

人物:1、瑞秋•格林(RACHEL GREENE)由珍妮佛•安妮斯頓(Jennifer Aniston)扮演


2、羅斯•蓋勒(Ross Geller)由大衛•修蒙(David Schwimmer)扮演


3、莫妮卡•蓋勒(Monica Geller)由科妮寇•克斯(Courteney Cox Arquette)扮演


4、錢德•賓(Chandler Bing)由馬修•派瑞(Matthew Perry)扮演


5、菲比•巴費(Phoebe Buffay)由麗莎•庫卓(Lisa Kudrow)扮演


6、喬伊•崔比昂尼(Joey Tribbiani)由麥特•雷布蘭克(Matt Le Blanc)扮演




【Season 1 Index】

Episode 101 : The One Where Monica Gets A New Roommate (Pilot)

Episode 102 : The One With The Sonogram At The End

Episode 103 : The One With The Thumb

Episode 104 : The One With George Stephanopoulos

Episode 105 : The One With The East German Laundry Detergent

Episode 106 : The One With The Butt

Episode 107 : The One With The Blackout

Episode 108 : The One Where Nana Dies Twice

Episode 109 : The One Where Underdog Gets Away

Episode 110 : The One With The Monkey

Episode 111 : The One With Mrs. Bing

Episode 112 : The One With The Dozen Lasagnas

Episode 113 : The One With The Boobies

Episode 114 : The One With The Candy Hearts

Episode 115 : The One With The Stoned Guy

Episode 116 : The One With Two Parts, Part 1

Episode 117 : The One With Two Parts, Part 2

Episode 118 : The One With All The Poker

Episode 119 : The One Where The Monkey Gets Away

Episode 120 : The One With The Evil Orthodontist

Episode 121 : The One With The Fake Monica

Episode 122 : The One With The Ick Factor

Episode 123 : The One With The Birth

Episode 124 : The One Where Rachel Finds Out

【101】The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate


NO.1 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate

補充介紹一下Friends的官方站點,Url是http://www.nbc.com/friends, 如果有什麼糾紛,相信那裡是最權威的地方查閱了,另外,在世博英語http://www.360abc.com發現了一個用Friends學習英語的系列,大家也可以去那裡看看。

記得剛開始看時,有個問題總是讓我困惑,即為什麼每一集(episode)的名字都叫做"The One ****",後來總算搞清楚了,原來它是the one with... 或者the one where,或者the one which...的意思,有時候甚至簡寫成TOW,呵呵,怎麼樣,明白了麼?OK,讓我們進入正題。

第一集是試播(Pilot),主要情節如下,瑞秋在教堂拋棄未婚夫巴利、逃婚到莫妮卡處。莫妮卡和調酒師(Wine Guy)保羅約會,此君偽裝成離婚後一蹶不振的苦命人,靠博取同情來騙女人上床。羅斯婚姻失敗,因為他的老婆被證實居然是同性戀,所以情緒低落。喬伊安慰他說,女性的種類與Ice Cream一樣多,離婚未嘗不是好事。大家一同看西班牙肥皂劇並信口瞎猜劇情。羅斯自高中起即愛慕瑞秋,此刻死灰復燃,提議和她約會,瑞秋答應了。

這一集絕對是整個Friedns的基石,所謂pilot就是如果播的不好,立馬cancel的那種,所以無論劇情語言還有表演都非常精彩,這一集裡面六個人都露面了,我立馬就喜歡上了一臉壞笑的"幼獸"Joey(嘿嘿,一看就是我這種類型嘛),憨憨厚厚的Ross, 未經世事的Rach, 直爽坦白的"商販"Chandler,成熟而又略帶神經質的Monica,以及童趣無邪的Phoebe….


1. Chandler: So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece? 這是Chandler挖苦Paul的話,意思是:他有駝背麼?有假髮的駝子?

2. Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck..這段話是不是很熟悉呀?對,《大話西遊》裡面一開始孫猴子發狠就是這樣子講的哦,不知道是誰抄襲誰,意思不用我解釋了吧,這裡Ross用來形容妻子Carol是Lesbian並同他離婚後的心情。

3. Ross: Why does everyone keep fixating on that? 這句話很實用,意思是為什麼你們總是提起那件事呢?因為Joey又提到了Ross妻子Carol是lesbian的事兒,Ross非常惱火,於是冒出這樣一句,我們平常生活中也可以用一下。Remember: fixate on sth.

