
​一句話瑜伽,第330期Tania:什麼是瑜伽?What is Yoga?

許多人錯誤地認為,瑜伽是一種只適合柔韌性好的人的運動。Many people mistakenly think of Yoga-as a form of exercise, suitable only for flexible people.

但是瑜伽——是身體,精神以及精神實踐,亦或是紀律的組合。But Yoga- is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines.

瑜珈(或瑜珈——結合,合一,極樂)個體靈魂與宇宙靈魂的統一。Yoga ( or Yog - Union , oneness, bliss) unity of individual soul with cosmic soul.

我們和宇宙的心連心。the unity between our heart and the cosmic heart.

自我與他人的統一,身心的統一,等等。the unity between oneself and the Other.unity of mind,body and soul ……

瑜伽是我的一種生活方式,所以你的瑜伽是什麼?Yoga is a way of my life And what is Yoga for you?

​BY 福安遠航教育、小魚兒