
English◆ ◆英語傳遞戲曲文化





Cap With a Soft Inner Lining 軟巾類



HUANG JIN(Emperor's Cap)

As we known as dijin(‘di’ means emperor).It has a soft inner lining,a front section lower than the back section,and a pair of wings in the middle of the back.It is made of yellow satin and is embroidered with dragons.It is worn by an Emperor when he is in bed or becoming ill.



XIANG JIN(Premier‘s Kerchief)

A kind of square cap with several raised lines and a hard inner lining.It is made of satin and embroidered with dragons,pythons or patterns of golden lines.It has a pair of wings attached to the back and a piece of white jade that decorates the middle of the front.It is worn by prime ministers,the nobility and high officials when they are in everyday dress.Such characters include Zhao Gao in The Sword(Yu Zhou Feng).




A kind of ladder—shaped square cap with a soft inner lining.It is made of satin and is generally embroidered with the Chinese character”壽“(longevity).There are two soft wings and two ribbons embroidered with flowers attached to the back.The costume and Squire Cap worn by a character must be of the same colour and embroidered pattern.Yuanwajin is usually worn by rich men.






WENSHENG JIN(Civilian Kerchief)

Also known as Gongzijin(young urbane man’s cap)or XiaoShengJin(young man‘s cap),is one kind of cap with a soft inner lining.It is made of various colours and em- broidered with flowers,grass,or the Chinese character wan“萬”(literally“myriad of things”,a symbol of good luck).It has a hard fan—like decoration on either side from which tassels dangle.Two ribbons are attached to the back.Sometimes the ribbons can be tied in front of the left ear in order to show the character is suffering misfortune or hurrying on his way.There are many colours of Wenshengjin and they must match therest of the costume.Wenshengjin is usually worn by young men of refinement or handsome young scholars.



WUSHENG JIN (Military Kerchief)

one kind of cap with soft lining,and is similar to the "civilian kerchief".the significant difference between the two is that wushengjin does not have ribbons attached .instead,a "'small flame"(a popular name for a bow made of red silk)is added to the center of the front.in acrobatic fighting performances,the tassels on either side must be removed.It is worn by wusheng(the male role skilled in martial arts)characters and wu xiaosheng.



XUESHI JIN(scholar’s kerchief)

Also known as jieyuan jin.It is made of satin and embroidered with flowers,with the colour and patter used determined by the rest of the costume.The cap has a tilt,so that the front part sits lower than the back part.It has two Ruyi—shaped soft wings attached to the back.It is worn by renowned scholars.


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FANGJIN(Square Kerchief)

A square cap with a soft inner lining that looks like a sloping roof.Without any embroidery,it has a piece of white jade in the middle of the front.Different colours such as black,bule,or bronze,are used to distinguish the character‘s age and status.There are two types:the higher status cap and the lower status cap.Since actors of chou representing scholars always wear the ai fangjin,this type of chou is thus named Fangjin Chou.Gao Fangjin is for Qiongsheng role,scholars who have passed county examinations or men of intelligence and integrity.Officials also wear Gao Fangjin once they have left office.



BANGCHUI JIN(Wooden Club Kerchief)

One kind of cap with a soft inner lining,made of satin and embroidered with flowers.It is worn by "young masters"or the pampered,carefree offspring of high officials.With the upper section than the lower section,the cap looks like a wooden club,hence the name.At the back of the cap,a pair of small wings attached to either side of the cap flaps up and down when walking,matching the flippant behaviour of the character.



LAOREN JIN(elderly kerchief)

It is so named because it is worn by the elderly.It is made of satin with a soft inner lining and is without embroidery.It has a hood at the back and a jade"cap adjuster"to the front.Purple,black and bronze are three colours most commonly seen.

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BAGUA JIN(Eight-Diagram Kerchief)

It is one kind of cap with a soft inner lining,embroidered with eight diagrams and Taijin symbols.The crown is flat and the lower part is square.There is a piece of jade,a"cap adjuster",and two embroidered ribbons attached to the back.The two colours used are black or purple.It is mostly worn by characters well-versed in Taoism.



QIAOLIANG JIN(Brige Kerchief)

It is named because its crown is in the shape of a brige.It is made of satin or silk with a soft inner lining,and embroidered with flower patterns.Two ribbons are attrached to the back.Wearing the kerchief suggests that the character is handsome and scholarly.Generally,its colour and pattern are determined by the costume.



DAOSHI JIN(Taoist Kerchief)

One kind of cap with a soft inner lining,similiar in design to the bagua jin(eight-diagram kerchief).The cap is black or purple and embroidered with the pattern of eight diagrams It is worn by Taoist priests and immortals.




