







目前所说的古籍善本,主要包括刻本、墨迹本、碑帖、印谱、信札以及其他文献。刻本是使用雕版技术印制的书籍,其顶峰期的宋元刻本在流通市场上已 廖廖无几,继而由明清及民国时期的精刻本引领风潮;墨迹本为文人稿本、手抄本等,一般存世量稀少,且多为孤本;碑帖、印谱、信札、文人墨迹等,是近年来古 籍拍场上重要的品种,其中明清名家或现当代名人信札尤受欢迎。

善本最初的概念是指经过严格校勘、无讹文脱字的书本。印刷术产生前,书籍大都是写本。把原稿或别本认真缮写下来,经过与原文校核无误,就成为善本。唐以后,雕版印刷术出现,书籍开始出现“版本”的概念。不同版本书籍收录文献多寡、校勘精劣程度各不相同,就有了足本和残本、精本和劣本的差别;书籍版本出现早晚、珍稀程度不同,就有了古本和今本、孤本和复本的差别。善本的内涵也比原来更扩大了,以后许多学者对善本的概念不断总结归纳,最后形成了现在通用的善本“三性”、“九条”说。 善本的“三性”指书籍应具备较高的历史文物性、学术资料性和艺术代表性。善本的“九条”主要包括:元代及元代以前刻印抄写的图书;明代刻、抄写的图书;清代乾隆以前流传较少的刻本、抄本;太平天国及历代农民革命政权所刊印的图书;辛亥革命前,在学术研究上有独到见解,或有学派特点的稿本以及流传很少的刻本、抄本;辛亥革命前,反映某一时期、某一领域或某一事件资料方面的稿本以及流传很少的刻本、抄本;辛亥革命以前的名人学者批校、题跋或过录前人批校而有参考价值的印本、抄本;在印刷术上能反映古代印刷术发展的各种活字印本、套印本或有精校版画、插画的刻本;明代的印谱、清代的集古印谱、名家篆刻印谱的钤印本,有特色的亲笔题记等。善本的时代下限,现在一般确定在清乾隆六十年。

At present, the rare editions of ancient books mainly include engravings, inkblots, inscriptions, inscriptions, letters and other documents. Carved books are books printed by engraving technology. The Song and Yuan Dynasty carved books at their peak were few and far between in the circulation market, and were then led by the fine carved books of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Republic of China. Ink>

The original concept of a good book refers to a book that has been strictly collated and has no mistakes in writing. Before printing, books were mostly written books. The original or other books are carefully written down and checked against the original to become good books. After the Tang Dynasty, block printing appeared and the concept of "version" began to appear in books. Different editions of books contain different amounts of documents and have different levels of accuracy and inferiority in collation, thus there are differences between full and incomplete editions, fine and inferior editions. The difference between the ancient and present editions, the isolated edition and the duplicate edition arises when the editions of books appear at different times and with different degrees of rarity. The connotation of good books has also expanded more than before. Many scholars have continuously summarized and summarized the concept of good books and finally formed the current universal "three natures" and "nine principles" of good books. The "three natures" of good books mean that books should have high historical relics, academic materials and artistic representation. The "Nine Articles" of rare books mainly include: books inscribed and copied in Yuan Dynasty and before Yuan Dynasty; Books carved and copied in Ming Dynasty; Before Ganlong in the Qing Dynasty, there were few editions and manuscripts circulated. Books printed by the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the peasant revolutionary regimes of past dynasties; Before the Revolution of 1911, there were original views on academic research, or manuscripts with school characteristics, and rare editions and transcripts. Before the Revolution of 1911, manuscripts reflecting a certain period, a certain field or a certain event data, as well as rare editions and manuscripts circulated; Before the Revolution of 1911, famous scholars approved the proofreading, inscriptions and postscripts, or printed and copied books that had reference value and had been approved and proofread by predecessors. In printing, various movable type prints, overprinted prints or engravings with fine proofreading and illustrations can reflect the development of ancient printing. The seal of Ming Dynasty, the collection of ancient seal of Qing Dynasty, the seal of famous seal carvings, the distinctive autograph, etc. The lower limit of the times for good books is now generally determined to be 60 years since the Qing Dynasty.

