

Other responsibilities range from acting as a company spokesperson for a variety of media inquiries and speaking directly to the press on behalf of your client (sometimes deflecting negative criticism), to preparing your client for press conferences, media interviews and speeches.


Social media outreach has become an integral part of a PR specialist's job in recent years. "With the onset of social infrastructure such as Facebook, LinkedIn and T witter, combined with the versatility of web tools, the jobs of public relations specialists are growing at a fast clip," says Gerard Corbett, a chair of the Public Relations Society of America.

近年來,社交媒體推廣已成為公關專家工作中不可或缺的一部分。美國公共關係學會主席傑拉德•科貝特表示:“隨著Facebook、LinkedIn(領英)和 T witter(推特)等社交基礎設施的出現,再加上網絡工具的多功能性,公關專家的崗位正在快速增長。”

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment for public relations specialists will grow 9 percent between 2016 and 2026. During that time period, 23,300 new jobs will need to be filled.

美國勞工統計局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)預測,從2016年到2026年,公共關係專家的就業將增長9%。在此期間,將有23,300個新工作崗位需要填補。

What Type of Education Do Public Relations Specialists Need?


Most public relations specialists have a bachelor's degree in communications, journalism, public relations, marketing or other relevant fields.


Internships in public relations provide students with hands-on experience and are considered one of the best avenues to finding entry-level employment. Hiring managers will likely require two to five years of experience.


Job Satisfaction


Average people work well into their 60s, so workers might as well have a job that's enjoyable and a career that's fulfilling.


A job with a low stress level, good work-life balance and solid prospects to improve, get promoted and earn a higher salary would make many employees happy.


Here's how Public Relations Specialists job satisfaction is rated in terms of upward mobility, stress level and flexibility.


Opportunities for advancements and salary are above average. But so will your stress level be, which includes your work environment and complexities of the job's responsibilities.


You’ll have average flexibility, which means you can have relatively OK alternative working schedule and work life balance.


How to Get a Job as a Public Relations Specialist


A public relations specialist job requires writing skills, critical thinking ability, fast turnaround, patience, a thick-skin mentality and creativity.


You should be able to demonstrate real accomplishments in the field and have broad networks.


And wallflowers need not apply– public relations specialists must have an outgoing, self-confident and friendly personality.


What is the Job Like?


Some days are spent at a desk all day, while others can have you on your feet from early morning until the wee hours of the night. Much depends on your job and your employer.


"Be prepared for a higher level of stress than normal, be flexible in your work hours and have a relationship that can endure late nights, early mornings and occasional weekends," Corbett advises.


"Managing the rigors of the job will require flexibility in work-life balance, which can be made easier by a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise of some sort."


In terms of professional development, Corbett says you can expect a fast track for advancement if the company is expanding and employing a wide range of communications methods and tools.


According to Corbett, "Public relations professionals who can write well, have mastered social media infrastructure as well as traditional communications methods, are well-grounded in the art of networking, are cool under pressure and can work at the speed of the internet can do very well in this profession."




