


最後,我將引用Stuart Russel 和 Peter Norvig的話,他們寫道:

你可以說SVMs是成功的,因為它的關鍵洞察力和優雅的技巧。(Russell & Norvig, 2010)



就這樣,如果你看完了這本書,你將能明白SVMs是如何工作的。另一個感興趣的問題是它們為什麼能工作?這個主題的領域叫計算學習理論(SVMs事實上來自統計學習理論)。如果你想知道更多關於這方面的知識,你可以跟隨精品課程(outstanding course,http://work.caltech.edu/telecourse.html)從數據中學習(Learning from Data (Abu-Mostafa, 2012) ),它對這個主題提供了一個非常好的介紹。





下面的代碼列出本書大部分章節都用到的簡單線性可分數據集。你可以在Bitbucket repository(https://bitbucket.org/syncfusiontech/svm-succinctly)找到本書用到的其他數據集的源碼。

圖60: 訓練集



方法get_training_examples 返回圖60所示的數據,方法get_training_examples 返回圖61所示的數據。

from succinctly.datasets import *
import numpy as np
def get_training_examples():
X1 = np.array([[8, 7], [4, 10], [9, 7], [7, 10],
[9, 6], [4, 8], [10, 10]])
y1 = np.ones(len(X1))

X2 = np.array([[2, 7], [8, 3], [7, 5], [4, 4],
[4, 6], [1, 3], [2, 5]])
y2 = np.ones(len(X2)) * -1
return X1, y1, X2, y2
def get_test_examples():
X1 = np.array([[2, 9], [1, 10], [1, 11], [3, 9], [11, 5],
[10, 6], [10, 11], [7, 8], [8, 8], [4, 11],
[9, 9], [7, 7], [11, 7], [5, 8], [6, 10]])
X2 = np.array([[11, 2], [11, 3], [1, 7], [5, 5], [6, 4],
[9, 4],[2, 6], [9, 3], [7, 4], [7, 2], [4, 5],
[3, 6], [1, 6], [2, 3], [1, 1], [4, 2], [4, 3]])
y1 = np.ones(len(X1))
y2 = np.ones(len(X2)) * -1
return X1, y1, X2, y2

代碼表53是這個代碼的一個典型的應用。它用的get_dataset 方法來自代碼表54,用來載入datasets包。

from succinctly.datasets import get_dataset, linearly_separable as ls
# Get the training examples of the linearly separable dataset.
X, y = get_dataset(ls.get_training_examples)
import numpy as np
def get_dataset(get_examples):
X1, y1, X2, y2 = get_examples()
X, y = get_dataset_for(X1, y1, X2, y2)
return X, y def get_dataset_for(X1, y1, X2, y2):
X = np.vstack((X1, X2))
y = np.hstack((y1, y2))
return X, y
def get_generated_dataset(get_examples, n):
X1, y1, X2, y2 = get_examples(n)
X, y = get_dataset_for(X1, y1, X2, y2)
return X, y


import numpy as np
from random import randrange
# Written from the pseudo-code in:
# http://luthuli.cs.uiuc.edu/~daf/courses/optimization/Papers/smoTR.pdf
class SmoAlgorithm:
def init (self, X, y, C, tol, kernel, use_linear_optim):
self.X = X
self.y = y

self.m, self.n = np.shape(self.X)
self.alphas = np.zeros(self.m)
self.kernel = kernel
self.C = C
self.tol = tol
self.errors = np.zeros(self.m)
self.eps = 1e-3 # epsilon
self.b = 0
self.w = np.zeros(self.n)
self.use_linear_optim = use_linear_optim
# Compute the SVM output for example i
# Note that Platt uses the convention w.x-b=0
# while we have been using w.x+b in the book.
def output(self, i):
if self.use_linear_optim:
# Equation 1
return float(np.dot(self.w.T, self.X[i])) - self.b
# Equation 10
return np.sum([self.alphas[j] * self.y[j]
* self.kernel(self.X[j], self.X[i])
for j in range(self.m)]) - self.b
# Try to solve the problem analytically.
def take_step(self, i1, i2):
if i1 == i2:
return False
a1 = self.alphas[i1] y1 = self.y[i1]
X1 = self.X[i1]
E1 = self.get_error(i1)
s = y1 * self.y2
# Compute the bounds of the new alpha2.
if y1 != self.y2:
# Equation 13
L = max(0, self.a2 - a1)
H = min(self.C, self.C + self.a2 - a1)
# Equation 14
L = max(0, self.a2 + a1 - self.C) H = min(self.C, self.a2 + a1)
if L == H:
return False
k11 = self.kernel(X1, X1)
k12 = self.kernel(X1, self.X[i2])
k22 = self.kernel(self.X[i2], self.X[i2])
# Compute the second derivative of the
# objective function along the diagonal.
# Equation 15
eta = k11 + k22 - 2 * k12
if eta > 0:
# Equation 16
a2_new = self.a2 + self.y2 * (E1 - self.E2) / eta

