各位今日頭條的網友,大家好,我是萊萬多夫斯基!歡迎大家關注我,我在俄羅斯向榮譽進發!祝大家看球愉快,我們一起為波蘭隊加油!Dear Toutiao Friends, this is Robert Lewandowski! I am very happy to invite you to foll

各位今日頭條的網友,大家好,我是萊萬多夫斯基!歡迎大家關注我,我在俄羅斯向榮譽進發!祝大家看球愉快,我們一起為波蘭隊加油!Dear Toutiao Friends, this is Robert Lewandowski! I am very happy to invite you to follow me here! Best regards from Russia, I hope you'll enjoy watching the 2018 FIFA World Cup and remember to give some extra support to the Polish National Team! #波蘭足球國家隊 #波蘭隊加油