
【什麼是方式狀語從句】方式狀語從句表示主句中動作或狀態的方式或方法,多半是用比喻說明主句內容或原物,是被說明的人、物形象具體化。常由as,just as,as if,as though等引導。

1. 由as(如,像)引導

I will do as you told me. 我將會按照你告訴我的那樣去做。

The moon has no light of its own as the sun has. 月球不像太陽那樣,它本身不發光。


Most plants need air just as they need water.大部分的植物需要空氣,正如它們需要水一樣。


As you treat me, so I shall treat you. 你怎樣對待我,我也將怎樣對待你。

Just as there are difference forms of matter, so there are different forms of energy.




1. 省略主語。無論從句和主句的主語是否一致,從句的主語可以省略。例如:

English is not difficult to learn, as (it )is generally supposed.


He wrote as(it) follows. (主謂不一致) 他寫的如下。

2. 省略謂語或謂語中的表意動詞。例如:

The study of science needs time, as any other subjects (does).


The electricity does not move through the insulator as it would (move) through a conductor.


3. 主謂全省略。如:

He worked as usual (=···as it was usual). 他像平時那樣工作。

2. 專有句型

“A···to B+ what/ as+ C···to D” (A···對於B好比C···對於D一樣);

“What C···to D, that A···to B” (C對於D 恰似A 對於B一樣)。例如:

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 讀書之於心靈,猶如鍛鍊之於身體。

What blood vessel is to a man’s body, that railway is to transportation.


3. 由as if, as though引導


They completely ignore these facts as if (as though) they never existed.


He looks as if (as though) he had been hit by lighting.



It’s all, all covered with blots as if she were crying on the paper.


It looks as if the weather may pick up very soon.


as if, as though 引導的從句常用省略形式,往往從句中只剩下介詞動詞、不定式短語、分詞短語或形容詞短語。例如:

He opened his lips as if(he was going)to say something.


He walked forward as if(as though)making a speech.


The clouds has disappeared as if(they had done)by magic.


He fell off his horse as if(he had been)shot.


He hurriedly left the moon as though(she were)angry.


4. the way, how引導


the way = the way that, the way in which / in the way

how = in whatever manner

He doesn’t speak the way I do. 他說話的方式和我的不一樣。

Do it the way you were taught. 要按照教導你的那樣去做。

This steak is cooked just how I like it. 這牛排正式在按照我喜歡的那樣去做。

5. 由like引導

在口語或非正式文體中,有時可用like代替as或as if。例如:

I wish I could paint like(=as)he did. 我希望我能像他那樣畫畫。

It rained like(=as if)the sky were falling. 下著大雨,好像天要塌下來似的。