
Chinese government



China will take targeted measures (採取定向措施……)to address problems to improve the public's overall well-being(提高人民整體生活水平) in 2018, said a statement issued after the annual Central Economic Work Conference concluded Wednesday. The problems are related to childhood education, employment, pension insurance(養老保險), medical treatment(醫療) and online scams, according to the statement. Prominent problems in education should be dealt with, such as heavy extracurricular burdens for primary and middle school students, (中小學生沉重的課外負擔)"school-choosing fever" (選校熱)among parents and overcrowded classes in some schools.

Ø 這些在雅思英語寫作中是現象的表達,需要去思考具體的原因,或者量化具體的例子。比如沉重的課外負擔有什麼呢? A host of assignments, various extracurricular classes


Problems related to infant care(嬰幼兒保健/ 護理) and childhood education should also (be solved properly妥善解決/ 處理.) The government will give particular attention to(特別關注……) tackling structural unemployment and workplace discrimination (工作場所歧視現象)based on gender and identity. The country will also reform and improve the basic pension schemes(基本養老金計劃) for urban employees and for rural and non-working urban residents(城市無業居民), and quickly bring pension schemes under national unified management實現……的全國統一管理. As it is difficult and expensive to see a doctor(看病難,看病貴)in China, the government should continue its efforts to solve the problem.

Ø 再如workplace discrimination 可拓展為gender discrimination 人們總認為females are unable to finish daunting tasks.

3.Private sector capital is encouraged to invest in healthcare and elder care(醫療養老). The regulators should spare no effort to(不遺餘力/ 竭盡全力……) solve prominent problems like (解決……等突出問題)online scams(網絡欺詐行為) and selling personal information. The government must focus on solving problems in improving people's well-being, do its best to identify the crux of problems (問題的癥結) and take steps wisely, said the statement. The three-day conference outlined the country's economic work for 2018.
