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the Shanghai Spirit



習近平說,當前,世界發展既充滿希望,也面臨挑戰,我們的未來無比光明,但前方的道路不會平坦。我們要進一步弘揚"上海精神(the Shanghai Spirit)",破解時代難題,化解風險挑戰(further carry forward the Shanghai Spirit to surmount difficulties, defuse risks and meet challenges)。


➤ We should uphold innovative, coordinated, green, open and inclusive development, achieve coordinated social and economic progress of various countries and resolve issues caused by unbalanced development. We should bridge the gap in development and promote shared prosperity.


➤ We should pursue common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. We should reject the Cold War mentality and confrontation between blocks and oppose the practices of seeking absolute security of oneself at the expense of the security of other countries, so as to achieve security of all.


➤ We need to promote open and inclusive cooperation for win-win outcomes. We should reject self-centered, short-sighted and closed-door policies. We should uphold WTO rules and support the multilateral trading system so as to build an open world economy.


➤ Equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness between cultures should be championed, so that we overcome cultural misunderstanding, clash and supremacy through exchanges, mutual learning and coexistence.


➤ We should adhere to extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits in global governance, steadily reform and improve the global governance system, and push all countries to jointly build a community with a shared future for humanity.



➤ "上海精神"是我們共同的財富,上海合作組織是我們共同的家園(the Shanghai Spirit is our shared asset, and the SCO is our shared home)。我們要繼續在"上海精神"指引下,同舟共濟,精誠合作,齊心協力構建上海合作組織命運共同體(to build an SCO community with a shared future),推動建設新型國際關係,攜手邁向持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁榮、開放包容、清潔美麗的世界(build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity)。


➤ SCO member states should build up strength of unity and mutual trust.


➤ SCO member states should strengthen the foundation for shared peace and security.


➤ SCO members need to build a powerful engine to achieve common development.


➤ Member states of the SCO should forge closer ties through people-to-people and cultural exchanges.


➤ SCO member states need to expand partnership networks of international cooperation.



青島宣言 the Qingdao Declaration

共同繁榮 shared prosperity

冷戰思維 Cold War mentality

文明隔閡 cultural misunderstanding

狹隘政策 closed-door policies

夥伴網絡 partnership network


the first-ever meeting


Top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump had a historic meeting in Singapore Tuesday. It is the first-ever meeting between a DPRK leader and a sitting US president.


➤ 兩人握手之後進行了40分鐘的單獨會晤(hold a 40-minute one-on-one meeting),隨後與各自的助理人員一起進行了大範圍會談(proceed to an expanded meeting),並共進工作午餐。特朗普表示單獨會晤"非常非常好",期間,他還稱與金正恩"關係很好(excellent relationship)"。金正恩表示,過去的偏見和慣例(old prejudice and practices)是阻礙兩國之間實現會晤的障礙,雙方克服了"各種障礙"才走到今天。

➤特朗普預言此次會晤會很成功(predict a tremendous success of the summit),他表示,很榮幸能夠與金正恩進行面對面會晤(it was "an honor" to meet face-to-face with Kim),他會跟朝鮮領導人有"特別好的關係(a terrific relationship)"。在大範圍會談開始時,特朗普表示:"我們會一起努力解決問題(working together, we will get it taken care of)",並預言他和金正恩會解決"重大問題和主要困境"(he and Kim will solve "a big problem and a big dilemma")。金正恩表示,他會"與特朗普總統合作解決即將到來的挑戰(cooperate with President Trump to resolve the challenges ahead)",並應對關於此次會晤的質疑和猜測(overcome the skepticism and speculations about their summit)。

➤當日下午,特朗普和金正恩簽署了一份協議,特朗普稱這份協議"非常重要、非常全面"。金正恩表示,"全世界將會看到巨大的變化(the world will see a major change)",並表示,他和特朗普"決定放下過去(decide to leave the past behind)"。

1. The US and the DPRK commit to establish new US-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.


2. The US and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.


3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work towards complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.


4. The US and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.


兩國相互對立甚至敵對半個多世紀,今天,兩國的最高領導人能夠坐在一起,進行平等對話,這本身就具有重大和積極的意義,就是在創造新的歷史(it is important and positive for the top leaders of the two countries to sit down and conduct equal talks, which is creating a new history)。中方對此當然歡迎和支持,因為這是中方一直期待和努力的目標。

我們希望朝美領導人排除干擾,建立互信,克服困難,就推進和實現半島無核化、推進並建立半島和平機制達成基本共識,邁出實質性步伐(result in substantive steps toward denuclearization and the establishment of a peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula)。

王毅希望有關各方都能為此做出努力,強調中方也將繼續發揮建設性作用(China will continue to play a constructive role in this regard)。


朝美會晤 DPRK-US summit

和談 peace talk

無核化 denuclearization

朝鮮半島形勢 the situation of the Korean Peninsula

聯合軍演 joint drill/exercise

軍售 arms sale


air pollution control inspection


China's top environmental watchdog will dispatch about 18,000 law enforcement officers to conduct air pollution control inspections in three key areas starting on Monday.


