
近日, 多家媒體報道的“14歲少女被煙臺上市公司高管性侵4年”一事引發廣泛關注。


A special investigation team has dug into the sexual assault case of the suspect surnamed Bao, the Yantai Public Security Bureau announced on Monday. Bao was accused of illegally adopting a 14-year-old girl and sexually assaulting her. According to the announcement, the result will be shared with the public in time while authorities welcome public supervision.




This sexual assault case has become a hot topic among the public, triggering appeal from the people to protect children and safeguard them against sexual assaults. The relevant hashtags like #Sistersarecoming#, #Brotherssupportyou# also started trending on the social media platform Weibo.

"For every child, every right"



In 1989,over 190 countries signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The convention, defining a child as any human under the age of 18, is a legally binding international agreement setting out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of every child.

The Article 19 of the convention also states that "all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures should be taken to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence."




Though the UNCRC has been signed for three decades, sexual violence, whether direct physical contact or unwanted exposure to sexual language, still happens and hurts millions of children worldwide.

According to the latest report of the United Nations Children's Fund(UNICEF), around 15 million adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 worldwide have experienced forced sexual intercourse or other forced sexual acts in their lifetime. Only one percent of adolescent girls who had experienced sexual violence said they reached out for professional help. Boys also experience sexual violence and they might confront more difficulties when safeguarding their rights.



In recent years, several cases of sexual abuse towards children have been brought in the spotlight, reminding people that some problems should still be solved to ensure the children’s safety and wellbeing.



Children are at greatest risk of exposure to sexual violence from those that are known to them, like teachers, neighbors and relatives. "A Familiar Face: Violence in the lives of children and adolescents", a report issued by UNICEF shows that 90 percent of adolescent girls who had experienced forced sex said the perpetrator of the first incident was known to them.



It is important for parents to make their child feel supported. But some parents might hold their tongues after the child would tell them about the sexual abuse, out of the consideration for protecting the child's reputation. When some children spoke out, many were disbelieved or had their experiences minimized by their parents.



Sex education is also vital for protecting children from sexual violence. Educating children about their bodies, body autonomy, and safe/unsafe touch from a young age is an important way to keep them safe. However, in the reality, stigma and shame over sexuality still exist in some countries, which might be unconducive to carry out sex education among children.



As Internet is more accessible to children, there are also online sexual exploitation and abuse towards them. The online sexual abuse include things such as forcing or blackmailing children into sending sexual photos or videos of themselves online or to perform sexual acts over webcam.





In October 2019, draft revisions to the Law on the Protection of Minors was submitted and reviewed by the lawmakers during the bimonthly session of the National People"s Congress Standing Committee.

It is noteworthy that one draft revision stipulates that employers in businesses that require close contact with minors must inquire the police when recruiting whether an applicant has an illegal record of seriously harming minors, which may refer to acts including sexual assault against minors.