4. Joey: Strip joint! C'mon, you're single! Have some hormones! "Strip joint"是脫衣舞場的意思,Joey意思是Ross現在雖然很受傷,但是正好恢復單身,可以去脫衣舞場去, "have some hormones"直譯就是你要有一些男性荷爾蒙呀,翻譯過來就是你該去(脫衣舞場)找樂子去。

5. Rachel: I realized that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry! And then I got really freaked out, and that's when it hit me: how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head. 這句話裡面有三個詞組需要解釋,第一個是turn on,也就是打開的意思,比如turn on the radio,這裡是指讓某人更興奮激動的意思,想一想,平時在路上走,這時候有個sexy美女路過,你就可以說:Wow, the gal(口語,=girl) really turns me on.第二個是freak out,這個詞組很重要,幾乎在每集都能聽到,頻率高的嚇人,看來口語中很實用,在論壇上我看到以下幾種解釋,覺得不錯,a. have an extreme reaction to sth b.act abnormally (under the influence of drugs) c.make sb feel extreme pleasure or unease,也就是表達焦躁害怕不安等情緒的意思。第三個詞組是Gravy Boat,這是一個調味汁瓶醬油瓶,常常下面還墊著一個小碟子,非常精美的,所以Rach才說它給她帶來的興奮比Barry還大。

6. Joey: You got screwed.這句話值得記住,意思是你受騙了。

7. Paul: No, it's, it's more of a fifth date kinda revelation.這句語法結構不


8. Ross: I assume we're looking for an answer more sophisticated than ‘to get you into bed'.這裡有一個詞語需要強調一下,即sophisticated,在中文裡面是世故的意思,其實在英文裡面,這個單詞是褒義詞,說明人非常成熟有魅力。

9. Monica: It sucks.這句話很常用,意思是"很殘酷"。

10. Ross: Okay. (They split it.) You know you probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you. 這裡又有一個經典的詞組,have a crush on sb.對某人一見鍾情,Ross在這裡加上了major,意思是非常喜歡,呵呵,趕緊學會了去對喜歡的人講吧。



4. "have some hormones"我理解的意思是:to be manly,有點骨氣,等等。翻譯的字幕裡說“別覺得丟人,你單身,有性需求”,覺得與joey說話時的口氣不符。

5. turn sb on: 往往有make sb sexually excited的意思,不是一般的興奮。 記得就在本論壇裡,好象有人提起過。

6. get screwed: 是受騙了的意思,但強調錢財方面,即“被別人以不正當的手段騙取錢財”。

9. it sucks = it is very bad. 根據上下文這兒可譯成:(儘管)這個世界很噁心。

10. if you are a crush on someone, you are in love with them but do not have a relationship with them. 這兒ROSS說他是a crush on RACH, 意思是他“曾暗戀過”RACH,往往有一種事過境遷後的自嘲味道在裡面, 說“一見鍾情”是不太準確的。如果你現在對你喜歡的人說“i have a crush on you”,嘿嘿,說不定他/她會理解成:“噢,原來你曾經一度呆傻般地迷戀上俺,不過現在已經不把俺當回事了。”

1. while you're on a roll, if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something...

on a roll:順便,一次連著做什麼事情。

我有不同的意見,on a roll 的準確意思是做事情很成功的意思,這裡是joey在說rach所做的coffee。

2. I was laughed out of twelve interviews today. 這裡laughed out of

laughed out of : 是Rachel面試表現太差,太出糗,被轟笑出了面試官的辦公室。




1. Joey: Listen, while you're on a roll, if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something... (Joey and Chandler taste the coffee, grimace, and pour it into a plant pot.) Although actually I'm really not that hungry...

on a roll: undergoing or experiencing sustained, even increasing good fortune or success (手風較順)

另外這個western omelet(西式煎蛋)很棒,是用火腿片、切碎的青椒、洋蔥片撒在攤開的蛋上,用平底鍋放在小火上烤出來的,我還喜歡在蛋裡撒些cheese絲兒,哈哈,不能說了,我開始滴口水了。

2.Paul: Ever since she walked out on me, I, uh...

Monica: What?..... What, you wanna spell it out with noodles?

walk out on someone: 將someone拋棄

spell it out: explain it

3.Paul: No, I'm telling you last night was like umm, all my birthdays, both graduations, plus the barn raising scene in Witness.

barn raising: 村裡的一種慶典,當一家人要建個新農屋時,鄰居們也一起過來幫忙湊熱鬧,場面很喜慶。

4.Monica: Well, that's it (To Ross) You gonna crash on the couch?

Ross: No. No, I gotta go home sometime.

crash: 動詞,臨時在哪兒湊合一覺。

5.Monica: (entering, to herself) Oh good, Lenny and Squigy are here.