➤ 生態環境部日前印發《2018—2019年藍天保衛戰重點區域強化督查方案》,於11日啟動強化督查,持續到2019年4月28日結束。今年的督查主題為"藍天保衛戰(Blue Sky Protection Campaign)",重點對京津冀地區(Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region)及周邊"2+26"城市、汾謂平原(Fenhe and Weihe plains)11城市,以及長三角地區(the Yangtze River Delta)等重點區域持續開展大氣汙染防治強化督查。

➤據瞭解,這些重點區域雖然當前空氣質量繼續改善,但個別地區汙染仍然較重。京津冀地區仍然是全國環境空氣質量最差(the worst air quality)的地區。河北、山西、天津、河南、山東5省(市)優良天氣(fairly good air quality)比例仍不到60%,汾渭平原更是近年來大氣汙染不降反升。

➤ 此次強化督查將分三個階段,圍繞產業結構(industrial structure)、能源結構(energy structure)、運輸結構(transportation structure)和用地結構(land use structure)4項重點任務,檢查"散亂汙"企業(poorly managed - and polluting - small enterprises)綜合整治情況、工業企業環境問題治理情況、清潔取暖(clean energy heating)及燃煤替代(coal substitution)情況等。


可吸入顆粒物 inhalable particulate

灰霾汙染日 haze pollution day

工業粉塵 industrial dust

揚塵汙染 dust pollution

空氣汙染防治 air pollution control

廢物管理 waste management

環境監測 environmental monitoring


four-strain flu vaccine


China's drug regulator has approved the country's first four-strain flu vaccine.


➤ 國家藥監總局(the National Drug Administration of China)稱,這種四價流感疫苗(four-strain flu vaccine)加入能預防上次流感季中的主要病株BY型流感的抗體(protection against the Yamagata lineage of Influenza B),能保護人們不被4種流感病株(virus strain)感染。

➤ 國家藥監總局相關負責人表示,由於2017-2018年度北半球三價流感疫苗(three-strain vaccine)株組分與我國流感優勢毒株(dominant flu strain)不匹配,導致流感疫苗保護效果受到一定影響。為了覆蓋近年來全球流感流行的主要亞型(main subtypes),研發使用四價流感疫苗就成為當前疾病防控(disease prevention)的一種迫切需求。

➤ 華蘭和長春兩家國內公司(domestic companies)獲准成為這種疫苗的生產商(vaccine producer)。該疫苗或適用於成年人及3歲以上的兒童(be used on adults and children aged three years and above)。甲型H1N1和H3N2流感(H1N1 and H3N2 of Influenza A)、乙型Victoria和Yamagata流感(Victoria and Yamagata lineages of Influenza B)是人流感病毒的常見菌株(common strains of human flu viruses)。目前,接種疫苗被認為是預防流感和流行病最有效的方法(the most effective way to prevent infection and guard against an epidemic)。


個人防護措施 personal protective measure

季節性流感病毒 seasonal influenza virus

病原 pathogen

傳播力 transmissibility


World Cup


This year's Football World Cup has opened in spectacular fashion, with the host Russians routing Saudi Arabia 5-0, recording the biggest win by the host nation in the opening game of a World Cup since 1934.


➤ 在此前進行的7場比賽中俄羅斯無一獲勝(have not won in their past seven matches)。但在莫斯科盧日尼基體育場(Luzhniki Stadium)約7.8萬粉絲的觀戰下,俄羅斯對陣沙特阿拉伯易如反掌(Russia had little trouble against the Saudis)。

➤ 比賽過程中,數位俄羅斯戰將頗為勇猛,幫助祖國贏得出線小組賽的機會(help Russia's chances of qualifying from the group stage)。俄羅斯此次獲勝也使得世界盃(World Cup)史上的"揭幕戰東道主不敗(host nation not losing the opening match)"定律得以延續。

➤ 接下來,俄羅斯將迎戰薩拉赫領銜的埃及隊(Russia will play Egypt led by Mohamed Salah next)和實力更強的烏拉圭隊。雖然收穫開門紅(win the first game),但面對更加強大的對手,在14日晚的狂歡過後,俄羅斯還需重新開始。


點球決勝 penalty shootout

斷球 intercept

任意球 free kick

技術犯規 technical foul

越位 offside

假摔 fake a fall/an injury


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