






【英文版】The most exciting month, keep attention on Lovetaowang new cryptocurrency listing activities

The arrival 4th year “World Cup”, followed by the “Father Day” month, the mood of everyone was high and excited, Lovetaowang would like to create more activities let everyone excited. At this time, a more excited event was launched, which is "New cryptocurrency listing with FREE".

Lovetaowang is a secure and fast cryptocurrency trading platform that provides Bitcoin and others to allowing users quickly integrate trading services. Based on the understanding of blockchain technology and it has many years of operating experience, Lovetaowang is committed to providing global users with secure asset management with blockchain application, by using Lovetaowang trading platform, users can easily conduct transactions and use application services to ensuring 100% assets are under their own control.


Lovetaowang trading platform with other competitive industries have a lot of similarities, are all based on the principle of blockchain underlying technology. Lovetaowang used blockchain technology to provide functions based on smart contracts, such as transaction services like withdrawal and topup. Users can trade through P2P, the so-called P2P is essentially a transactional website users can trade at high frequency. This is why users choose to Lovetaowang, because they experience the stability and ultimate services in Lovetaowang trading platform.

With the popularity of the World Cup, in order to make the cryptocurrency as active as World Cup, Lovetaowang trading platform at this moment strongly launch on FREE crpytocurrency listing activities, in addition to allowing entrepreneurs to get more opportunity, this activities let investors and users have more choices. Lovetaowang “love to service”, if you are a cryptocurrency lover, Lovetaowang trading platform is closely related to you.