# Clip the new alpha so that is stays at the end of the line.
# Equation 17
if a2_new < L: a2_new = L
elif a2_new > H: a2_new = H
# Under unusual cicumstances, eta will not be positive.
# Equation 19
f1 = y1 * (E1 + self.b) - a1 * k11 - s * self.a2 * k12 f2 = self.y2 * (self.E2 + self.b) - s * a1 * k12 \
- self.a2 * k22
L1 = a1 + s(self.a2 - L)
H1 = a1 + s * (self.a2 - H)
Lobj = L1 * f1 + L * f2 + 0.5 * (L1 ** 2) * k11 \
+ 0.5 * (L ** 2) * k22 + s * L * L1 * k12 Hobj = H1 * f1 + H * f2 + 0.5 * (H1 ** 2) * k11 \
+ 0.5 * (H ** 2) * k22 + s * H * H1 * k12
if Lobj < Hobj - self.eps: a2_new = L
elif Lobj > Hobj + self.eps: a2_new = H
a2_new = self.a2
# If alpha2 did not change enough the algorithm
# returns without updating the multipliers.
if abs(a2_new - self.a2) < self.eps * (a2_new + self.a2 \
+ self.eps):
return False
# Equation 18
a1_new = a1 + s * (self.a2 - a2_new)
new_b = self.compute_b(E1, a1, a1_new, a2_new, k11, k12, k22, y1)
delta_b = new_b - self.b
self.b = new_b
# Equation 22
if self.use_linear_optim:
self.w = self.w + y1*(a1_new - a1)*X1 \
+ self.y2*(a2_new - self.a2) * self.X2
# Update the error cache using the new Lagrange multipliers.
delta1 = y1 * (a1_new - a1)
delta2 = self.y2 * (a2_new - self.a2)
# Update the error cache.
for i in range(self.m):
if 0 < self.alphas[i] < self.C:
self.errors[i] += delta1 * self.kernel(X1, self.X[i]) + \ delta2 * self.kernel(self.X2,self.X[i]) \
- delta_b
self.errors[i1] = 0
self.errors[i2] = 0
self.alphas[i1] = a1_new self.alphas[i2] = a2_new
return True
def compute_b(self, E1, a1, a1_new, a2_new, k11, k12, k22, y1):
# Equation 20
b1 = E1 + y1 * (a1_new - a1) * k11 + \
self.y2 * (a2_new - self.a2) * k12 + self.b
# Equation 21
b2 = self.E2 + y1 * (a1_new - a1) * k12 + \ self.y2 * (a2_new - self.a2) * k22 + self.b

if (0 < a1_new) and (self.C > a1_new): new_b = b1
elif (0 < a2_new) and (self.C > a2_new): new_b = b2
new_b = (b1 + b2) / 2.0
return new_b
def get_error(self, i1):
if 0 < self.alphas[i1] < self.C:
return self.errors[i1]
return self.output(i1) - self.y[i1]
def second_heuristic(self, non_bound_indices): i1 = -1
if len(non_bound_indices) > 1: max = 0
for j in non_bound_indices:
E1 = self.errors[j] - self.y[j]
step = abs(E1 - self.E2) # approximation
if step > max: max = step i1 = j
return i1
def examine_example(self, i2): self.y2 = self.y[i2] self.a2 = self.alphas[i2] self.X2 = self.X[i2] self.E2 = self.get_error(i2)
r2 = self.E2 * self.y2
if not((r2 < -self.tol and self.a2 < self.C) or
(r2 > self.tol and self.a2 > 0)):
# The KKT conditions are met, SMO looks at another example.
return 0
# Second heuristic A: choose the Lagrange multiplier which
# maximizes the absolute error.
non_bound_idx = list(self.get_non_bound_indexes()) i1 = self.second_heuristic(non_bound_idx)
if i1 >= 0 and self.take_step(i1, i2):
return 1
# Second heuristic B: Look for examples making positive
# progress by looping over all non-zero and non-C alpha,
# starting at a random point.
if len(non_bound_idx) > 0:
rand_i = randrange(len(non_bound_idx))
for i1 in non_bound_idx[rand_i:] + non_bound_idx[:rand_i]:
if self.take_step(i1, i2):
return 1
# Second heuristic C: Look for examples making positive progress
# by looping over all possible examples, starting at a random
# point.
rand_i = randrange(self.m) all_indices = list(range(self.m))
for i1 in all_indices[rand_i:] + all_indices[:rand_i]:
if self.take_step(i1, i2):
return 1
# Extremely degenerate circumstances, SMO skips the first example.
return 0
def error(self, i2):
return self.output(i2) - self.y2
def get_non_bound_indexes(self):
return np.where(np.logical_and(self.alphas > 0,
self.alphas < self.C))[0]

# First heuristic: loop over examples where alpha is not 0 and not C
# they are the most likely to violate the KKT conditions
# (the non-bound subset).
def first_heuristic(self): num_changed = 0
non_bound_idx = self.get_non_bound_indexes()
for i in non_bound_idx:
num_changed += self.examine_example(i)
return num_changed


import numpy as np
from random import seed
from succinctly.datasets import linearly_separable, get_dataset
from succinctly.algorithms.smo_algorithm import SmoAlgorithm
def linear_kernel(x1, x2):
return np.dot(x1, x2)
def compute_w(multipliers, X, y):
return np.sum(multipliers[i] * y[i] * X[i] for i in range(len(y)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
seed(5) # to have reproducible results
X_data, y_data = get_dataset(linearly_separable.get_training_examples)
smo = SmoAlgorithm(X_data, y_data, C=10, tol=0.001, k
ernel=linear_kernel, use_linear_optim=True)
w = compute_w(smo.alphas, X_data, y_data)
print('w = {}'.format(w))
# -smo.b because Platt uses the convention w.x-b=0
print('b = {}'.format(-smo.b))
# w = [0.4443664 1.1105648]
# b = -9.66268641132


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