
如何區別 in the way/on the way/by the way/in this way/in a way 的用法?


1. in the way 意為 “擋道的;妨礙人的”

eg. Tom is standing in the way.湯姆擋著道了。


get in the way of + 名詞 / 代詞 / 動名詞 “妨礙……”(這是初中課本中出現的一個重要短語)

eg. a)But sometimes these can get in the way of their school work.但有時這些愛好會妨礙他們的功課。

b) Noises can get in the way of thinking.噪音會妨礙思考。

2. on the way


a) On the way to school, I met my best friend yesterday.


b)I bought a book on the way home last night.昨天晚上,在回家的路上我買了一本書。


on one’s way 在某人去---途中

eg. Lily saw an accident car on her way to hospital.在莉莉去醫院的路上,她看到了一場車禍。


eg:She is on the way to being a singer.他快要當歌手了。

3. by the way 意為“順便說一下”,常用做狀語。

By the way, what happened to him last night? 順便問一下,昨晚上他發生了什麼事?

4.in this way 意為“用這種方式”

eg. In this way they can finish the work better.這樣他們就能更好地完成這項工作。

5. in a way意為“在某種程度上”

eg. a) The work is well done in a way. 從某種程度上說,這工作做得不錯。

b) You are right in a way. 在某種程度上你是正確的。


選擇 on the way /in the way / by the way/in a way/in this way 填空

1. ___ ___ ___ would you like to see a film with me tomorrow?

2. It's said that a traffic accident happened to her ___ ___ ____ home.

3. 你認為太多的愛好會妨礙學業嗎?Do you think too many hobbies can get ____ ____ ___ of your schoolwork?

4.在某種程度上我跟你意見一致。_____ _____ _____ I agree with you.


His car broke down________ ________ ________ to work,so he couldn't arrive on time.

6. _____ _____ _____ he solved the problem quickly.

答案 1. By the way 2.on the way 3. in the way 4. In a way 5. on the way 6. In this way


