Apple聲稱Steam鏈接應用違反App Store指南

大多數人都應該聽說,上週蘋果在他們的平臺上撤銷了Steam鏈接應用程序的發佈。有關客戶一直在向蘋果發送電子郵件,詢問該決定背後的原因。蘋果全球營銷高級副總裁Phil Schiller表示,Steam鏈接應用程序不符合App Store指南。不幸的是,他沒有解釋應用程序是如何違反準則的。儘管如此,蘋果向客戶保證,他們將繼續與Valve合作,為iOS用戶提供Steam體驗。


Thank you for your email and being a customer of

Apple products and the App Store.

We care deeply about bringing great games to all of our users on the App Store. We would love for Valve's games and services to be on iOS and AppleTV.

Unfortunately, the review team found that Valve's Steam iOS app, as currently submitted, violates a number of guidelines around user generated content, in-app purchases, content codes, etc. We've discussed these

issues with Valve and will continue to work with them to help bring the Steam experience to iOS and AppleTV in a way that complies with the store's guidelines.

We put great effort into creating an App Store that provides the very best experience for everyone. We have clear guidelines that all developers must follow in order to ensure the App Store is a safe place for all

users and a fair opportunity for all developers.

(感謝您的電子郵件,併成為Apple產品和App Store的客戶。

我們非常關心為App Store上的所有用戶帶來精彩的遊戲。我們希望Valve的遊戲和服務能夠在iOS和AppleTV上運行。

不幸的是,審查小組發現,目前提交的Valve的Steam iOS應用程序違反了許多有關用戶生成內容,應用內購買,內容代碼等的準則。我們已經與Valve討論了這些問題,並將繼續與他們將以符合商店指南的方式將Steam體驗帶到iOS和AppleTV。

我們付出了巨大的努力來創建一個為每個人提供最佳體驗的App Store。我們有明確的指導方針,所有開發者都必須遵循,以確保App Store對所有用戶都是安全的地方,併為所有開發者提供公平的機會。)