每日新聞播報(April 21)


A message from Britain's Queen Elizabeth II is displayed on a screen in Piccadilly Circus, as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, London, Britain, April 8, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Queen cancels birthday plans英國女王取消慶生活動

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II will not celebrate her 94th birthday in any special way and has asked that there be no gun salutes to mark the occasion because it would not be appropriate while the country battles a coronavirus outbreak. 英國女王伊麗莎白二世將不會以任何特別的方式慶祝自己的94歲壽辰,她已經要求取消禮炮致敬活動,原因是在全國抗擊新冠肺炎疫情之時這一做法不合時宜。

Ceremonial gun salutes, in which blank rounds are fired from various locations across London, are typically used by the royal family to mark special occasions such as anniversaries and birthdays. 儀式性禮炮即在倫敦的不同地點發射空彈,王室通常以此方式來慶祝紀念日、生日等特殊日子。

The Queen's birthday is on April 21. It will be the first time in her 68-year reign the gun salutes in London's Hyde Park and Tower will be silent. 4月21日是女王的生日。這將是女王登基68年來海德公園和倫敦塔等地首次不會鳴響禮炮為她慶生。

Britain is in its fourth week of a national lockdown, with businesses forced to close and citizens ordered to stay at home. 目前英國已進入全國封鎖第四周,企業被迫關停,市民被命令待在家中。

Britain is at or near the peak of an outbreak in which more than 14,000 people have already died.英國正處於或接近疫情暴發的高峰期,已有逾1.4萬人死亡。


Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers speak with a man, as two RCMP vehicles travel on Portapique Beach Road, after the police finished their search for Gabriel Wortman, who they describe as a shooter of multiple victims, in Portapique, Nova Scotia, Canada April 19, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Gunman kills at least 16加拿大槍擊案十餘人亡

A gunman shot and killed at least 16 people - including a policewoman - during a 12-hour rampage in Canada, the worst mass shooting the country has seen in 30 years. 加拿大發生30年來最嚴重大規模槍擊案,槍手開槍造成至少16人死亡,包括一名女警,暴行持續12個小時。

The gunman was identified as Gabriel Wortman, 51. 槍手身份已經確認是51歲的加布里爾·沃茨曼。

His shooting rampage began late Saturday night in Portapique, about 130 kilometers north of Halifax, the capital city of Nova Scotia, confirmed The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 加拿大皇家騎警證實,槍手於當地時間18日深夜開始殺戮,案發地點位於距離新斯科舍省首府哈利法克斯以北約130公里的伯塔皮克。

The suspect has been subsequently shot dead by police at a petrol station. 嫌疑人最終在一處加油站被警方擊斃。

He is said to have been wearing a police uniform and driving a vehicle made to look like a police cruiser during the horrific incident.據稱,案發時槍手穿著警察制服,駕駛著一輛與警車外觀相似的車輛。



>People can get married remotely紐約人結婚可遠程登記

New York residents will be able to remotely obtain a wedding license, so they won't break coronavirus social distancing protocols. 紐約州居民將可以遠程登記結婚,從而不會違反新冠肺炎社交距離指南。

Melissa DeRosa, secretary to the governor, announced the executive order during Gov Andrew Cuomo's daily press briefing on Saturday. 18日在州長安德魯·科莫的例行新聞發佈會上,州長秘書梅利莎·德羅莎宣佈了這項行政命令。

After a reporter asked if the state was taking any action to help marriage bureaus, Cuomo looked to his secretary and asked if the state had any plans. 在被記者問及紐約州是否會採取措施幫助婚姻登記時,科莫向德羅莎詢問,紐約州是否有相關計劃。

"We are today signing an executive order allowing people to get their marriage licenses remotely and also allowing clerks to perform ceremonies over video," DeRosa said. 德羅莎說:"我們今天就會簽署一項行政命令,允許人們遠程登記結婚,工作人員也可以通過視頻來主持儀式。"

Cuomo laughed in response to the announcement, before quipping: "Video marriage ceremonies. There is now no excuse when the question comes up for marriage." 科莫對此笑稱:"通過視頻就能結婚,現在沒有任何藉口不結婚了。"

Prior to Cuomo's announcement, many marriage bureaus were closed or unable to issue licenses in the state.在科莫宣佈此項行政令前,紐約州的許多民政局均已關閉或無法頒發結婚證。


A staffer from Beijing's Chaoyang district checks information with a passenger arriving at Beijing West Railway Station on April 8, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

>Testing intensifies in Beijing北京擴大核酸檢測範圍

Beijing has intensified nucleic acid testing to cover all groups at high risk of contracting or transmitting the novel coronavirus. 北京近日加強了核酸檢測力度,檢測範圍覆蓋了所有可能感染或傳播新冠病毒的高風險人群。

It has identified eight groups that must take nucleic acid tests, including confirmed COVID-19 cases and their close contacts, visitors to fever clinics, patients planning to be hospitalized and inbound travelers from overseas, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission said on Sunday. 北京市衛健委19日明確了須實施核酸檢測的八類人員,其中包括新冠肺炎病例及密切接觸者、發熱門診就診人員、急需住院治療患者、經北京口岸入境人員等。

Last Wednesday, Beijing released the names of the first batch of 46 institutions that can provide nucleic acid testing service for individuals and groups to meet the growing need forthe test.為了滿足不斷增長的檢測需求,本月15日,北京公佈了第一批面向團體和個人提供新冠病毒核酸檢測的46家機構名單。


