

II 知識運用(兩部分,共20小題,計20分)

第一節 語法填空(共10小題,計10分)

21. ----Hi, Penny, what do you usually do on the weekend?

---I often play ________ chess with my brother.

A. a B. the C. /

22. Jack can’t go out with his friends now, because he should do ________ homework first.

A. he B. his C. him

23. ________ cut down the trees. They are good for us.

A. Can’t B. Don’t C. Aren’t

24. Ice-cream usually tastes ________, but it makes me fat.

A. good B. well C. bad

25. ---Where is Steven?

---He ________ the music in the classroom now.

A. listens to B. is listening to C. listening to

26. In order to make us feel comfortable, it is really important ________ our room every day.

A. cleans B. to clean C. cleaning

27. After school, my brother either plays basketball with his classmates ________ takes a walk with me.

A. or B. and C. but

28. There are seven ________ students eating in the dining hall.

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of

29. I usually go back home ________ six, and then I help my mother make dinner.

A. on B. in C. at

30. ---________ is it from your school to the bus station?

---Two kilometers.

A. How long B. How far C. How many

第二節 詞語填空 通讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然後從各題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出一個最佳答案。(共10小題,計10分)

It’s the night before Women’s Day. It’s seven o’clock now.

Everyone in my family is 31 . Look! My sister is cleaning the bedroom. She likes to keep 32 room tidy. My little brother Paul is 33 an English story book. He thinks it’s good 34 his English study. My cousin Nick is drawing pictures. He likes drawing all 35 animals. My grandparents are in the living room. They are 36 with each other about the TV show. The show’s name is Everlasting Classics (經典詠流傳). It’s different from 37 variety show (綜藝節目). It is meaningful (有意義的). The poems and articles (文章) in it are 38 . It lets us enjoy the beauty of our traditional culture. Where are my parents? My mother is 39 in the kitchen. It’s a little boring. But she likes it very much. She is happy to do this for us. My father is looking for a gift for my mother on the Internet. He wants to 40 some flowers for her. He wishes my mother a happy festival tomorrow.

31. A. in the library B. at home C. at school

32. A. their B. his C. her

33. A. looking B. watching C. reading

34. A. with B. for C. at

35. A. kind of B. kinds of C. a kind of

36. A. saying B. talking C. speaking

37. A. other B. the others C. any other

38. A. beautiful B. smart C. friendly

39. A. exercising B. making soup C.using the computer

40. A. buy B. sell C. enjoy


第一節 圖表理 解閱讀下列圖表,從每題所給的A、B、C三個選項中,選出最佳選項回答問題或完成句子。(共5小題,計10分)


Piano Tutor (家教)Wanted

Are you good at singing? Can you play the piano well? Do you have 3 years’ experience (經驗) as a piano teacher? Are you free on the weekend? We need a teacher for our daughter. She is 13 years old. She wants to learn to play the piano and sing.

Work Time: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Work Content (內容):

▲Teach her to play the piano

▲Teach her to sing

Work place: Huanghe Road, Yulue District.

The pay (薪酬):200 yuan/hour

Please call Penny at 17377780257.

41. If you are the piano tutor, you need to ________.

A. play the piano well

B. sing well

C. play the piano well and sing well

42. If you work as the piano tutor this Saturday, you can get ________.

A. 200 yuan. B. 400 yuan. C. 600 yuan.


Details (細節)

One-day trip to Fangte

Meet place

At school.

Meet time

7:10 a.m.


Students of Number One to Number Twenty : Bus 303. Students of Number Twenty-one to Number Forty : Bus 307. Students of Number Forty-one to Number Fifty-one : Bus 405.


8:00 a.m.

get to Fangte


free time


have lunch


Elephant Show


Magic Revelation


take photos

16:00 p.m.

finish the trip

43. Julie is Number 32. What bus does she take?

A. Bus 303. B. Bus 307. C. Bus 405.

44. What do students do at 3:30?

A. They have lunch.

B. They watch the Elephant Show.

C. They take photos

45. What time does the trip finish?

A. At 8 o’clock in the morning.

B. At 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

C. At 6 o’clock in the afternoon.

第二節 短文理解 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C三個選項中,選出最佳選項回答問題或完成句子。(共10小題,計20分)


Stephen Hawking is an English scientist. Many people think he is the greatest scientist since Albert Einstein. On March 14, Hawking died in Cambridge, UK. He was 76.

