

走进百大冠军93期Erin Stern:我们谈论健美运动的“进化”——但是,这意味着什么呢?对我来说,这意味着一个选手在非赛季也不敢马虎,尝试新的训练方法,也许在下一场演出中会风水轮流转。We talk of evolution of the sport of bodybuilding- but, what does that mean? To me, it means that a competitor puts in work in the off season, tries new training methods, and perhaps dials in differently for the next show.


四季变换,你可以看到辛勤的付出。每一位参赛者都会在舞台上展示他们的成果,我们训练,我们学习,我们进化,一步一个脚印。Season after season, you can see the hard work that has been put in. Each competitor wears evidence of their work when he/she steps on stage.We train, we learn..we evolve.. . slowly.


在过去的几年里,似乎“进化”已经成为“用药”的代名词。体格的微小变化难以打动评委或观众。越大只越好成了潜规则。It seems that”evolution" has become synonymous with"drugs" in the last few years. Small changes in physiques weren't enough to wow the judges, or perhaps the crowd. Bigger has become better.


健美的艺术呢?对称性呢?肌肉群的线条美感呢?这是你我心照不宣的。What about the art of bodybuilding?What about symmetry?What about the aesthetic flow of the muscle groups?It's an undercurrent. Unspoken.


现在这是一条岔路——保持自然,或者急功近利。It's a fork in the road now - remain natural or vie for a shot at a spot on the big stage.


尤其是对于大多数的女性健美类别来说,这是不应该的。给女孩一个可行的办法脚踏实地。。。。Especially for most women's divisions, this shouldn't be.Give the girls an obtainable ideal..


提升女性的气质和健康,告诉女孩们真相。建立肌肉特定的训练、进食、耐心和稳定性需要几年的时间。没有一夜成名这样的事情。Promote femininity and muscularity and health.Give the girls the truth. It takes years to build muscle -specific training, eating, patience, and consistency. Thereis no such thing as an overnight success.


如果你是一名增强型运动员,就这样吧。但我认为健美舞台需要新的理念。健美的舞台需要通过自然的选手来点亮,你觉得呢?And if you're an enhanced athlete, so be it. Claim it.But I think the stage needs new ideals. The stage needs to be lit up for the lifetime natural athletes.What do you think?

