190 指標 5小時前

He's so out of touch


[–]CavaliersProlapse_leakage 40 指標 4小時前

LeBron never got one either and he was a better defender than KD at his physical prime.


[–]ParkBaller13 62 指標 4小時前

He should work on an all defense second team first. The guy is so far from earning a dpoy its not funny.

He doesnt seem to understand the concept of earning his accolades.



[–]nancyd180 113 指標 2小時前

KDs defense after Christmas seriously declined, and was disappointing in the WCF on defense. Love KD but it’s not a hate thing.


[–]ron-darousey 2962 指標 13小時前

KD is a great player, but I am so, so tired of the gigantic chip on his shoulder. He's been complaining about how the media's treated him going back to his days in OKC, which was ridiculous given that Westbrook was consistently the primary target of criticism from talking heads and fans.


[–]Bucksirnjunvirv 752 指標 10小時前

It's always been there, but the Thunder media team did an excellent job hiding the prickly side of KD.

Now he's got even more attention and it doesn't offer a great impression.



[–]Wojnarowski-4-SSBU 252 指標 9小時前

When Durant was in OKC, we thought Westbrook was the bad guy with the big ego who was too full of himself, but I think we're seeing now that in reality, that person was KD. Westbrook's teammates love him now, and KD continues to complain and take childish jabs at his former teammates and the media. Ive gone from a Westbrook hater and a KD lover to a KD hater and a Westbrook lover recently.


[–]1NegativeKarma1 90 指標 9小時前*

The heat he got from leaving OKC may have prompted a lot of this behavior. He’s overcompensating.


[–]RaptorsPhilly8519 145 指標 8小時前

He tried to embrace turning heel but it’s backfired badly. The dude made the single weakest move any superstar has made in NBA history. What does he expect.


[–]Wizardsnxqv 140 指標 10小時前

I don't mean this as a dig at him or anyone else, I just want to see him become a better man but, in the light of Kevin Love and the general push for mental health awareness in the NBA, this chip on his shoulder is like the perfect thing for him to talk to a therapist about. Stuff like this doesn't just come from nowhere, it's ingrained, it clearly bothers him day to day judging by his consistent demeanor on social media and interviews, and having someone to talk about it with and work through it with really helps


