







国际财经时报 IBTimes:英国女王夫妇对查尔斯王子的领导能力表示怀疑



据英国作家汤姆•鲍文透露,这位威尔士亲王和他的父母(也就是女王夫妇)的关系并不融洽(didn't have a smooth relationship with his parents)。


汤姆•鲍文(Tom Bower)是一名英国作家,近期出版了新书《Rebel Prince: The Power, Passion and Defiance of Prince Charles》(《叛逆王子:查尔斯的权利,热情与反抗》),爆料了很多英国王室不为人知的内幕。书中,鲍文透露女王并不同意查尔斯和卡米拉的关系,甚至不想在任何王室活动中见到或谈及她。为了查尔斯的这段爱情,王室家庭成员间更一度陷入“冷战”。

In the book, Bower also claimed that the Queen was not supportive of Prince Charles' relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles. In fact, the monarch didn't want to see her in any royal function or talk about her. The royal family had a "cold war" due to Camilla and the prince's romance.


Prince Charles apparently resented his mom for teaching him the alphabet and his dad for ordering him to wear corduroy trousers to a birthday party, which made him feel humiliated. On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip reportedly doubt his leadership skills and want his reign to be short.



Investigative journalist Bower wrote in his explosive new biography "The Power, Passion And Defiance of Prince Charles," that at private dinner the Duke of Edinburgh had with friends in Mayfair, Prince Philip, 96, joked that he and the monarch wanted to live longer to keep their eldest son from the throne.


Prince Philip added that Her Majesty, 91, was in robust health and even implied that she could live for another 10 years. This would mean that Prince Charles won't take over the kingship for a long while and will "have little opportunity to damage the monarchy."

在Graham Turner撰写的,部分经过授权的菲利普亲王自传中,亲王显然瞧不上自己儿子的领导能力,更表示查尔斯“矫揉造作、奢侈浪费,缺乏好国王应具备的奉献精神” 。

In Graham Turner's semi-authorized biography of Prince Philip, the royal apparently criticized his son's capacity to be a leader. According to the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles is "precious, extravagant and lacking in the dedication...to make a good king."


Shortly after the book's publication, Philip wrote his son an apology. But in the years since then, their emotional warfare has barely abated.


All her life, she has loved traditional ceremonial parades with pikes and axes, while Charles regards them as evidence of Buckingham Palace being stuck in the Dark Ages. He has also dismissed the monarch's birthday parade as a waste of money, and feels that inspecting the guard is an unnecessary chore.


Why, Philip asked, did Charles undermine his parents' frugal lifestyle by indulging in extravagance? Why did he continue his affair with Camilla, whose former husband had been a brother officer? And why did he cultivate trashy American billionaires and continue to sell access to himself?


On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth II was worried about the changes that Prince Charles would bring to the monarchy as she has always been focused on continuity and stability. According to Bower, instead of following the Queen's wishes, Prince Charles re-emphasizes his own interests, which are opposite to what the Buckingham Palace orders. In addition, he "insisted on taking over more of his mother's public duties."


Buckingham Palace had additionally briefed that the Queen would encourage Edward and Sophie Wessex to play a more prominent role — and he regarded that as offensive. And he resented the implied criticism of his personal activities, and the suggestion that he would not be centre-stage.


The ostensible reason for this exceptional gathering was to announce that Prince Philip was retiring from public duties. But the true reason was something else altogether. Obliquely, the Palace wanted to send a message to Prince Charles: once he became king, he was not to tamper with long-established timetables and traditions.

心里不爽,查尔斯王子将怒火转向了女王的私人秘书Christopher Geidt,以王储身份炒女王私人秘书的鱿鱼。

The chief obstacle, he assumed, would be Christopher Geidt— so he went to the Queen to demand her private secretary's resignation.


To show her personal gratitude for his decade of service, the Queen made him a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, her highest honour.


After the death of his parents, courtiers feared, there would be no one around to restrain his self-indulgence. But Charles seemed impervious to any criticism. Instead, he was planning what he'd do during the six months between his mother's death and his own coronation.


Sensitive to any public resistance, he agreed with Downing Street that he would 'hit the ground running' when he became king. It would be like a political campaign: he'd first address the nation and then barnstorm through the country, with appearances in London followed by flights to Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh.


His own spiritual and moral values would unite the nation, he believed.


His mother may still be on the throne, but Prince Charles has been brooding about how his profile will look one day on Britain's coinage. At his request, the Royal Mint set to work on a portrait.

据说,王子一开始对给出的画像不是很满意,要求做的年轻一些,头发多一些……(Back to the drawing board: he demanded another version that, this time, would make him look considerably younger, with a full head of hair.)


The revised portrait was more satisfactory. He was less pleased when the Mint suggested that it should also prepare portraits for King William. That, Charles decreed, was pushing fate too far.

