

I. Getting on the Train 上火車

1. We have to get to the station one hour earlier because there are a lot of check-in procedures.


2. We need to pick up our tickets first. There is a long line at the counter, let's use the kiosk ['kiɑsk].



3. Here are our tickets. The next step is the security check.



4. We all passed security. Let's go find the waiting room.



5. Here it is. The train is about to come. We can line up and wait to get our tickets checked. Our gate is Gate 6.



6. The gate is opening. Let's go through the gate.


7. Here is the platform. The train has already arrived.



8. We are in Coach B, Seat 39A. Let's find our car first.



9. Here we are. Let's get on the train.


10. Our seat is 39A which is a window seat.


中間的座位用middle seat,靠過道的座位用aisle [ail] seat。

11. Let me put our luggage on the luggage rack. Please sit wherever and be careful I don't hit you while I put the luggage up.



12. We only bought one ticket. Let me put you on my lap and hold you.



II. Travelling on a Short-Distance Train 坐短途火車

13. The train is leaving the station. Off we go!


14. The train we are taking this time is a high speed train which is faster than the D train we took last time.


High speed train,高速鐵路(簡稱高鐵)指的是最高時速在250km/h以上的鐵路,是有國際統一標準的。而動車組是我國特有概念,編號開頭字母是D,在說英語時可以用D train指代它。


15. The tray on the seat in front of you is yours, and you can put food on it. Just twist the knob and it will come down.

前面座位上的小桌板是你的,你可以把吃的放在上面 。轉一下這個鈕,它就下來了。


16. Make sure you put the shells and peels in the paper bag in the seat in front of you.



17. A train is a public place so we should keep our voices low so that we don't disturb others.


18. Kicking the seat in front of you is wrong. It is very rude.


19. Do you want to take a nap? Alright, let me lower the back of your seat so that you can sleep more comfortably.



20. The conductor is coming to check tickets. Do you remember where I put our tickets?



21. Also, we were not able to buy the full fare and we have to pay the difference.



22. We still need to save our ticket because we have to use it when we leave the station.


III. Travelling on a Long-Distance Train 坐長途火車

23. Here are our beds. Daddy takes the top bunk, I take the middle bunk, and you take the bottom bunk.


臥鋪叫做berth。軟臥、硬臥是中國特有概念,可以將三層的硬臥翻譯成triple berth,將兩層的軟臥翻譯成double berth。


24. Let me give you a tour of the train. We are in the sleeper car, the dinning car is in the middle, and the coach is at the front.


Coach即我們的硬座車廂,一等座可以翻譯為first class,二等座可以翻譯為second class,如:Let's buy a coach class ticket. 咱們買一張硬座票。Our seat is in first class. 咱們的座是一等座。

25. The train only provides boiling water. We can't fill the cup all the way because the water might splash and burn you when the train shakes.



26. The train is going through a tunnel and it's all dark. The train is out of the tunnel and it's light again.



27. Look out the window. What beautiful scenery!



IV. Getting off the Train 下火車

28. The train is arriving at the station. Let's grab our luggage from the overhead rack and prepare to get off.


29. [Name of place], here we come! Where is the exit? Let's find the sign.


30. Where are our tickets again? We need to put them into the turnstile and get them back to check out.



《 “火車”親子英文全掌握(下篇)-玩火車玩具》敬請期待!