All: Morning. Good morning.

Lenny and Squigy: 連續劇Laverne and Shirley裡的兩個角色,但沒看過這片子,所以這兩個角色有什麼特別的地方也不清楚,不知哪位能解釋一下。

5.‘Lenny and Squigy: 連續劇Laverne and Shirley裡的兩個角色,但沒看過這片子,所以這兩個角色有什麼特別的地方也不清楚,只知道她們是很好的朋友,室友,工友(在一家釀酒廠做封瓶蓋的工作).

6.Joey: (sitting on the arm of the couch)Of course it was a line!

Monica: Why?! Why? Why, why would anybody do something like that?

line: 謊言。老美最討厭的就是liar。


@_@,謝謝細心的ttjzh。I am with you there!


Line一詞也可作為俚語解釋,字意為:“one's usual way of talking, esp when being persuasive or self-aggrandizing”,這不正是"the wine guy" Paul的狐狸真面目(as ross said, to get women to go to bed by acting patheticly)?


關於of course it's a line 的補充

A line is a phrase tend to say to several people. It's a phrase designed to get what they want. Sometimes people have a line they use to get girls and it's called a "pick-up line." people also have lines they might use if they are businessmen and want you to buy something. it's not always a lie but it's almost always some exaggeration.

sudan1974 的回答:

About LINE

今天讀Erich Segal的小說Man, Woman and Child外研社’88年版時,在119頁遇到這個詞在相同情形下的用法。

In a restaurant

Gavin: … And I hope you’ll accept my invitation for nightcap, without any superfluous qualms.

Sheila: No, really, I can’t. My friends are expecting me.

Gavin: The Hotel is midway between there and here.

His Hotel. What a line! Did he ever actually succeed with it? Of course he did. …… (Sheila)

註釋為:What a line! 手法真不高明!line指為達到某種目的而採取的手段或花言巧語。 可以參考。



friends 101詳解



1.this is a Dear Diary moment

西方人寫日記一開頭總愛寫Dear Diary,......

Dear Diary moment也許是講這個時刻不同尋常,有重要意義,值得寫進日記的意思吧





Here Chandler made a comparison of the longevity of his and Joey's relationship to the lasting of Mento,emphasizing the shortness of their relationship with other girls,which acts kinda as a comfort to Ross.

3.drifted apart-- 感情疏遠

4.stirp joint,脫衣舞酒吧,joint=place通常指不那麼高雅的地方

5.Sounds like a date to me 聽起來就同我的約會一樣



7.sobbing 哭泣

8.Lincoln High 指Lincoln High School. 能活著離開學校當然是surviors了

9.or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids

再過一會兒就會有四個被淋溼的伴娘來找Rachel. Monica 拿這個來開玩笑。

10.Turn out 就是事情結果是什麼什麼

11.Have some hormones!可以理解為“你要有點男人的樣子!”

12.turn on 在美國如果不是指打開什麼東西時,一般都指引起人的性興奮。他們講這些很隨便,所以經常出現。

13.freak out 很常用,就是嚇壞了

14.You can see where he'd have trouble.

Apparently, we can tell that Rach's dad made fun of Rach's metaphor by saying "buy her a hat", and pretended that he didn't know what Rach was talking about. But what's even worse is that Rach didn't get her dad's little trick either.So she yelled at the phone that "It's a metaphor,Daddy!". Once she realized how rude and unladily she was just now, her eyes met with Ross's, which made Ross rather embarrassing. So he ended up saying that "You can see where he'd have trouble." That means "you can see misunderstanding your metaphor is where he'd have trouble to communicate with you smoothly.

15.Buzz him in buzz就是按樓洞防盜門時發出的聲音,這樣用法又簡單,又形象

16.Well, I guess we've established who's staying here with Monica.

Monica has no idea why Rachel said that. But she can't just abandon Rach at this critical time, so when her friends turned to her for a verification, she can't think of nothing to say except that:

"Well, it seems to Rachel that I have already agreed on the whole moving in thing( that is established an agreement on her moving in), although I have nothing to do with it!!(Don't look at me in this weird way, guys!)"

17.hang out here,呆在這

朋友之間相處,象FRIENDS他們一起喝咖啡,在MON家聊天之類的,都是hang out


18.it' been kinda a long day,完成時態,因為RACH又逃婚,有被老爸罵,這一天過得很痛苦,所以也就很漫長。

19.Billy,Don't Be A Hero是一首70年代的老歌,描寫的是越戰中,一個女孩希望自己的fiance Billy平安歸來,don't be a hero in the war,但最後Billy還是在戰爭中失去了他年青的生命.

