
[Scene, Monica and Rachel's, Monica and Ross are pouring wine for their parents.]

Mrs. Geller: Oh, Martha Ludwin's daughter is gonna call you. (Tastes a snack) Mmm! What's that curry taste?

Monica: Curry. n.咖哩粉, 咖哩饭菜vt.用咖哩粉调味

Mrs. Geller: Mmmm!

Ross: I- I think they're great! I, I really do.

Mr. Geller: (To Ross) Do you remember the Ludwins? The big one had a thing for you, didn't she?

have a thing for/about a.对...特别感兴趣b.特别向往[爱好]

Mrs. Geller: They all had a thing for him.

Ross: Aw, Mom...

Monica: I'm sorry, why is this girl going to call me?

Mrs. Geller: Oh, she just graduated, and she wants to be something in cooking, or food, or.... I don't know. Anyway, I told her you had a restaurant-

Monica: No Mom, I don't have a restaurant, I work in a restaurant.

Mrs. Geller: Well, they don't have to know that... (She starts to fluff the same pillow Monica fluffed multiple times earlier.)

Monica: Ross, could you come and help me with the spaghetti, please?

Ross: Yeah. (They go to the kitchen.)

Mrs. Geller: Oh, we're having spaghetti n.意大利式细面条! That's.... easy.

Monica: I know this is going to sound unbelievably selfish, but, were you planning on bringing up the whole baby/lesbian thing? Because I think it might take some of the heat off me能够减轻我的压力.

Ross和Monica的父母来看望他们,由于从小父母就喜欢Ross(因为Ross成绩优异,为人老实,而Monica性格独立,而且那时候还很胖chubby),所以在吃饭的时候老是无意识的讽刺Monica,于是Monica想让Ross提提自己老婆是Lesbian而且有了孩子的事儿转移注意力。Take some of the heat off sb,这里是帮Monica减轻压力的意思。

[Time Lapse, everyone is now eating.]

Mrs. Geller: What that Rachel did to her life.... We ran into her parents at the club, they were not playing very well.

run into v.跑进, 撞上, 偶遇, 陷入, 达到

Mr. Geller: I'm not gonna tell you what they spent on that wedding... but forty thousand dollars is a lot of money!

Mrs. Geller: Well, at least she had the chance to leave a man at the altar...

"at the altar"应该理解为"在婚礼上,在举行婚礼时",altar这里就可以理解为"教堂",所以这句话的意思,我认为应该是:(虽然Rachel的父母为筹备婚礼花了不少钱,而Rachel又逃婚),但是至少Rachel还有机会在举行婚礼之际离开那个男人,(言下之意,Monica到现在连个结婚还都没有)。

Monica: What's that supposed to mean?

Mrs. Geller: Nothing! It's an expression随便说说.

Monica: No it's not.

Mr. Geller: Don't listen to your mother. You're independent, and you always have been! Even when you were a kid... and you were chubby, and you had no friends, you were just fine! And you would read alone in your room, and your puzzles...

chubby adj.丰满的, 圆胖的/puzzle n.难题,谜,拼图

[Time Lapse.]

Mr. Geller: Look, there are people like Ross who need to shoot for the stars, with his museum, and his papers getting published. Other people are satisfied with staying where they are- I'm telling you, these are the people who never get cancer.

shoot fot the stars追求成功or卓越

shoot for是争取、得到或完成的意思。老爸盖勒也似乎对女儿不太友好,他一方面赞扬Ross,一方面不忘贬低Monica,说她满足于现状不思进取,说她这样的人绝对不会得癌症…

[Time Lapse.]

Mr. Geller: ...And I read about these women trying to have it all拥有一切, and I thank God 'Our Little Harmonica' doesn't seem to have that problem.

harmonica n.口琴(Monica的小名)

Monica: (trying desperately to change the subject) So, Ross, what's going on with you? Any stories? (Digs her elbow into his hand.) No news, no little anecdotes to share with the folks?

try desperately to 拼命地想做某事/dig her elbow into his hand 将肘部往他的手上钻/anecdote n.轶事, 奇闻,八卦/the folks n.父母

Ross: (pulls his hand away) Okay! Okay. (To his parents) Look, I, uh- I realise you guys have been wondering what exactly happened between Carol and me, and, so, well, here's the deal事情是这样的. Carol's a lesbian. She's living with a woman named Susan. She's pregnant with my child, and she and Susan are going to raise the baby.

