应广大粉丝要求,现将sight words第一集第一节课堂用语整理如下

下面是sight words 6集视频中的第一集第一节的课堂用语,后面的英语理应大同小异,当然,具体解释单词时的英语,对于初学者会有些难度,但多听听就好了。当然,大家有问题可以交流,号主有时间也会继续整理视频录音,或者录制视频帮助大家理解学习这些核心单词。

应广大粉丝要求,现将sight words第一集第一节课堂用语整理如下



Hello, my name is Bryan.

Welcome to WorldCom Edu. Sight words level one.

Let’s learn some easy words today.

Are you ready?

Let’s get started.

Today’s words are …… 省略号代表随后的是视频中展现的英文。以下同。

Let’s begin(start) with ……

We use a before things, for example, a bird…… or in the sentence ……

Next we have about. When do we use about? We use about, when we think about ideas. For example, we can say …… or …… next, we have all. All means everything. We use all to describe everything. Like …… 注意,今后会经常使用 or …… next 等,不再重复。

We use a in front of nouns for things, but we use an when the things starts with the vowel

sound. …… 视频中显示的不再写。

We say an, for example


Finally, we have and. We use and when we have more than one thing, if we have two things we can use and

Let’s do practice and repeat, are you ready?

Repeat the sentence after me.

Let’s begin.

Good, great job!

Good job.


Okay, let’s review. Let’s read some sentences, but wait! Some words are missing. What words go into the blanks? Let’s take a look. For example, we have a sentence ……

What word goes into the beep? beep代表那个括号 ......

Let’s do other sentences.

Last one.

Let’s read the sight words story together. Are you ready?

Okay good job.

Thank you for studying together.

That’s it for today.

We’ll see you next time.