20.shoe 就是鞋子的意思。下文 "it's a metaphor",是個比喻!Rachel喜歡購物嘛,所以把服飾比喻成人的理想,別人告訴rachel要成為一隻鞋,rachel自己想做個"purse"



purse就是獨立的,自己可以生存的, 不需要配對的

21.Oh...see... but Joanne loved Chachi! That's the difference!

What Rachel said is funny is because Rachel here was sarcastic about her running away from altar.She was deeply moved by the true love between Joanne and Chachi which leads to a successful holy matrimony,while she and Barry had almost everything but love and that results in her disappointment in their matrimony.So she felt right to have escaped from a doomed marrige with a person she would never love.

22.I'm in Las Vegas... I'm Liza Minelli-

Liza Minelli--- A famous singer used to be a duet-mate of Pavarotti.

23.Chandler: If can invade Poland, there isn't anything I can't do.

Rachel previously said if she could make coffee on her own,there wasn't anything she couldn't do.

Chandler is a person of sarcasm,he just quoted what Rachel said to be ironic.

Moreover,Hitler invaded Poland with the intent of conquering the whole world.The metaphor used here makes the line much funnier.


gravy boat

An elongated, boat-shaped pitcher used to serve gravy. A gravy boat usually sits on a matching plate, which is used to catch gravy drips. Sometimes the plate is permanently attached to the pitcher. A matching ladle often accompanies a gravy boat. Also called sauce boat.


25. sweet'n'low 低脂糖

26.Rachel逃婚之後就不得不面對後果了(face the music), 她的老爸很生氣,在電話裡威脅說要經濟制裁她,Rachel一時嘴硬說:"Well, maybe I don't need your money." 等她老爸真的把電話掛了之後,她又忙不迭地對著電話叫道:"Wait!! Wait, I said maybe!"事已至此她只能借住在Monica的家裡了。


在這些事發生之前,Rachel可是一直靠在她那有錢的老爸身上的,所以Monica 才說:”哎,這可能是件好事呢,你想啊,這樣你就能獨立生活了。” be for the best 是一個極其口語化的表達法,表示某件事情可能並不像看上去那麼糟,也頗有點良藥雖苦,其利於病的意思,比如:I know it's hard for you to leave him, but it's for the best.

接著號稱情聖的Joey也跑來向Rachel表示:"嗨,如果你需要什麼儘管來找我好了。" 實際上Joey和另一個"老友" Chandler就住在Monica的對門:Me and Chandler live right across the hall. 按語法講,Joey應該說 Chandler and I…但在口語中用me也是可以接受的,而且Joey為了突出自己而把Me放到了Chandler前面,然後還很曖昧地加了一句"他經常不在家 (And he’s away lot)"。

Monica很瞭解Joey, 教訓他說:"你別挑逗她了 (stop hitting on her),今天可是她的結婚之日。" 在上一篇當中我們也講到過hit這個字,它可以用來表示realize, 而這裡的hit on someone 的意思是"和某人調情,或挑逗某人", 相當於flirt with someone, 其它類似的表達法還有:to make a pass at someone和 to come on to someone, 例如:

"Did you see the way Brian came on to Sally at the office party?"

"Oh, Brian has made a pass at every girl in the office."

"I know, but he hit on Sally particularly hard."

到底是情聖啊! 最後Joey臉不紅心不跳地回了一句:"怎麼啦?難道還有什麼明文規定不成?(What, like there's a rule or something?)。"

Hit on sb. /come on to sb./pass at sb./crash on sb.與flirt with sb.是有區別的。前者指的是對某人有意思,有好感(情感上或“生理”上),不一定(只是不一定要付諸行動,即“被某人所吸引”,而後者則應包括付諸行動,比如我們常說的“上前搭訕,引人注意,挑逗,調情”。當然具體到實際生活中兩種情況有可能交叉,比如上文中翻譯的“你別挑逗她了 ”就包含了這兩種意思,非常準確。

另外What, like there's a rule or something?似乎該理解為:難道有什麼規定(在這種情況下禁止我追求她)麼?

have the hots for someone

be stuck on someone

have one's cap set for someone

fall for

27.this man says "hello", I will kill myself


Ross說Hello的語調垂頭喪氣得好像It's the end of the world.讓人鬱悶得不行,所以Joey調侃說This man says" hello",I would kill myself.

I guess this section of conversation is open to various interpretations,as long as it makes you laugh,that's all,don't take it too seriously!


