
哈佛大學是世界頂尖名校,是全球很多最傑出人才的dream school,而政治學作為一門與時俱進,歷久彌新的基礎社會學科,在哈佛大學的申請中競爭也是非常的激烈。今天,我們就為大家整理了一個哈佛大學教授對哈佛大學政治學錄取和學習的情況介紹,一起來看看!

Doctoral programs in American Political Science are disciplinary, not individual. Graduate admissions to American universities are managed by departmental committees. Typically applicants complete an extensive form, take several standardized tests (arrangements for which must be planned several months in advance, especially when applying from abroad), and submit a sample of written work and confidential letters of recommendation.


The form is received by the committee -- most deadlines are in early January -- and read along with others. Most good graduate programs in Political Science receive applications from more than ten times as many individuals as can be admitted, so the process is extremely competitive. Individual faculty members usually have little or no control over the process, unless they happen to be members of the admissions committee (even there decisions are usually made by consensus).

該表格由委員會收到 - 大部分截止日期是1月初 - 並與其他人一起閱讀。政治科學中大多數優秀的研究生課程的入學申請人數是入學人數的十倍以上,因此這一過程極具競爭力。個別教師通常很少或根本無法控制這個過程,除非他們恰好是招生委員會的成員(即使決策通常是以協商一致方式做出的)。

Beyond this, American graduate education in the social sciences is not based on working with a single professor, but rather on taking a series of required and elective graduate courses over a two or three-year period, leading up to a battery of comprehensive written examinations administered by the department as a whole, followed by oral examinations on dissertation topics, and so on.


American Political Science is very disciplinary in its orientation: students are expected to master the discipline as defined by a wide range of faculty. Typically students only begin working with individual faculty members as principal advisors in the third year of their graduate education, as they prepare to write a dissertation.

