
Lego Launches Recycling Program




导读: 鉴于家长不知道拿束之高阁多年不用的乐高积木怎么办了,乐高集团启动了乐高回收试验项目(Lego Replay)。家长登陆乐高网站,打印邮寄标签,把积木寄到乐高处理中心,这里有专人分类、清洗积木、并寄到援助机构和捐赠中心。


Lego bricks ----图片来自网络搜索

1)Legos have been a popular toy for children for more than 60 years. When children get older, boxes of plastic Lego bricks often end up unused and stored in out-of-the-way places around the home. Parents sometimes end up throwing the Legos away.


out-of-the-way places: Out-of-the-way places are difficult to reach and are therefore not often visited. 偏僻的;人迹罕至的

2)Now, the Lego Group toy company is testing a program to make sure the unwanted bricks do not go to waste. The program is called Lego Replay. It aims to make sure the unwanted building blocks continue to make children happy.

现在乐高集团玩具公司正在测试一个项目,确保不想要的积木不会被浪费。 这个项目叫Lego Replay(乐高复出),目的是确保不要的积木能继续服务孩子,让孩子开心。

test: v. to use or try a machine, substance, etc. to find out how well it works or to find out more information about it 试验;检验;测试



3)Tim Brooks is the Lego company's vice president of environmental sustainability. He told VOA, "Nearly all Lego bricks we see that are out there have lots more play value in them —multi-generations of play value. It's a waste of energy and resources to grind them up and make new bricks.

Tim Brooks是乐高公司环保部副总裁,他跟VOA说:“几乎我们能看到的所有的乐高积木都有更多的游戏价值———很多代人的游戏价值。把不用的积木磨碎、做成新的积木块是浪费能源和资源的。”

4)Brooks said the idea came from parents who do not know what to do with the old bricks. Placing old Legos in waste containers is not a good answer. Birds and other wildlife may try to eat what looks like colorful food -- with deadly results.

Tim Brooks说回收乐高积木的想法源于家长不知道该拿旧积木怎么办。把旧乐高放到垃圾箱里不是最好的办法。小鸟和其他的野生动物可能会吃看起来色彩斑澜的食物、可能还会搭上性命。

deadly:adj. causing or likely to cause death(可能)致命的,致死的

5)With the Lego Replay program, parents load unwanted Legos of all shapes and colors into boxes. Then, they go to the program website and print out a mailing label.


6)The boxes are sent to processing centers, where the bricks are sorted, cleaned and shipped to aid groups and donation centers. Two groups taking part in the test program are Teach for America and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston.

这些旧乐高将被送往乐高处理中心,在那里有人会将积木分类、清洗、再送往援助团体和捐赠中心。参与此项目的两个机构是Teach for America (为美国而教书)和the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston(波士顿男童女童俱乐部)。

7)In the last two months, Brooks said, the two groups have received 3,000 boxes of Lego bricks. Users have downloaded about 9,000 shipping labels.

Tim Brooks说在过去的两个月中,这两个机构收到了3000箱乐高积木,乐高用户已经下载了9000个邮寄标签。

8)Brooks said the Lego bricks made 60 years ago can still be used as part of a Lego set manufactured just last week. He added, "You can't think of many things you can buy off the shelf today that work exactly with something you bought in the late 1950s…"

Tim Brooks说:60年前制造的乐高积木组件还能用在上周新生产的乐高玩具里。“您应该想不出太多您今天买的东西能与上世纪五十年代末的东西严丝合缝搭配无间吧。 ”

9)The Lego Replay test program is set to last through March. If it is successful, the program may be expanded to include other Lego products.


10)The Lego Group is also looking at other materials to use in their toys. While plastic has proved to be the strongest material, Lego has begun making some bricks out of sugar cane.


look at: take into consideration for exemplifying purposes 考虑

sugar cane: Sugar cane is a tall tropical plant. It is grown for the sugar that can be obtained from its thick stems. 甘蔗