As a scientist, Hawking is most famous for studying black holes (黑洞). Hawking’s studies change how people look at the universe. He also writes books to help more people understand the universe. A Brief History of time (《時間簡史》) is his most popular book.

However, people admire (欽佩) Hawking not only because of his talents. They also admire him because of his strong will. Hawking had a severe illness (危重疾病)for his whole life, starting from when he was 21. He could not walk or talk. For some time, he had no way to talk with others except by blinking(眨眼). Later,he could “speak” by using a computerized voice (電腦語音). However, his illness didn’t stop him from living a meaningful life. He traveled around the world. He wrote books. He even played himself on many TV shows.

Just as his three children said after his death, Hawking’s works and legacy (遺志)will live on for many years.

46. Hawking is from ________.

A. the USA B.the UK C. China

47. The most popular book of Hawking is ________.

A. Black Holes B. The Universe C. A Brief History of Time

48. The underline words “will” means ________.

A.將要 B.意志 C.身體

49. When Hawing was ________, he started to have a severe illness.

A. 14 B. 21 C. 76

50. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Hawking according teethe passage?

A. He is famous because of his study of black holes.

B. He can “speak” by using a computerized voice.

C. He never traveled around the world.


The two sessions are not an organization(組織).They are the meetings of the National People’s Congress(NPC,全國人大)and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC,全國政協). They take place once a year.

People at the two sessions talk about important issues(議題)and make big decisions for our country. For example, they make and change laws and elect our leaders. The two sessions are a chance for people to give advice(建議)to the government. Every year during the two sessions, our government will look back at its work in the past year. It will also put forward new policies(政策)for the next year. The policies affect(影響) our daily lives.

The NPC is the highest organ(機關) of state power in China. It makes and changes our country’s laws. It also elects our new leaders. This year, the NPC started its meeting on March 5.

The CPPCC National Committee is not an organ of state power. But its members share their ideas about important issues in China. They look at the work of the government and give advice. This year, the CPPCC National Committee started its meeting on March 3.

51. What are the two sessions?

A. An organization. B. Meetings. C. The NPC.

52. The highest organ of state power in China is________?

A. The two sessions. B. The CPPCC. C. The NPC.

53. What is paragraph (段落) 2 talking about?

A. What are the two sessions?

B. Why are the two sessions important?

C. What is the CPPCC National Committee?

54. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. People at the two sessions can talk about any issues.

B. The NPC can elect our new leaders.

C. The CPPCC National Committee started its meeting on March 5.

55. Why does the writer write this passage?

A. To let us know about the two sessions.

B. To let us know about the NPC.

C. To let us give advice to the government in two sessions.

第三節 語篇補全 閱讀下面的短文,從短文後的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項補全短文。選項中有一項為多餘選項。(共4小題,計8分)

In September, millions of Chinese students get the new Chinese books. 56 . In Grade 9, about 51.7% of the texts are about traditional Chinese poems(詩)and articles(文章). In primary school students’ Chinese books, there are about 30% of all the texts.

Some parents say that there are too many traditional Chinese poems and articles, because the children are too young to understand them. 57 . They say that though the children can’t understand those poems and articles now, they are good for the children one day.

During this year’s Spring festival, many people like watching the Chinese Poetry Conference (詩詞大會). 58 . From the show, we can enjoy the beauty of the poems. 59 . They think traditional Chinese culture is not only good for their moral(道德) development but also good for their character (性格). It can also teach them how to face the difficulties with a smile.

