

[i].Vladimir Nabokov: 弗拉基米爾·納博科夫(1899~1977),俄國小說家,著有《洛麗塔》(Lolita)、《微暗的火》(Pale Fire)等長篇小說。

[ii].transcribe [trænˈskraɪb] vt. 抄寫,謄寫


Slow and Steady

Stephen King[i]) has explained that he always writes 10 pages a day, every day of the year (even holidays). His slow and steady approach to project management has ensured that he has a steady stream of new works entering the marketplace, and he is one of the most prolific modern authors working in America today.


[i].Stephen King: 斯蒂芬·金(1947~),美國暢銷書作家,著有《魔女嘉莉》(Carrie)等多部小說。


Get Up Early

Writers like Mary Higgins Clark[i]) and Sylvia Plath[ii]) started writing at 5 am and 4 am each day, respectively. Both women had small children, and those early moments in the day were the only time they had to pursue their writing careers. Writer Denison Hatch[iii]) forced himself to write just 500 words per day before starting his day job, and ultimately sold three novels.


[i].Mary Higgins Clark: 瑪麗·希金斯·克拉克(1927~),美國著名懸疑小說家,著有《孩子在哪裡》(Where Are the Children?)、《夜半陌生人》(A Stranger Is Watching)等多部暢銷作品。

[ii].Sylvia Plath: 西爾維婭·普拉特(1932~1963),美國詩人、小說家、兒童作家與短篇故事作家,其代表作有《瓶中美人》(The Bell Jar)與《精靈》(Ariel)等。

[iii].Denison Hatch: 丹尼森•哈奇,又名Denny Hatch,著有《被操控的城市》(The Fingered City)等作品。


Get Centered

Some writers need to go through the ritual of touching base with[i]) a favorite literary totem[ii]). For example, Somerset Maugham[iii]) would read Voltaire's Candide before starting work, while Willa Cather read the Bible.


[i].touch base with: 與……進行必要的溝通聯繫

[ii].totem [ˈtəʊtəm] n. 崇拜物

[iii].Somerset Maugham: 薩默塞特·毛姆(1874~1965),英國現代劇作家、小說家,著有《人性的枷鎖》(Of Human Bondage)、《刀鋒》(The Razor's Edge)等多部作品。


Be Impulsive

In business, if you have a good idea, you need to move quickly to keep ahead of your competition. In the words of Bill Gates, "When you find a good idea, act on it right away."



Work Long Hours Now,

Reap the Benefits Later

Ben Franklin[i]) knew the benefits of working long hours, as well as being known among his peers as being a person who worked long hours. This work ethic[ii]) was essential for growing his printing business. He also had a routine of asking himself questions during the day. Ben Franklin asked himself each morning, "What good shall I do today?" every night before bed, "What good have I done today?"


[i].Ben Franklin: 本·富蘭克林(1706~1790),美國著名政治家、科學家,是美國革命重要的領導人之一,參與了《獨立宣言》(Declaration of Independence)等多項重要文件的草擬。

[ii].work ethic: 職業道德


Force Yourself to Stay Focused

Greek orator Demosthenes would force himself to stay focused on composing his orations[i]) by shaving off half of his hair, making him look so ridiculous that he wouldn’t be tempted to procrastinate[ii]) by leaving his home. Victor Hugo would do something similar, forcing himself to meet his daily writing goals by having his valet[iii]) hide his clothes. Yup[iv]), the guy who wrote Les Miserables liked to work in the nude[v]).


[i].oration [ɔːˈreɪʃn] n. 演說,演講

[ii].procrastinate [prəʊˈkræstɪneɪt] vi. 拖延,耽擱

[iii].valet [ˈvæleɪ] n. (為男主人照料衣食等事務的)貼身男僕

[iv].yup [jʌp] adv. (= yep) 是,是的

[v].in the nude: 裸體


Never Take Your Eyes off Your Competition

Playwright Henrik Ibsen would work at a desk decorated with a portrait of arch-rival[i]) playwright August Strindberg. Try keeping a picture of your competitors face on your desk to spur[ii]) you to new heights.


[i].arch-rival: 主要對手

[ii].spur [spɜː(r)] vt. 激勵,鞭策