
[Serious] I’m struggling to see Otto Porter over DeMar DeRozan, please explain.


On ESPN’s player ranking for the next season they put players like Booker, Otto, Khris and Brown over a 4x allstar, 2nd team all-nba selection.

The most confusing was Otto. How is anyway is he better than DeMar other than defense? He’s a role player that didn’t reach his potential while DeRozan is a star.




[–]ColdWorldGotHotter 487 指標 6小時前

Definitely don’t see that either.

Demar is the better player and will have the better season



[–]NuggetsEricStoltz-MaskMorty 184 指標 6小時前

ESPN is worse than ever. They also predicted the Lakers to miss the playoffs just so people would talk about it. They just feature dumb opinions to get people riled up and talking, hence why Stephen A and Skip are so prominently featured.

ESPN是真的烂到家了。他们还预测湖人无法打入季后赛,这样就能引起大家的争论了。他们传播愚蠢的观点就是为了激怒人们展开讨论。这就是为什么Stephen A和Skip Bayless是头牌。

[–][NYK] Lou AmundsonLominattii 88 指標 5小時前

Skip doesnt work for espn

哥们儿有一说一啊,Skip Bayless可不为ESPN打工(实为Fox Sports)。

[–]NuggetsEricStoltz-MaskMorty 155 指標 5小時前

Psh. Don't let facts distract you from my unnecessary whining...


[–]GenericUsername10135 100 指標 6小時前

These lists purposely include hot takes, that is how they get people talking about and clicking on their articles.


[–][OKC] Russell Westbrookmrpengo88 345 指標 6小時前

DeMar gets ranked 39th, leads his team to the first seed in the East and makes second team All-NBA, stays 39th.


[–]RaptorsNo_Fence 102 指標 6小時前

Shit's ridiculous. Demar is a winning (regular season) player... He's been one of the two best players on a Raptors team that's a consistent top 4 seed. Put Otto Porter on that team and tell me they get the first seed in the East last season.


The Raptors schooled the Wizards these playoffs with minimal contributions from the bench mob, and still people will claim that Beal, Wall and Porter are all better than DeRozan. Makes you wonder how the Raptors are better than the Wiz every year if Lowry isn't top 5 or some shit.


[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozanDoyinYale 126 指標 6小時前

I can’t believe people on this thread are seriously justifying Otto being ranked higher than DeRozan.

It reminds me when people were justifying Crowder being ranked over DeRozan last year.



[–][TOR] Dell CurryModernPoultry 45 指標 5小時前*


Im a blog boi myself but a lot of guys pigeonhole themselves looking at the game on a spreadsheet and not putting enough value in the in game application and value of having elite dribble perpetrators and shot creators.



Despite the hate they get, guys like Kobe, to a lesser extent Westbrook and to an even lesser extent DeMar, win you basketball games by the stress they put on defenses. More so than advanced statistical darlings that do well with the max usage they can generate within an offense, that lets face it are becoming easier to come by (the catch and shoot 3&Ds...your Roco's Porter's, Prince's, Aminu's, Ariza's, Harris', OG's etc)


[–]76ersretroracer 94 指標 4小時前

From their companion article:

"To put it bluntly, DeRozan's advanced stats don't match up to his reputation, for two reasons. The minor reason is that his offensive production -- his midrange game -- has not been especially efficient. The major reason is that he has been a disaster on defense.



According to RPM, he is consistently one of the worst defenders at shooting guard and plays D at a level that costs his team dearly. The Raptors often played better with DeRozan sitting than with him on the floor."


[–][CLE] Kevin Lovequentin-coldwater 48 指標 3小時前

I think people don't understand/appreciate the difference between mediocre defense and bad defense.

I've seen a lot of outright bad defenders be called "so-so" defenders on here.



[–]carmensandiegosbro 36 指標 3小時前*

This is it exactly... Points scored and media hype are what DeRozan has over Otto, nothing else. Even that is 15pts vs 22pts per on 2x the possessions used. The Raptors won games because their second string outscored opponents by 2x the margin of any other second-string in League, not because they had one of the least effective leading scorers in the league, who gets cooked on D, and can't shoot. It's the basketball equivalent of curls for the girls, meanwhile the world's strongest man looks like Shrek.


Otto is 15% better from 3, and 10% better in eFG%. Way better rebounder. Can guard all 5 positions and play 4 on offense. Otto is an elite defender who ironically shut DeRozan down on the regular. DeRozan is a high volume inefficient scorer who can only play the 2 (but can't shoot?) and who can't guard most of the wings in the league.


The Raptors win games because of their depth and D, and lose in the playoffs because their "stars" are inefficient and can't play D. Otto is the opposite. Maximum impact per minute, and beating DeRozan handily in win share per 48 and VORP. Effective and efficient is King.


[–]LakersMrBigWaffles 28 指標 3小時前

They don't even play the same role tf. Otto is a complimentary role player to John wall and beal.

If we were to ask Otto porter to carry a teams offence the same way derozan does, all those highly efficient numbers youre seeing would fall off a cliff.



Use context in your arguments, don't just spit out numbers.


[–]Hornetsjocro 11 指標 4小時前

I think that assessment undervalues the value of shot creation.

Can't speak specifically to defense, but I'm generally skeptical of any tell all metric on that end, and the team may have played better with him off the floor due to the talent level of their bench mob.



[–][CLE] Larry Nancethreeoneleads 17 指標 3小時前

They've been better with him off the floor for several years though, even before they got the bench mob that good


[–]CavaliersFlakyGround 36 指標 5小時前

I think Otto is more conductive to winning basketball and would fit well in any system unlike DeRozan.


It's difficult to compare the two because they play different roles, but for me it isn't hard to see why some people would have Otto as the better player. DeMar is a horrendous defender, not very efficient (and insanely inefficient in the postseason), and his teams have historically been better with him off the floor.


DeRozan is obviously better if you need someone who can put up a shot and be aggressive for the whole game, he puts more pressure on the defense etc. I probably rank DeMar lower than most people on here, but I can see the case both ways in this situation.


[–]76ersIsh_but_the_1st_time 18 指標 4小時前

Yeah I don't think it's that crazy either for these exact reasons. You probably can't build an elite system around Otto. But players like him can be starters on an elite team.

They're ranking players based on how they contribute to 5-on-5 team success. Some elite role players are naturally going be ranked above some underwhelming "stars".



[–]carmensandiegosbro 15 指標 3小時前

You can't build an entire system around the DeRozan either. No championship team is anchored on inefficient mid-range Jumpers and horrible defense.