1.Rachel:Ohh,I was kinda hoping that wouldn't be an issue……

這句的意思是“我希望這件事不是個問題”, hoping 就是希望, kinda是kind of的縮寫, 就是有一點的意思, 在很多話比如你問的這一舉裡面是添加一點謙虛語氣的說法,有點那種“給我留些面子”的意思, 要多於到就會理解,另外,比如簡單的意思:he's kinds cool. 他有點酷

2.Joey:Here's a little tip,she really likes it when you rub her neck in the same spot over and over and over again until it starts to get a little red.

我給你一點小建議, 她真得喜歡有人在她的脖子上面一個地方反覆反覆再反覆的擦直到有一點紅。tip是建議, 還可以用suggestion, hint等, suggestion正式, hint跟tip都比較隨意, tip 還有小費的意思, 名詞和動詞tip me some tip就是說我回答你的問題你可以給我一點消費, tip最基本的意思就是什麼東西的尖兒了, finger tip指尖

3.Ross:This was Carol;s favorite beer,She always drank it out of the can,I should have known.

out of是說從易拉罐裡喝吧,沒什麼特別的

4.Pual:Ooh,steer chear of you.那可不能惹你呀

5.Chandler:stay out of my freezer!

horny是有性慾了, 所以chandler不讓ross靠近他的冰箱. 呵呵,明白了吧,不好意思說下去了。冰箱有食物,冰箱還能降溫。

6.Rachel:I can see that.You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.

因為monica笑個不停,和不上嘴,rachel就說她好像嘴裡有一個衣架把嘴撐住了, hanger是衣架

7.Ross:I just grabbed a spoon.因為joey把女人比喻成冰激凌嘛,他讓ross拿起勺子去嘗冰激淋,就是比喻他去找新目標了

8.go for 選擇

9.Change 換衣服

10.Ross: You know what the scariest part is? What if there's only one woman for everybody, y'know? I mean what if you get one woman- and that's it? Unfortunately in my case, there was only one woman- for her...


11.when you were what 8 ?是8歲的意思??

13. regional work 他指範圍比較小的表演,也不會上電視什麼的

14. Are you in trouble 又有很棒的sex,又有feelings,必然心情異常激動,所以rach說:你還能挺住嗎?

15. I think we are getting a little ahead of selves here我想我們現在討論這個(婚紗的問題)有點太早了

16. what for 和for what 都可以吧,口語上不用講就太多語法

17.I'm pushing my Aunt Roz through Parrot Jungle

就是字面上的意思,上文不是說Frannie剛去了Florida嗎,可以理解為“你真討厭,當我死命的把Aunt Roz 推出鸚鵡叢林的時候,你卻在和別人having sex!”

18.There's an image。 butt是屁股,ross諷刺joey,說他比喻的形象

19. Lamauge gravy boat lamauge應該是牌子或生產地

20.the pilot:美國電視劇新劇開播都會有一個試播來測試觀眾對新劇的接受程度,以此來決定是否再繼續播下去,也可以說是一個開端,第一集

the uncut version 就是未刪節版

21.I take credit for Paul. 我給Paul打保票

22.there was no snap in his turtle for two years.

The "snap in his turtle" refers to sexual performance, it's kind of a "clean" way of saying a vulgar idea (also known as a euphemism). A man who has no snap in his turtle is impotent; or, unable to have an erection.

I do have an idea on how it was created. "Snap," of course, has many meanings, but most of them have to do with making a quick, sudden movement (or sound), often of a closing or biting nature. In North America, there is an animal known as a "snapping turtle," which is a type of turtle that is known to bite (or "snap") humans and other animals. From what I have heard, if one of those things bites you, it hurts a lot. Now, if one of these turtles can't snap, then there's not so much to fear--if they can't bite you, they can't hurt you. A snapping turtle with no (abilty to) snap, then, is powerless, and from there the slang was created. The word "impotent," aside from its sexual definition, also means "without power."

In the case of "Friends," they decided to use the word "turtle" in this way, and so a turtle without "snap" is understood by Franny and Monica to mean a man without (sexual) power or capability.

23.Stop cleansing my aura

aura :a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a given source, ex:

當時的場景是Ross進來跟大家訴說他的不幸婚姻,倒了黴運的他周身象是鬼神附身一般。Phoebe 這人第一喜歡幫助人,第二她總是神叨叨的,大家還記得有一集裡她看到一隻貓,就說是她死去的媽嗎?於是Phoebe想幫Ross把黴運趕走,PhD Ross自然是反對封建迷信的,就對Phoebe說,意思是你別煩我了,省省吧。