
Mathematicians have finally figured out the three cubed numbers that add up to 42.


This has settled a problem that has been pondered for 65 years: namely, can each of the natural numbers below 100 be expressed as the sum of three cubes?


The problem, set in 1954, is exactly what it sounds like: x3+y3+z3=k.


K is each of the numbers from 1 to 100; the question is, what are x, y and z?


Over the following decades, solutions were found for the easier numbers.


In 2000, mathematician Noam Elkies of Harvard University published an algorithm to help find the harder ones.

2000年,哈佛大學的數學家諾姆·埃爾基斯(Noam Elkies)發表了一種算法,以幫助找到更難的算法。

By 2019, just the two most difficult ones remained: 33 and 42.


Then, after watching a YouTube video about the problem with 33 on the popular maths channel Numberphile, mathematician Andrew Booker from the University of Bristol in the UK was inspired to write a new algorithm.


He ran this through a powerful supercomputer at the university's Advanced Computing Research Centre, and got the solution for 33 after just three weeks.


So, we were left with the hardest one of them all: 42.


This proved a much more obstinate problem, so Booker enlisted the aid of fellow MIT mathematician Andrew Sutherland, an expert in massively parallel computation.

事實證明這是一個更加頑固的問題,所以布克向麻省理工學院的數學家安德魯·薩瑟蘭(Andrew Sutherland)尋求幫助,後者是大規模並行計算方面的專家。

As you already know from the headline of this article, they figured it out.


They also did a fun reveal of their success: according to The Aperiodical, both mathematicians quietly changed their personal websites to the solution, and named the pages "Life, the Universe, and Everything", a fitting nod to Douglas Adams.


Of course, it wasn't simple.
