








Fond Memories of Peiping

老舍Lao She

Fond Memories

Fond[熟詞僻義]這裡表示 深情的;溫情的;慈愛的 kind and loving [only before noun]

例如:I have very fond memories of my time in Spain我十分懷念從前在西班牙的時光。(= I remember it with affection and pleasure.)a fond look / embrace / farewell 慈愛的目光;溫情的擁抱;深情的告別



這裡的害怕並不是害怕本意,而是擔心,顧慮,所以用的是Misgiving (~ about sth / about doing sth) 疑慮;顧慮feelings of doubt or anxiety about what might happen, or about whether or not sth is the right thing to doI had grave misgivings about making the trip. 對於這次旅行我有過極大的顧慮。

躲開shy away from[熟詞僻義] 畏避;迴避;躲避;避免做to avoid doing sth because you are nervous or frightened Hugh never shied away from his responsibilities. 該自己承擔的責任,休從不迴避。

[補充] shy相關的短語

Once bitten, twice shy一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩;一回吃虧兩回學乖

Fight shy of竭力避開;儘量避免 try very hard to avoid it. It is no use fighting shy of publicity and then complaining when sponsors pass us by...一邊對做宣傳避之不及,一邊又抱怨贊助人與我們擦身而過,這樣做是沒有用的。Until now television had fought shy of covering by-elections.迄今為止電視臺一直竭力避免報道補缺選舉。

Be shy of 未達到;欠缺;不足;不夠;especially AmE to have less than a particular amount of something//...a high-school dropout rate just shy of 53%...幾近53%的中學輟學率He died two days shy of his 95th birthday.他在離 95 歲壽辰僅差兩天時去世了。

我沒辦法 At a loss 不知所措;困惑not knowing what to say or do His comments left me at a loss for words.他的評論讓我不知說什麼才好。 I'm at a loss what to do next. 我對下一步做什麼心裡沒譜。

讓我be called upon

Call upon 請求,要求,要(某人做某事)to ask or demand that sb do sth I feel called upon (= feel that I ought)to warn you that...我覺得我應該警告你…

單擺浮擱的 Exclusively [ɪkˈskluːsɪvli] 排他地;獨佔地;專有地;完全地;

事情那麼多 multifaceted [ˌmʌltiˈfæsətɪd] (formal) 多方面的;要從多方面考慮的having many different aspects to be considered a complex and multifaceted problem 一個複雜的需從多方面考慮的問題Webb is a multi-faceted performer...韋布是一個多才多藝的表演者。

我知道的真覺太少了 very little is known to me

(1)“我沒到過陶然亭”譯為I have neglected to visit even Tao Ran Ting, a local scenic attraction,其中a local scenic attraction是添加成分,俾國外讀者理解“陶然亭”及古都一大名勝。又譯文中neglected一詞也可用failed來表達。

Neglect 忽視;忽略;疏於照看;If you neglect someone or something, you fail to look after them properly.Feed plants and they grow, neglect them and they suffer.人勤地生寶;人懶地長草。

這多可笑!Fancy! (表示驚奇或震驚)真想不到,竟然 (BrE, informal, becoming old-fashioned)used to show that you are surprised or shocked by sth 'She remembered my name after all those years.Fancy that! 過了那麼多年她還記得我的名字,真是不可思議 Fancy! She's never been in a plane before. 真想不到!她竟然從未坐過飛機。

A drop in the ocean (BrE)(NAmE a drop in the bucket)滄海一粟;九牛一毛an amount of sth that is too small or unimportant to make any real difference to a situation


I have no misgivings about writing a novel with Peiping as its background because I can choose to write about what I am most familiar with while shying away from what is less known to me. But I shall be at a complete loss if I should be called upon to write exclusively about Peiping. Peiping is so big and multifaceted that very little of it, I believe, is known to me though I was born and brought up there and never went away until I was 27. Just fancy that I have neglected to visit even Tao Tan Ting, a local scenic attraction! It follows that, in contrast with Peiping in its entirety, what little I know about it is probably a mere drop in the ocean.



Cherish [熟詞僻義]

抱有(信念、希望);懷有(好感);懷念to keep an idea, a hope or a pleasant feeling in your mind for a long time Cherish the memory of those days in Paris.懷念在巴黎的歲月。

Inexpressible 難以言傳的;無法形容的 (of feelings 感情) too strong to be put into words inexpressible joy 無法形容的喜悅

言語是不夠表現我的心情的 Words fail me

Fail [熟詞僻義](品質或能力)有負於;使不如願;不夠;If a quality or ability that you have fails you, or if it fails, it is not good enough in a particular situation to enable you to do what you want to do.For once, the artist's fertile imagination failed him..這位畫家豐富的想象力曾一度枯竭。Their courage failed a few steps short and they came running back.還差幾步他們卻膽怯了,又跑回來了

Innermost 內心深處的 most private, personal and secret I could not express my innermost feelings to anyone. 我不能向任何人表達我內心深處的感情。

Do justice to sb / sth; do sb / sth justice 公平對待某人(或某事);給以公正的評價to treat or represent sb / sth fairly, especially in a way that shows how good, attractive, etc. they are That photo doesn't do you justice. 那張照片把你給照走樣了。

Extol 讚揚;頌揚;稱讚(formal)to praise sb / sth very much Doctors often extol the virtues of eating less fat.醫生常常宣揚少吃脂肪的好處。 She was extolled as a genius. 她被譽為天才。

枝枝節節bits and pieces/bobs 零七碎八;零星物品(BrE, informal) small objects or items of various kinds She stuffed all her bits and pieces into a bag and left. 她把她零零碎碎的東西都塞進了一隻包裡就走了。

Tract[熟詞僻義] 大片土地;地帶 an area of land, especially a large one vast tracts of forest 大片大片的森林

(2)“夢裡的玉泉山的塔影”譯為the Yu Quan Shan Mountain with the dream pagoda on top,其中dream屬於定語形容詞,作“夢一般完美的”解。


I do cherish, however, a genuine love for Peiping—a love that is almost as inexpressible as my love for mother. I smile by myself when I think of something I can do to please mother; I feel like crying when I worry about mother’s health. Words fail me where silent smiles and tears well express my innermost feelings. The same is true of my love for Peiping. I shall fail to do justice to this vast ancient city if I should do no more than extol just one certain aspect of it. The Peiping I love is not something in bits and pieces, but a phase of history and a vast tract of land completely bound up with my heart. Numerous scenic spots and historical sites from Shi Sha Hai Lake with its dragonflies after a rain to the Yu Quan Shan Mountain with the dream pagoda on top—all merge into a single whole. I associate myself with everything in Peiping no matter how trivial it is; Peiping is always in my mind. I can’t tell why.