《东周列国》为 明代长篇白话历史演义小说。当 周宣王轻易见杀,当 褒姒巧遇得活,《东周列国志》拉开了它那长达数百年史事的序幕。这是古今中外时间跨越最长,人物最多的一部小说,描写 春秋战国时代“ 列国”故事。关于“列国”故事的平话,最早产生在元代。

《东周列国》写的是 西周末年( 公元前789年),至秦统一六国(公元前221年),包括 春秋、 战国五百多年间的历史故事,内容相当丰富复杂。《东周列国志》所叙述的历史,正是这样一个时代,所有的故事,都是在这样一个大背景下展开的。其中叙写的事实,取材于《 战国策》《 左传》《 国语》《 史记》四部史书,将分散的历史故事和人物传记按照时间顺序穿插编排,冶为一炉,成为一部结构完整的历史演义。 秦汉前的一些史家为了某种原则立场,对历史事件的叙述和评价,有时会隐而不言,把意思深藏在记述的文字中,没有一定见地的人,很难发觉,更谈不上理解了。这部书的通俗之处,正是将那 暗礁一样的文字弄得水落石出,大家一看便心知眼明,种种是非善恶,忠奸智愚,毕露于光天化日之下。这是作者编写此书的用意,也是他们对后人的贡献。


"Eastern Zhou and the Nations" is a long vernacular historical novel of the Ming Dynasty. When Zhou Xuanwang was easily killed, and when Bao Si was lucky enough to live, The Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty kicked off its hundreds of years of history. This is a novel with the longest span of time and the largest number of characters in ancient and modern times, at home and abroad. It describes the story of "nations" in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. Pinghua about the story of "the nations" originated in Yuan Dynasty.

"The Eastern Zhou and the Nations" is a rich and complicated historical story from the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty (789 BC) to the unification of the six states by the Qin Dynasty (221 BC), covering more than 500 years of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The history narrated in "The Chronicle of Lieguo in Eastern Zhou Dynasty" is precisely such an era, and all the stories are unfolded under such a big background. The narrative facts are drawn from the four historical books of zhanguo ce, Zuozhuan, Guoyu and shiji. the scattered historical stories and biographies are arranged in chronological order, and they are turned into a complete historical romance. Some historians before the Qin and Han dynasties sometimes concealed their descriptions and evaluations of historical events for a certain principled stand, hiding their meanings in the written description. those who did not have certain insights were difficult to find, let alone understand. The popularity of this book is precisely to get the reef-like writing to the bottom. Everyone knows clearly when looking at it. All kinds of right and wrong, good and evil, loyalty, rape, wisdom and stupidity are exposed in broad daylight. This is the author's intention in writing this book and their contribution to future generations.

Like other historical books, "The Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the Nations" takes the rise and fall of the country as its theme and devotes itself to exploring the causal relationship between the rise and fall of the fortunes and the success or failure of personnel. Through the ups and downs of the characters' fate, the author vividly tells people that whether they can pay attention to morality or not and employ talents is the most fundamental basis for judging a country's future and destiny. He who wins the hearts and minds of the people wins the world. Morality is the elucidation of providence, which is the will of the people. If the hearts and minds of the people survive, their political actions will lead to the death of the hearts and minds of the people, and their political interests will be affected. This humanistic view is of progressive significance.

《 东周列国》所叙述的五百多年之间, 英雄辈出,群星灿烂,千百年后,虽不乏其人,但这一时期的人和事,在历史上最突出,最典型,它几乎是后世是非成败的理论源头,更是后人行世为人的标准和榜样。小说通过丰富而生动的故事情节,赞扬了 从善如流、 赏罚严明、胸怀大度的王侯和忠贞、有勇有谋的将相,也赞扬了那些 见义勇为、机智果敢的豪侠。


During the 500-odd years described in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, there were numerous heroes and brilliant stars. Thousands of years later, although there were many of them, the people and events in this period were the most prominent and typical in history. It was almost the theoretical source of success or failure for later generations, and it was also the standard and example for later generations to be human beings. Through rich and vivid story plots, the novel praises the princes who are obedient, strict in reward and punishment, generous in mind, loyal, brave and resourceful, and also praises the gallant men who are courageous, resourceful and courageous.

As a non-renewable scarce resource, this rare edition of ancient books will only become less and less, and the value of the documents and cultural relics contained in it is indeed incalculable, and its price will naturally rise steadily. And the ranks of its collectors are getting larger and larger. Large buyers of rare ancient books are usually collectors with certain financial resources, mainly aiming at fine works. Once they buy them, it is difficult to sell them again in a short period of time, thus making the fine works in the market relatively slowly decrease over a period of time. After a round of changing hands, many genuine rare books have become more and more difficult to see in the market. Thinning is the most expensive thing. The decrease in supply and the increase in demand naturally contribute to a steady rise in prices, with great room for appreciation.