(Stunned silence ensues.)

ensue vi.跟着发生, 继起vt.(基督教《圣经》用语)追求

Mrs. Geller: (To Monica) And you knew about this?!

Commercial Break

[Scene: Central Park, everyone's there.]

Joey: Your folks are really that bad, huh?

Ross: Well, y'know, these people are pros. They know what they're doing, they take their time, they get the job done.

pros=professionals n.专家eg:Mathew plays tennis like a pro./ Ross意思是无论发生什么事,他父母最后都能把问题绕到monica身上

Monica: Boy, I know they say you can't change your parents,... boy, if you could- (To Ross) -I'd want yours.

Ross: Must pee. (Goes to pee.)

pee v.n.小便

Phoebe: Y'know, it's even worse when you're twins.

Rachel: You're twins?

Phoebe: Yeah. We don't speak. She's like this high-powered, driven career type一心追求事业的那类人.

high-powered adj.马力大的, 精力充沛的, 高性能的

Chandler: What does she do?

Phoebe: She's a waitress.

Rachel: All right, you guys, I kinda gotta clean up now. (They all start to leave.)

clean up=dust v.打扫

Monica: Chandler, you're an only child, right? You don't have any of this.

Chandler: Well, no, although I did have an imaginary friend, who... my parents actually preferred.

imaginary adj.假想的, 想象的, 虚构的

Rachel: The lights, please..

(Joey turns off the lights, and they all leave as Rachel starts to clean up. Ross enters from the bathroom厕所.)

Ross: ...How long was I in there?


I'm just cleaning up.

Ross: D'ya.. uh.. d'ya need any help?

Rachel: Uh.. okay, sure! Thanks! (She hands him the broom扫帚 and sits down.)

Ross: Anyway.. um.. (Starts to sweep.) So, you- uh- you nervous about Barry tomorrow?

Rachel: Oh.. a little..

Ross: Mm-hmm..

Rachel: A lot.

Ross: Mm.

Rachel: So, got any advice? Y'know, as someone who's recently been- dumped?

Ross: Well, you may wanna steer clear of the word 'dumped'. Chances are he's gonna be this, this broken shell of a man现在他可能痛不欲生, y'know, so you should try not to look too terrific, I know it'll be hard. Or, y'know, uh, hey!, I'll go down there, and I'll give Barry back his ring, and you can go with Carol and Susan to the OB/GYN...

wanna=want to,口语中常这样子简化/类似的还有gonna就是going to得意思/steer v.驾驶,掌舵/steer clear of v.避开, 绕开/steer clear of the word好好驾驭这个词/shell n.壳/terrific adj.令人恐怖的,光彩照人的的意思/terrific口语中多半用来表示赞赏,虽然它的本意是令人恐慌的,糟糕的。 Ross暗示Rach不要随便乱用"dumped",因为他作为一个男人自尊可能会受伤害,所以虽然这样做很难,但是还是不要显得太神采飞扬。OB/GYN abbr.. =obstetrics(n.产科学)and gynaecology(n.妇科医学) 【主美】【口】妇产科学

Rachel: Oh, you've got Carol tomorrow.. When did it get so complicated?

Ross: Got me这你可把我问倒了.

Rachel: Remember when we were in high school together?

Ross: Yeah.

Rachel: I mean, didn't you think you were just gonna meet somone, fall in love- and that'd be it? (Ross gazes at盯着 her.) ..Ross?

Ross: Yes, yes!

Rachel: Oh! Man, I never thought I'd be here.. (She leans back onto his hand.)

Ross: Me either... (He pulls up a stool凳子 so that he doesn't have to move his hand.)