A. More and more people want to get the education(教育)of traditional Chinese culture.

B. In the new Chinese books, there is much traditional (傳統的)Chinese culture (文化).

C. It is a show about the Chinese traditional culture.

D. China is a great country in the world.

E. But others welcome the new books.

第四節 閱讀表達 閱讀下面的短文,然後根據短文內容回答問題。(共5小題,計10分)

The black and white pandas are very cute. Many people love them very much and they often go to the zoo to see them. Pandas are the national animals in China. However, people cut down many trees, so they lost their homes. There are few pandas. The number of the pandas was only over 1200 in 1980s. Pandas are in great danger. So we are doing a lot of things to save them.

Now there is good news for panda lovers. Because we all take efforts to save the trees and pandas, they have their homes and live better. The cute pandas are not in danger of extinction (滅絕).In 2014, the pandas in China are 1864. It grows by 17%.

Besides pandas, the Tibetan Antelope (藏鈴羊)is also living better now. In the 1980s and early 1990s, the animal’s number is about 65,000 to 72,500. Now, they are between 100,000 and 150,000.

Though the panda and the Tibetan Antelope live better, they still face great problems(問題). The climate change could be bad for their living places in the next 80 years.

60. What are China’s national animals?


61. Why are there few pandas?


62. How many pandas are there in 1980s?


63. When do the pandas grow by 17%?


64. Do the Tibetan Antelopes face any problems now?



第一節 語篇翻譯 閱讀下面的短文,將畫線的句子譯成英文或中文。(共5小題,計10分)

My name is James. I am in Grade 7. I’m studying in Yali Middle School. In our school, 65.很多學生喜歡騎自行車去學校。I am one of them, too. I think it’s healthy and it is a kind of exercise. I live 5 kilometers from school. 66. It usually takes me about half an hour to get there.

One day, on my way home. It is not fine, so 67.我想早點回家。I listened to music and didn’t watch a car. Then it hit (撞)me. Luckily, the driver and I were all right.

68. After that, I don’t ride for a long time. And I learn some things about riding safely(安全地). Wear right clothes and shoes to ride a bike. To ride safely, we can wear red or yellow but not black clothes at night in the early morning or in bad weather. We need to wear trousers but not a skirt. The shoes can be sports shoes. 69. Don’t listen to music when we ride a bike, and don’t use your phone at that time.



67. __________________________________________________________________

68. __________________________________________________________________

69. __________________________________________________________________

第二節 情景交際 通讀下而的對話,根據上下文補全對話內容。(共5小題,計10分)

A: Excuse me. ________70________?

B: No, we can’t. We can’t wear a hat in the classroom.

A: Thanks. ________71________?

B: I’m reading an article (文章).

A: What’s it about?

B: It’s about Battle for Blue Sky (藍天保衛戰). It tells us to improve the environment to save pandas.

A: I see. Do you like pandas?

B: ________72________ They are my favorite animals.

A: ________73________?

B: Because they are so friendly and cute.

A: I like them too. Let’s go to the zoo to see them this afternoon!

B: ________74 ________! See you this afternoon!

第三節 書面表達(計12分)



1. 每天6點起床,9點半之前睡覺;

2. 每天早上跑步。

3. 可以玩電腦遊戲,但是必須先完成家庭作業並彈鋼琴一個小時;

4. 每天打掃房間;


要求:(1) 60-80詞(開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數);



Dear James,

There are many rules in my home.


Li Hua

21-25 CBBAB

26-30 BAACB

第二節 詞語填空

31-35 BCCBB

36-40 BCABA


第一節 圖表理解

41-45 CBBCB

第二節 短文理解

A篇 46-50 BCBBC

B篇 51-55 BCBBA

第三節 語篇補全

56-59 BECA

第四節 閱讀表達

60. Pandas.

61. Because they lost their homes./ Because people cut down many trees, they lost their homes.

62. Only over 1200.

63. In 2014.

64. Yes.

65. Many students like riding a bike to school./Many of the students like to ride the bike to school.

66. 到那/到學校通常需要花我半個小時的時間。/通常我需要花半個小時的時間到達學校。

67. I want to go home early.

68. 在那以後,我很長時間沒有騎自行車(騎車)了。

69. 當我們騎自行車時不要聽音樂。

70. Can we wear a hat in the classroom?

71. What are you doing?

72. Yes./Yes, I do.

73. Why do you like them?

74. OK!/Great!

